Anabella | Teen Ink


October 15, 2013
By TLD196 BRONZE, Congers, New York
TLD196 BRONZE, Congers, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Quietly. Just a couple of more steps. You can do this. I chanted these few words to myself to calm my nerves. If only I was a normal girl, I would never have to go through this; I wouldn’t be forced to sneak around with such a large risk factor. I hear footsteps so I hide in the dusty closet. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Annabella and this is my story.

I grew up in a small town with my mother until I was twelve years old, when she grew sick and passed away. I was left without a father years ago, and then all of a sudden, the only person I have ever loved was taken from me. She loved me with such a great force that I can’t imagine anyone could ever understand. My “dad” left us when I was just 5 years old; I remember hearing shuffling of feet and a car engine idling deep in the night when I looked out the window to watch him go. I was too young to understand exactly what was going on; my mom had woken in the morning asking if I have seen my dad, her tears were dripping down her face when she realized he was not coming back. I couldn’t comprehend what had happened but I was smart enough to realize that something was wrong, that this was not the way things were meant to be.

Ever since that day, my mom became my best friend. We did everything together, she cared for me when I was sick, held me tight during thunderstorms, read to me every night. I had no idea that I, someday, would be doing those things for her. I tucked her in when she couldn’t rise from bed, read to her when she was too weak to keep her eyes open. I fought through my gloomy state for her, she was always strong, now it was my turn to be strong for her. I miss her with every day that passes, but I know she is watching over me because if she weren’t I would not be standing here today.

After the death of my mother, I was sent off to my dad’s sister, Roseanne. Unfortunately for me, my mother was the last in her family, leaving me with someone I had never met before. It was safe to say that she didn’t want me there as much as I didn’t want to be there. Which brings me to where I began my story, boarding school. I’ve attended Winstanova Academy for about 5 years now; from the point I moved in with my aunt up until this past month I have been a victim of their cruel ways, but not anymore. I have never been one to talk back, I have never been anything other than obedient, but I seemed to forget that boarding school is not a positive place. You can work as hard as you want but things will never change unless you make them, like I did.

It was late at night when I heard the crying of someone from below. Another child forced into the isolation room, shivering from the cold and yelling for help that would never come. I know this because it has happened to me numerous times. I have been punished for things I have never even done, I have been told by classmates that it is because of who I am, where I am from and how I look. I have been abused physically and mentally in this place; told that I am worthless, been hit so many times that I’ve lost count. My arms are covered in bruises, my eyes swollen from tears I can’t even recognize myself. My mother used to tell me I was so beautiful which I cannot believe now, with my long hair nestled in a messy bun, greasy from lack of showering, my eyes bloodshot and frame thin. I could hear the classmate’s screams hitting the walls and echoing throughout the closet space, I couldn’t help but think: I need to get out of here.

“Stop your crying you disobedient fool! If you don’t quiet down you will wish you never stepped foot here!” A voice screeched from below. I knew just who it was. Her voice was the one that echoes in my dreams, or should I say nightmares? Her name was Mrs. Kaissen and she just happened to be the worst of all the teachers in this school. I cringed at her voice, but surprisingly it pushed me closer to the door. I almost escaped when I heard her coming closer, her heels clacking on the hard wood floors, I slipped discretely into the coat closet, full of dust and dark as night. I lingered there until I heard her pass then I tiptoed out, and darted towards the door. I was finally free, well for the few hours I get to be until I have to return.

Every night for the past week I snuck out of this wretched place to get a taste of freedom. I’d run until my lungs felt like they are going to explode and I have reached town. Most recently, I found a night job at a diner whose staff treats me like family; the owner, Dee, is the most sincere woman I have met since my mom died; she treats me as if I am her own daughter. I arrive at the diner at 11 pm, Dee would help me look presentable, give me a change of clothes out of my ratty uniform, teach me how to do makeup because my mother never could, and most of all comforted me; told me that everything is going to be alright. Tuesday night when I was working, a boy came in. I couldn’t explain my attraction towards him, it was like nothing I have ever experienced before; every time I went to sleep at night I found myself thinking of him. Then one day we finally spoke, it was obvious we had a connection. Hours talking to him felt like seconds, I couldn’t wait to come back to work each night just to talk to him. It didn’t even occur to me that he never knew my name until he had asked one night before I left. He knew everything about me, more than I even know about myself; he knew that I attended boarding school, what happened at that school and why I was there but he never asked for my name.

