The Boy Who Silently Cried Help | Teen Ink

The Boy Who Silently Cried Help

March 5, 2013
By Erin Galloway BRONZE, Nettie, West Virginia
Erin Galloway BRONZE, Nettie, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a young man named Jason, Jason Pierce. He was semi-tall, had black hair, it was cut into the scene look, and he dressed mainly all in black. He was 15 years old and he didn't dress like your average high school guy. He wore long sleeves and skinny jeans all the time. His shoes were converse, instead of our average Nikes and DCs. He didn't wear colorful clothing at all. He was dark in every way, except his skin.

One day, he was in the boy's locker room getting his stuff because gym class was over. When suddenly, out of nowhere, three tough boys ran in and started beating him. The teacher heard screaming, but the three boys had run away before the teacher could reach the locker room. The teacher found Jason lying there, in a pool of his own blood, under the running showers. Jason was rushed to the hospital. His nose was broken, he had a few of his ribs broken from being kicked, his head was busted open from being slammed on the floor, and he had bruises everywhere. The doctors said that if Jason wouldn't have been found sooner, he would have bled to death. The teacher looked at Jason with disgust, then left.

When Jason awoke, there was nobody but the nurse in the room. When the nurse had put the IVs in his arms when he had first arrived unconscious, she had noticed something. Jason had scars all over his arms. The nurse had started asking Jason about his scars; she was asking if they were self-injury scars, and all Jason could say was "no", and look away. The nurse knew what they were, but she said she believed him anyways. A few weeks after, Jason was released from the hospital and allowed to go home.

When Jason got home, his father was passed out on the couch. He ran to his room as quickly as he could and closed the door behind him. Jason was having many different suicidal thoughts going through his head. The hospital had forced him to go home, when all he wanted to do was run away. His conditions at home were terrible. His father was abusive, his mother was buried in the ground six feet down; he hated his life. He got beat everyday at home by his father.

Jason was almost asleep when his father came pounding on his bedroom door, threatening to break it down. He opened the door, and the first thing his father did was hit him. His father was screaming and asking where he had been. Jason begged for his father not to hit him again, that he had just been sent home from the hospital. His father asked why he was at the hospital, and Jason lied and said he had fell down the stairs, because he knew his father did't care. His father laughed at him.

The only thing Jason could smell on his father was alcohol. His father was a bad drinker, and he was abusive even when he wasn't drinking. Jason's mother was killed a year before, shot in the head by Jason's own father. But his father knew his ways well, and made it look like suicide. So Jason was still stuck with his father, only now alone; now that the mother was gone, Jason was the one getting abused twice as bad, everyday. The day Jason's mother got shot, was the day he made his first cut. All those scars on his arms are just deep memories. Memories that he can never forget, and never forgive . He has so much hatred built up inside over this, he is overwhelmed.

Jason's father would beat him everyday, make him beg for mercy, and hit him some more. Jason was told that if he cried in front of him at all, he would be killed, just like his mother. So Jason stayed locked up in his room, unless he was going to school. But one day, Jason's father had beaten him so badly, that Jason could hardly walk. That day, when he went to school, his teachers knew something was up. They called the police. Later, his father was arrested.

Even though the father got arrested and busted for beating his child endlessly, Jason was still tired of life. He had so many memories that flooded his brain daily; he would never be able to have a normal life. One day, a bunch of kids found Jason walking the streets. They had attacked him with weapons and fists. They had gone too far this time. Jason was found a week later, lying in a ditch by an elderly woman's house. He was gone. All those kids got what they wanted from him, his life. Jason was no longer in pain everyday. This is the story of Jason Pierce.

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