Somewhere in Neverland | Teen Ink

Somewhere in Neverland

June 7, 2013
By mynameisobel PLATINUM, Collingswood, New Jersey
mynameisobel PLATINUM, Collingswood, New Jersey
27 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can not be brave if only good things have happened to you.

“Another hit of pixie dust” he asked me his eyes doughy from the after effects of the meth. i gave a solemn nod and took the pipe from him. Peter flashed me a smile as he pulled me onto him. i breathed in deep and just held that sweet taste in my lungs. with a smile i watched as the smoke cascaded from my tongue and off my lips. i gave a sigh and just fell into him. he embraced me as we sat in such a veiled mindset.carefully peter took the pipe from my hands and placed into on the floor next to us. He looked back at me and flashed that sly smile. i returned that smile with a small kiss placed upon his lips. my mind had gone numb. nothing mattered in this f*ed up world other than Peter, me, and pixie dust.

Peter replied hungrily to my kiss and grabbed the back of my neck deepening the kiss. my hands slid to his hair as his hands roamed my torso. Slowly i pulled away from him and reached down for the glass. i again placed it to my lips and inhaled. As i did so Peter watched me with such fascination like a lion watching its prey. but never the less he waited for me to finish my intake before letting his hands take their rightful place at my hips. we simply sat there, him looking in my eyes as he had his hands placed on my hips and me straddling him. our eyes stayed locked. I could not describe how innocent and beautiful he looked to me in that moment. his eyes showed his past so harrowed and lonely, so broken. i wanted to cry and just hold him but then there was that fire that you could still see that burned so deeply in his gray eyes. A fire of spite that the days in this hell only added to and that the pixie dust only dampened some.

Like a baby dear unsure of its own joints slowly i moved my hand to his face. i traced his jaw line down to his chin. it was then that i brought myself up and placed a kiss softly on his lips. i kissed him as i felt the salty tears leak from my weak eyes, i kissed him as i felt his hand rise to my face and brush away the tears. And he kissed back as my tears melted with him. we kissed through the pain and heartache. we kissed away the nightmares the demons gave us. And by the end of the tears and kisses we laid together in his arms. neither of us asking the other for more. we knew that we understood the other and that was all that in the moment mattered to us.

i turned my body around to see his face. he was asleep and though this was a fact that could not be disproved i saw tears leaking from his eyes and the incoherent words were let out by his lips. all i could do was pray that somehow in his nightmare of whatever sort that he had someone to make himself safe. this man that had so desperately hung onto his childhood had showed himself as truly a young boy unable to deal with the truth of today, tomorrow, of yesterday. i leaned in and placed a kiss to the corner of his eye. i could taste the salt of his tears on my lips but it didn't matter somehow i would keep him safe.

The author's comments:
this is a portion of a story I am working on. tell me what you think. this is nether the beginning nor the end.


This article has 3 comments.

on Aug. 24 2013 at 6:25 am
DawnieRae BRONZE, Lancaster, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 218 comments
I like this! I think this could be a great story!!

on Jun. 14 2013 at 5:26 pm
mynameisobel PLATINUM, Collingswood, New Jersey
27 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can not be brave if only good things have happened to you.

thank you. sorry about the puncaution and stuff it was quickly typed in a moments of sudden nonwriters block and i wanted to see if people found it intresting.i suck at editing

on Jun. 14 2013 at 4:08 pm
BlackbeltJames GOLD, Reading, Other
14 articles 0 photos 193 comments

Favorite Quote:
Isaac Asimov - "Intelligence is an accident of evolution, and not necessarily an advantage.”

This sparks some interest in the reader, however there are many spelling and grammar mistakes; I cannot recall once where you used a capital letter at the begining of your sentences.
Apart from those simple-to-correct mistakes, the story is different and posing an interest into his past and the relationship between the characters. Although it does encourage some interest, you do feel that there is an interest to continue in order to discover more about them and your starting to develop an understanding between the characters and the reader. However, this is limited due to it only being a section, but if this continues you could really create a bond that will heavily aid what happens within your story.
I hope this helps :)