“It’s like I’ve known you for years. I think I can confidently say that you are my best friend, ” he told me.

“Best friend? You think of me as just your friend? I thought I was more than that... Wow, I feel like I’m in an episode of Friendzone,” I replied, hurt because I thought he may have liked me the way I liked him.

“No, no. I mean... you are first person I’ve ever had such a connection with... I guess I could say I like you as more than that... but I’m sorry, I’m just rambling. I’m really nervous. I guess what I’m trying to say is that... I think... I love you, ” he said. He loved me? The adrenaline pumped through my veins, I wanted to scream to the world! Hah! l am loved my somebody! My thoughts wavered and I had to take a deep breath to respond.

“I love you too, but you don’t even know my name. How can you love someone you don’t know?” I asked cautiously. I didn’t want to ask this but the idea that he might love me yet does not know who I am worried me.

“But that’s where you’re wrong. I do know you, I know you more than anyone I’ve ever met... What’s your name again...?” It then occurred to me that I didn’t know his name either. This can’t be real, we can’t be so naive that we trick ourselves into believing we are in love. We are only 17, how do we know what love truly is?

“Annabella. My name is Annabella Giardani.” My first name came out as a whisper. I said each and every word with a taste of metal in my mouth. I knew we couldn’t be together, this would never work. I can’t drag someone so important to me into such a dramatic life.

“I’m Luke. Annabella is it possible that you can leave that place? My dad is a lawyer, he can help you. I know that no human being deserves to be treated the way they treat you. You need to get out of there and soon, before it’s too late” Luke said rapidly. He was speaking so fast I couldn’t bring myself to understand his words. Leave? Sue the school? Is that even possible?

“I would have nowhere to go. That place is my only home, ” I forced myself to speak even through my tears.

A voice piped in from behind. “That’s not true. You can come stay with me. I have an extra room and you are just the kind who would help make my house a home.” Who said that? I turned and it was Dee! She was giving me place to go, an escape plan I couldn’t refuse.

“Please. Annabella please get out of there. I can talk to my dad. You just have to promise to leave that horrible institution.” Luke looked into my eyes when he spoke. He just wanted to save me. That’s when I looked at the clock. It was already midnight! I had to leave otherwise I may never even live to move in with Dee.

“It’s late, I must go. Sorry.” I replied. I ran out of the diner so fast I didn’t think my legs could keep up. I made it back, slipped in the door and started walking up the stairs when the light turned on. Oh no. I’ve been caught. It’s all over, I thought to myself.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here. You think you are wise, sneaking out in the middle of the night, huh?” Mrs. Kaissen taunted me, a sly smile across her face. She grabbed me by the hair, pushing me to the ground. A kick to the gut, a slap to the face, another kick. My vision blurred as my head was slammed to the ground. Everything went black when I heard chuckling. “You think you could pull one over on me, do you? I will make sure you never run away again!” She shouted through the corridor. Other awokes and gathered, watching me be beaten. I will never see him again, I thought.

There I was lying on the floor, in a pool of my own sweat and blood. It was morning, they left me here all night. I heard a knocking on the door, struggling to look up I saw the headmaster open it, and who did I see? It was Luke. How did he find me? I never told him the name of my school. He peeled me off the floor, carried me into his father’s car, and at last assured me that this would never happen to me again. When I asked him how he knew where I was he replied with one word, as if I should have known all along.

“Facebook.” Well, I guess that site serves a purpose for something. You may be asking yourself, well what happened next? So I don’t want to bore you so I will make it short. That month I moved in with Dee, she became a huge part of my life, she cared for me like the mother I no longer have; and Luke’s dad did in fact sue the school for child abuse and negligence. Winstanova Academy closed in the fall and was not to reopen. Luke and I have been together for 9 months now, and I am happier than ever. I could say I got my “happily ever after” but who knows, I can only hope it continues this way, right? I am appreciative for what I have, but I will never forget the hardships I faced because they made me who I am. I know my mother was watching over me and I don’t think I’d be where I am without her. I thank her everyday for her guidance and strong will. I hope that in the future I could be as strong as her, but some might say I already am.

The author's comments:
This was a creative writing assignment from my English class, based of modern day Cinderella tales.

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