Of Soldiers and Sand | Teen Ink

Of Soldiers and Sand

February 3, 2013
By ZierEsti BRONZE, New York, New York
ZierEsti BRONZE, New York, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Loads of fun and games to play. I was your only friend then. How have you whiled away your days since last we played together upon the beach? With talk of wars, and fights, and brave deeds to be done. Not a lot of dreams or stars to reach here on this my lonely lonely beach. How? Why? Wherefore this face of somber gray? What cause have you to leave me desolate alone bereft? Why fly you, flee you to a grave of dirt when my soft arms so long to hold you for eternity? Why choose you a hole in the cold dark black and unforgiving earth? What place more fitting than here with me to have as an eternal bed your home your sandy shore your beloved. What smell more fragrant than the salty tang of our friend and enemy, the mighty ocean, to have wafting in your nostrils? Stay with me, let me embower your flesh as your spirit flees. Weak flesh which cannot constrain your soul to stay with me. Have your ears lost the power to hear? Why stand you so facing the receding shore upon the deck of a mighty ship? Can you not hear that sweet sad song, as you depart, which methinks could only come from a heavenly source. Why stare you at me with such a piteous look? Does your heart not race as mine to hear the song of the hungry lapping waves? The sound approaches nearer and nearer ahhh if I but could reach and touch it for an instant. My ears turn to dust, my hands crumble and waver as the enchanting sweetness returns closer and closer. You turn away as the ship disappears past the horizon. The sea slowly licks at my hands as I grain by grain collapse to be but a pile of sand once more.

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