The Life Of a Dancer | Teen Ink

The Life Of a Dancer

September 26, 2013
By LoTiffany SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
LoTiffany SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I leaped in the air I could hear my friends yelling, go “Kimberly!” I was really getting into the groove. Suddenly I spotted my little sister at the door. She always finds a way to bring me back to reality. I rolled my eyes as I saw her coming.

“Mom said hurry; she has to go to work.” “Why can’t Ms. Carol babysit?” she shrugged. I hated when my mom did this to me. I said bye to my friends/classmates. I knew they understood why I had to leave dance practice early. I could always count on Alex & Tyra to fill me in on any moves I missed. They had my back through thick and thin.

While walking to the car I could see my mom hugged up on her boyfriend. I hated him; if he was so interested in being apart of this family why didn’t he babysit my brother and sister? I pushed myself inside of the car without a word to them. Tonight would be another restless night.

I awakened the next morning, ate, dressed, and was on my way to school. Why couldn’t I have my own care like other seventeen year old seniors? I hated to ride the bus. I spotted Alex waiting on me. “I just talked to Brad, he said he would go to prom with you, but you’re too stuck up.” I was tired of that label. I’m not stuck up nor spoiled! I get nothing that I want. “See,” I said that’s why I’m ready for college, I hate these people.” I loved the thought of college. Being able to do what I want when I want. I could also dance my heart out. Here I sat and thought about what it would be like to dance at Leonardo’s School of Dance. I had given my application to them last week, hopefully, I would make it in. it would have been even better if I could go on a full-ride. Maybe I was pushing my luck.

I sat in fourth period ready for the bell to ring. It finally did, and I jumped from my seat and nearly knocked a fat kid out, I couldn’t wait to get back to the studio. I hopped in Alex’s car as she drove us there. As I walked in I noticed it was the Director of dance at Leonardo! I almost peed my pants, I felt like a groupie. I walked over to introduce myself. I gave my name and age. She just smiled and didn’t say a word. Ms. GiGi came in and wanted to see the dance Alex, Tyra and I had worked on. I felt as though I was making a statement with every move I made.

When we did our finale move everyone cheered an Hi-fived us. I looked back and I could see the director leaving. What did she come for? She left without a word. “Someone said she had her eyes on you” said Ms. GiGi. I sure hope she was telling the truth.

The next afternoon when I awakened from my nap, I saw that we had mail. I never check the mail, something about this delivery just felt different. “Welcome to Leonardo’s School of Dance!” I almost fainted. I had dreamed of this as a little girl. I continued to read, “We are pleased to invite you to our fall session of class.” This day was the best day of my life. The best blessing that God could ever give an ordinary teenage girl like me. For once I felt special, in the fall I would be attending Leonardo’s School of Dance, the number one school in the country on a full ride scholarship.

The author's comments:
This piece is basically something i wrote to say that you can do whatever you want in life as long as you put your mind to it dont let anyone stop you from chasing your dreams and that i am also a dancer and i plan on chasing my dreams to be a professinal dancer.

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