This Guy Named Frank | Teen Ink

This Guy Named Frank

June 7, 2013
By andrew klander BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
andrew klander BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is this guy named Frank, he graduated high school about 10 years ago. He is in his mid-to-high 20’s. But here is the thing; he still lives with his parents because of his lack of income. His parents were didn’t get a job or do something productive with in his life. Rather than just playing video games and social networking. But Frank wasn’t dumb; he knew that his parents were way too nice to actually do something about it. Then one day his parents said something that made him think they would actually do something.

So today is Saturday, it’s around noon and Frank is just coming up from sleeping in his room in the basement. His mom had previously made him breakfast. The first comment he made was “EW, mom its cold.” That’s all Frank ever did, he complained all the time. So his mom finally had enough. She scolded "I’m sick and tired of all you’re whining."So if you don’t get a job or do something productive with your life, you’re out of here.”

All the other times frankly, Frank did not care. He would just pretend to do something until his mom just forgot about it. But this time Frank had a weird feeling that his mom was being serious. But he was right, she meant business.

After Frank ate the rest of his breakfast he borrowed his mom’s car and went to apply for some interviews. When Frank stopped by about 6 places, he decided that he had been doing too much work. So he stopped by a fast-food place and ate and went home to play some video-games.

Frank was so excited to tell his parents that he got some job applications turned in already. He tried to play it cool, but Frank never had a job before. His parents could tell he was really excited though. Frank felt like he had been so productive that he rewarded himself with some video-game time.

The next morning Frank was awoken by his phone ringing. He picked it up and to his surprise; it was a boss from a place where he turned in an application. He kept his cool and decided it was good to go in to get an interview today. He was so excited; he didn’t know what to do. So he went back to sleep. When again, Frank was awoken by his phone ringing. Another person wanting an interview! This time he was so excited he couldn’t go back to sleep. He scheduled this interview right after his first one.

After hearing this good news Frank shot upstairs! Well, just as fast as he could go. He immediately told his parents the good news. Franks mom was more excited than he was! She stopped what she was doing and jumped up and gave him a hug. This even brought a tear to her eye.

Franks dad tells Frank to follow him. Frank doesn’t know what they were doing, but he was way too excited to be questioning anything. When Frank finally get into his parents room, he sees his dad holding some nice dress clothes. His father says “if you’re going to have an interview, you have to do it looking nice!”

Frank put on the clothes and kept them on all the way till the interviews. He was still so excited for the interviews. Franks realizes that its probably about time to takes off to the interview, just to make sure he is not late. So he takes off in his mom’s car to the first interview. The first interview was a place about 5 minutes away and the other about 20. Frank gets there about 10 minutes early. But now that exciting feeling starts turning into a nervous feeling. Frank had never been in an interview, to be honest he hasn’t talked to many other adults besides his parents. Then when he gets out of the car, he realized that he didn’t even know what to do in the interview. When Frank goes into the room for the interview, he just freezes up.

The boss says “how are you today?”

Frank just manages to quietly say “fine.”

“Why should I hire you?” asks the boss. Frank had only just met him, but he could tell that he was a very straight forward guy.
But Frank freezes up. He does not know what to say at all. So he just sits the awkwardly. Then, Frank decides to just get out and walk away. He was already so embarrassed; he thought it would be better if the interview was just over now. Frank also called up the other place and said he couldn’t make it to the interview.

But what Frank didn’t know, is that without this very day; he would be nowhere close to where he is today. Currently Frank has a job working for a computer company. Frank also lives in his own apartment and is saving up for his own house.

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