" Kidnapped By Fear" | Teen Ink

" Kidnapped By Fear"

April 22, 2013
By Taz77 SILVER, Belleview, Florida
Taz77 SILVER, Belleview, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Plunging through dark green water with the flip of its tail, I see it. Worlds largest crocodile. I have never seen it up close! Will I ever get out of here? As I swiftly glide in the water as quickly as possible, I feel something rough brush across my foot. Frozen with fear, I spot it…… A water moccasin is gliding not even a foot away from me. What is it with this place?! I did not wish to be here at all. Who would torture someone like this?

A days journey has ended. “Help!” I scream at the top of lungs, knowing I am miles from civilization. I like the Everglades, but not this much. I decide to settle down for the night in a near by tree. Talk about the presidential suite! Even though I am I didn’t sleep a wink. I lied awake comforting myself from all the fears of this deathly place. Slipping on my boots , I go over the plan for the day. Or should I say, make a plan. Then my heart skips a beat. Civilization! Have I been saved…..? Yes.

But then I see them charging at me with guns and net. Poachers!! Just what I need, to be kidnapped. Will this day get any worse? I am tied to pole, and dragged across the rugged ground of the moistened earth. Not very comfortable I might add. We arrive at a run down half abandoned camp. Smells of pig slop, looks just as bad as my sisters room in the morning. I’m locked in a smelly excuse of a bathroom. After I sit there for what feels like year, they retrieve me.

Then I wake up. “Honey, you missed it, she escaped the poachers” mom says. Then it all comes back to me. I went to the movies, and was watching the new scary movie about a girl getting kidnapped. Well that explains the weird dream. “ To bad you missed it, it made you feel like you were there” mom says. Yeah, I think I was there, I say under my breath. “ What was that sweetie?” said mom. Nothing…. Or was it.

The author's comments:
Just had to do a last minute essay due, thought it was good so why not try to get it published!?

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