Who Are You? | Teen Ink

Who Are You?

June 3, 2013
By wonderingwithoutreason BRONZE, Plainview, New York
wonderingwithoutreason BRONZE, Plainview, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Y'know what you need to make a show that much better? You need to fall in love with it"

“I’m new here, my name’s Spencer, who are you?"

It's a simple question, but something makes it different. It isn’t so much who’s asking, but who is being asked. The last time someone asked me this, I was different than I am now. Since then, I have grown, I have loved, I have lost. I’ve been asked it hundreds of times, but every time the answer changes. Because I am ever changing. I grow, I love, I loose, I overcome fears, I gain new fears. I could be asked that question everyday and the answer will never be the same. Today, I am a friend to those in need. Tomorrow, I could be a fighter for those that have been silenced. The day after I could be a student to those whose desire to change the world trickles into my life and drives me to see the world differently. Despite that, everyday I am the same. Everyday I am a height, a weight, an age, a gender, a person.

I turned to her, not prepared to share so much of myself with someone I barely know. When I look at her, all of the fear of opening up to her fades into a pile of ash. There is something about her, maybe its the hint of gold in her brown eyes, or maybe its her soft smile that has the ability to light up a dark room. What ever it is it makes me want to need to tell her every thing about myself, but also to learn everything about her and make sure it is never forgotten. It makes me want to pick her up when she’s down. It makes me want to bring her tea when she’s upset. It makes me want to change.

Whether that’s good or bad, I may never know, but there’s something about this girl that makes the risk so worth wild. So I close my eyes and leap; because sometimes all you need is ten seconds of pure, unweighed, action.

“I’m Addie.”

I land and for now, I’m on steady ground. For now, I’m safe. She’s about to make the next move, about to hit the ball back into my court. She may end up hitting me and causing a coppery taste in my mouth. She may end up with a perfect swing and great follow through, making the game so much safer to play.

She smiles at me. This smile may very well be the end of me but, it is also the beginning.

“Today, I am your friend,” I’ll never let her know the power she has over me, but something tells me that I’m not the first to be put under her spell.

The author's comments:
If the person I wrote this for is reading it, just know that you changed me, for the better and I've landed.

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This article has 1 comment.

jenabel789 said...
on Jun. 8 2013 at 10:00 pm
omg. this is soooo amazing. this needs to be seen by everyone like omgggggg