The Space | Teen Ink

The Space

December 13, 2012
By Anonymous

It’s not everyday where you can say you know you’re going to die. It never really settled in even after tedious, procedural process of hearing the doctor use medical terms beyond my imagination. He discussed to my parents how this was faltering and that was inoperable and how it was severe, as I just sat in the uncomfortable chairs, hearing the same things for the umpteenth time, squirming around until I find that spot of comfort and just stare into an empty Space. And in that Space, I just thought of everything. I never really focused on anything specific nor anything general. My mind was scattered and I had multiple thoughts going on like how I am going to tell people at school of “the situation”, what is going to become of my family after my passing, what I got on the mind-bogglingly difficult math test, and what is going to happen to Me. Am I going to fly away with a cast of angels ascending Me? Or am I just going to sit in a coffin rotting away for a lifetime and just stop? I thought about this even more in the car heading back to our house.

“Sweetie, are you sure you’re not hungry?” Mother asked sniffling away her last tears of Sadness.

“I’m fine,” I replied in a state of emptiness.

“You know son, we can take you anywhere you want… you just tell us where, and we will go there,” Father in a concerning tone said.

“I’m alright. Thank you though.”

As we arrived home, I heard Father listening to the 57 messages on the phone, all asking about Me. I move slowly towards my room, still overhearing the sorrowful messages, as I look over in my parent’s room, I notice my mother bawling in a pool of Tears. I didn’t want to disturb here moment of Sadness, so I continued to walk down the hallway to my room. When I entered my room, I turned the lights on and I took of my clothes and rubbed my itchy short hair and lied down in pain on my back in the bed and began to stare yet again into a Space. This time, however, I focused on something in particular, something very close. I remember when I was a kid and how I got this Watch from Grandpa, and he said that during the War, he was in combat, and his friend had died right next to him. He picked up a Watch from his friend’s pocket and it stopped, for no particular reason. So he kept it through his lifetime, and when he was ill and lying in the hospital bed, he gave the watch to me, telling me that he fixed it for the right moment. I leaned slowly out of my bed, and looked under my bed for the Box. I opened up the Box and pulled out the Watch, looking at it noticing its rough, jagged detail. I held the Watch in a forceful manner, and lied down, once again in bed, and fell into a deep Sleep.

I woke up in the morning, still saddened by my Son’s illness. I looked over in bed to see my wife, sleeping with discomfort. I arose off the bed to put my snug slippers on, and make some coffee. When I was making the coffee, I decided that I should check on my Son. I head into his room, only to find him lying on his bed with my dad’s Watch and not even wrapped around his blankets. I moved over to him and I noticed that the Watch stopped.

I head into his room, only to find him lying on his bed with my dad’s Watch and not even wrapped around his blankets. I moved over to him and I noticed that the Watch stopped.

I can’t really tell you what dying is like. When I stare into Space, I can feel a presence, almost like it’s watching Me. And as I lied on my bed, I didn’t fall into a Sleep, necessarily. I Awoke in a place almost too similar to my house. But I felt different, my back wasn't in pain, and I had hair. It was almost like a Dream that you want to stay in, and you do. And at that moment, I felt like I was gone from Me. My soul lives, but my body decays over time. But I do remember one thing before I Awoke, I looked at the watch and smiled as I knew the watch was reaching it’s end.

The author's comments:
I wrote this in a different style than most writings as I wanted to create a very odd feel on why things are capitalized when they shouldn't. It leaves up to you, the reader, to fill in the void and take upon your ideas as to why they are this way.

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