In the Moment | Teen Ink

In the Moment

September 20, 2013
By MayayaM BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
MayayaM BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's too bad close minded people don't come with closed mouths.

“I’m a live-in-the-moment kind of person.”

“Think about it. That’s impossible.”

The absolute impossibility of it surprised her. To live in the moment, you wouldn’t dwell on the past. You would have no knowledge of the past. A person truly living in the moment wouldn’t even be able to talk, for that would take both looking into the past at a conversation or even the previous words in a sentence. That would also entail looking into the future, thinking the words before you say them, even if only by moments. A person completely living in the present wouldn’t be able to move, either, for the same reason as for how they couldn’t talk. They wouldn’t be able to register the sight in front of them, to notice any changes or unique details of what they are witnessing. A person solely living in the present would not think about their future life, for they would not be able to think at all. They would not be able to live at all. A life lived in the present is no life at all. But then what would you say a person living like this girl, who just seconds ago thought she lived in the moment, is?

Would this be a person who goes with the flow? See where life may lead her? However, she took her life into her hands when she thought she lived in the moment all of the time. She was the one who suggested things to do that only sounded like good ideas to a person capable of making rash decisions. But, she can’t take her life totally into her hands. There are factors of which she can’t control, try as she might. In that way, she would let life lead her along.

One cannot live entirely one way, devoted as they might be to that life style. There will always be another side of life trickling into your own, no matter how hard you try to plug up the leaks, there will forever be more.
You can try to fight it, or you can embrace the different lives. The more you think about it, the more apparent they seem. In the past, you may not have noticed them. Now, you do notice them. In the future, you may recognize them all, consumed by the thought throughout every conversation, just thinking of how the past and the future affect you, immediately or in the long run.

The girl blinked at all the thoughts swirling around in her head. She most definitely didn’t live in the moment, or in the past, or in the future. She lived in a mixture of lives, combining into one life, not lenient to one or the other.

Not everyone’s life can be so straightforward, though. Some people may choose to live more in the past than in the now or in the future. Others may have unfocused and scattered memories of the past, torn apart in waiting for the future to fill in the gaps.

Her eyes became aware of vision again as she stumbled back a bit and looked at the boy in front of her. His gaze was intense, watching for the singular moment in which she understood, in which she found new knowledge of life.
“You’re right,” She said, still a bit dazed from her shocking epiphany that had her struggling to stand, to not get completely lost to the rest of the world, blacking out everything but her own mind, reeling in realization.

“I am, but not everyone can understand like I do, like you now do.” His voice sounded down and yet exhilarated, as if sharing this thought was something he had wanted to do for as far back as he could remember. Now that he had finally gotten the chance, he was enthralled that another being held the capacity to understand what before then had only ever weaved its way through his thought pattern day in and day out.

The girl did not respond, at least not with words. All she did was look. Look into his eyes, into the gateway to a soul not grounded by the barriers of a normal person without wholesome intelligence. The look held what could not be said in words. The closest words to this look are understanding and empathy, but they do not give justice to what a look like that stated.

He looked back in silence as well, with an expression similar to thankfulness. He was so glad that he had found a person to share his mixture of lives with, a person who could gather not just a morsel of what he was saying, but could in fact help to develop this morsel into the extravagance it could become with multiple minds at work.

She dipped her head slightly, letting him know she got the message. Then she turned around without a backward glance, daring him to follow her home so they could share more revelations about this world. But she wasn’t only daring, she was wondering. She wanted to see if he had more to offer than one life-changing internal experience.
He did. He had so much more that he could not wait to get off his chest, out into the universe for more people to comment their input on the idea. Everyone could help revolutionize his thoughts into ideas, those ideas into true facts, recognized by their society.
So he set off after her, following the one girl he knew of whom with he could share the world’s secrets with on her trek home.

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