Life Cycle | Teen Ink

Life Cycle

March 20, 2013
By bbowen BRONZE, Pasadena, California
bbowen BRONZE, Pasadena, California
1 article 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
People say a life spent alone is a life wasted. But isn&#039;t it when we are alone that we find who we truely are? <br /> -Blake Bowen

Shadows slowly fade as the sun sinks to the depths below the horizon. The day comes to an end and night begins. I sit in complete darkness except for the light shining from my clock. The minutes move like hours until eventually it seems as if time has completely stopped. I’m stuck here in this moment. Why this moment? Why the sad moments and not the happy ones? Sadness fills the room. It takes all of the light away and leaves behind nothing. Utter emptiness. It feels as if I have lost everything and I’m slowly wasting away. Just as it all seems to be gone... It is all given back when the light shines through the window. A new day has begun. With this day comes happiness and sadness, gains and losses, brings new memories to be made and recalls old memories to be looked back on. Day to night, night to day. The cycle continues on and that is life. It begins with birth. For the baby, this cycle is easier than it ever will be. As the baby grows, the cycle becomes harder and harder. It may seem unbearable but to see the beautiful rainbow, you have to endure the rain. As life slows down and you become older, this process becomes slower and easier. When this cycle ends, consequently, so does life. Everyone has a happy end. If you’re not happy, well then it must not be the end.

The author's comments:
I hope that this will make others think and reflect on how their life is at this moment and how they could change themselves for the better. I was inspired by lessons I've learned and reflected on and noticed how they have changed me.

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