Sir Lancelot | Teen Ink

Sir Lancelot

April 9, 2013
By Amelia Hooper SILVER, Eagle Mountain, Utah
Amelia Hooper SILVER, Eagle Mountain, Utah
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One moment I was racing the wind through a field of gold on my white horse, and then I was sprawled on the ground eating dirt.
"GRACE! Grace you get back here right now!"
"Neigh." Grace trotted defiantly to a spot of grass.
Counting to ten I got up and slowly walked towards Grace.
"Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virute" I mumbled to myself.
Thankfully Grace didn't move before I could grab her mane. "I gottcha! Now you listen to me Grace! I've just about had enough of you and your fits!"
Grace twitched her ear and kept eating.
"Oh come one, lets go home." . . . Problem. Grace doesn't have a saddle on. I wanted to ride bare back because I loved the free feeling of it all. But I usually have to use a stepping stool to get on her. There are no stepping stools in the middle of a field. . . It's a long, long walk back home.
And then I saw him.
Medium height, young looking, kind of lanky. I don't think he noticed me yet, as he was busy trying to make his shirt longer. I snorted. What a dork.
"Hey! Hey you!" I waved my hands at him.
The moment he saw me his face went beet red and he stuck his hands behind his back.
Strange, but I pretended not to notice. "Hey, My name is Karen and I was wondering if you could help me." I said as he came closer. "I need help getting on my horse, you see, she has no saddle and I can't jump that high."
"My name is Lance." He stammered. "I would love to help you but, um, well it's kind of embarrasing..."
"What is?"
"I was irrigating and uh, well, uhhumm-"
"Uhhu, you were irrigating and what?"
"My pants split."
I tried. I really did try to keep a straight face and act totally chill, but I utterly failed. I burst out laughing and all of my attempts to stop or hide it only made me laugh harder. Lance's face got even redder but it wasn't long before he joined in the laughing as well.
After our laughing had subsided to chuckling I gave him my jacket to wrap around himself. In return he clasped his hands and gave me a boost onto Grace.
"Thank you Lance!" I said after I was situated.
"And thank you!"
Oh Grace. You trouble maker you.

The author's comments:
I based this little story after my mom told me of a similar experience.


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