Bring Me With You | Teen Ink

Bring Me With You

November 28, 2011
By LisaMarie PLATINUM, Johnston, Iowa
LisaMarie PLATINUM, Johnston, Iowa
23 articles 2 photos 0 comments

I close my eyes and feel the warmth that spreads across my body as you hold me close. Your breath is warm and it tickles my ear, my cheek. I won't push you away, though, I never will. With my eyes still closed I run my fingers through your hair. A smile runs across my face and I open my eyes slightly so I can take you in. You bury your head in the nook between my shoulder and neck. Your hair shakes across my face and I feel your long eyelashes beat against my collarbone.
These moments, seen through half closed eyes, I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. All I want is to hold you tighter and closer. I breathe you in and let my hand slide to the base of your neck and press you closer to me. After a moment you pull away and prop yourself up slightly. I focus on your eyes, clear and liquid, the color of seafoam in the tide. We gaze at each other, taking the other in, somehow even closer than when you held me.
I love you, more than anyone knows. So much that my love has stretched enought that I learned to love myself too. My eyelids are heavy with happiness and they open and close slowly, slowly. You kiss me softly, just once and whisper in my ear. I peek open my eyes and pull you close again. With a content sigh I snuggle against you and rest my head on my favorite spot against your chest.
My eyes close again and I find myself in a field. There are yellow sunflowers, purple lilacs, and tall prairie grass. I smell the rich soil as I curl it between my toes. I bite my bottom lip and open my eyes to see you. I can feel you in my arms but you don't appear in front of me. Happiness colors my emotions but curiousity takes over as I marvel at this place you've taken me. As I take in my surroundings I can barely make out a blue orb floating above my head just out of reach. Vaguely, distantly, I think what a great picture this would be. My white cotton dress flutters around my summer-sun thighs, and my hair curls with the breeze.
The blue orb quivers as I reach out to touch it, but it comes closer. I feel the ground slip beneath my feet, but my eyes are transfixed on the growing globe in the sky. Soil has given way to sand and I smell the sea. I feel the salty air whisper around my face, the droplets of water raise goose-bumps on my arms.
Suddenly the orb bursts and water spills our of it in a flood. It gurgles and overwhelms me. I drown in it, but I feel no fear suspended as I am in this other world. The sun is still shining above me and I know I can find my way back to you. My legs propel me upward toward the light and I pull myself onto the shore. Rays of sunshine scatter and fall across my face, drying the cooled water pooled there.
The se drifts in and out, shhh across the sand. Shhh. I am in your arms. Your breath in my ear. You hold me as tightly as before, shhh shhh. Holding me closer to your heart than any two people have ever been.


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