A Break. | Teen Ink

A Break.

August 6, 2011
By 2beforgoten GOLD, Maylene, Alabama
2beforgoten GOLD, Maylene, Alabama
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is it so bad for me to want a break from everything. I just want to forget all my troubles and live life in the moment and not worry about any consequences. I want to remove self from the world and not have anyone nag me about anything I do or say. I don’t want to hurt or feel any pain. “I just wanna be liked, just wanna be funny, looks like the joke is on me. I’m never speaking up again” I’m sick of my stupid mouth getting my in trouble. Not everything is my fault. I want to kick back and live a care free life I wanna be left alone. Want to remove myself from the world. I want to lose myself if only for a few brief moments. I need a break from reality.


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