Everyone Gets Mad: A Retelling of the Fig Tree Story in the Bible | Teen Ink

Everyone Gets Mad: A Retelling of the Fig Tree Story in the Bible

December 7, 2012
By Paige Peitzmeier SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
Paige Peitzmeier SILVER, Omaha, Nebraska
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone Gets Mad: A Children’s Story
Retelling of The Fig Tree Story in the Bible
Mark 11: 12-14
One day, Jesus and his friends, the disciples, were walking from a city called Bethany.
Jesus had not eaten for a long time, and he was very hungry.
Jesus spotted a fig tree in the distance.
Jesus and his friends walked to the fig tree excitedly.
They were disappointed because they couldn’t find any figs on the tree, just leaves.
There were no figs on the tree because it was too cold for the figs to grow.
Jesus was very mad because he wanted food.
Jesus told the tree that it would never be able to give people fruit again.
Jesus’ friends were shocked to hear what Jesus had said to the tree.
Everyone gets mad, even Jesus.
Jesus didn’t use his anger to harm people, just like we should never hurt people because of our anger.
Even though Jesus was different from you and me, he was still human, just like us.

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