Lost: Where am I? | Teen Ink

Lost: Where am I?

January 31, 2013
By ZierEsti BRONZE, New York, New York
ZierEsti BRONZE, New York, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This time, unlike others, I wandered aimlessly through the sun-dappled streets. Every so often I would stop entranced by the shy beauty of a lavender rose its head bowed slightly on a slender branch weighed down by its delicate burden or a bird song in the branches above at times indistinguishable from the gentle murmur of the bees and other insects and the gentle sigh of the sweet warm summer wind. Despite the haphazard, almost drifting, nature of my course I was searching for clues, something, anything, to jog the memory and give me a context in which to place my surroundings. I was lost, no no no, I am not lost merely searching, looking, taking a scenic route. I am safe and secure no harm can come to me in this most sacred sanctuary. I am caught in a web of my own weaving, the sticky tangle of my thoughts enslaves me, I dare not hope to see the light. A tunnel, a light – how close the unfamiliar and unknown looms. Blue, my love, so sorry, so very, very sorry. Long lost, not lost just out of reach. The sea and sky those vast expanses where am I? I beg you tell me where am I? Where under the deep, deep blue am I? Is there water? Forgiving, flowing, renewing water. The streets, the endless maze, the infinite chasm of my mind. I can only live here – I can only feel here – I can only see here. Where am I? Am I dreaming? Why then do I not awake? Call me - dear, my love, my precious. Where are you? I run through the streets the warmth suddenly gone. The trees’ shadows dance in the bitter wind mocking me. Where am I? I am lost.

The author's comments:
I know someone who is in a coma and I wondered what their experience of it must be like.

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