The Ripe Tide | Teen Ink

The Ripe Tide

October 28, 2013
By karinalovesniall GOLD, Ventnor City, New Jersey
karinalovesniall GOLD, Ventnor City, New Jersey
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
everything happens for a reason...

CRASH! The sound of the waves were thunderous as they slammed into the beaches all throughout the Jersey Shore. The sound of the ocean astonished me. The waves slammed on the roads, like lighting on a horrendous rainy day. The white foam was scattered all throughout the Ventnor beaches. The waves were about 4 to 6 ft high. The life guards warned the residents “Don’t go too far into the water!” I looked back and ignored them, because I didn’t think the tide would be so strong.
I slowly and carefully stepped into the water. I felt the cold chill go all throughout my insides’. I shivered like an earthquake. The water was as cold like the winter weather. Finally, I dipped in the water and the water felt refreshing. My face breathed. And I inhaled the water’s breeze. The sun was shining bright. It was a perfect summer day, with only 2 clouds in the air.
I swam, deeper… deeper…deeper. I heard the life guards say in the distance “don’t go too far!” but since I was a stubborn little child, I kept swimming. I looked back at the life guard stand and it was a speck from where I was. I realized that I was almost in the middle of no where. Tried to swim back around the way my father told me so, if I ever got stuck in a ripe tide, I was scared, didn’t know what to do. I lay on my back and faced the sky, not knowing what to do, freezing. I noticed that I wasn’t going anywhere. The tide was getting stronger and it was taking me even farther in.
I tried screaming for help. My throat was getting rusty, it hurt, its was even hard to breath I started panicking, really bad. A cloud was covering the suns warmth. It was getting colder and it was getting gloomier. I was terrified, I moved in every direction just trying to get to shore, but the ripe tide was still holding on to me. I realized that I was just getting worn out. I lay on my back again and just said to myself “if I had just listened to the life guards.” I repeated and repeated it in my head until it was dawn. The sunset was a magnificent pink, purple, orange, and red. I “stood” up and realized the water was as still as a rock. My fingers were really wrinkly and soft, my feet were too.
I swam back and noticed that I was getting closer and closer. I was getting motivated and kicked faster. I could finally touch the shelly, sandy floor and ran for my life. I kissed the warm sand, breathed a big chunk of air and fell to my knees. I was dehydrated. Freezing cold. So I just sat there… waiting for my energy to come back to life.
I finally stood up and saw my things still on the empty beach. It was dark outside. The only lights were the ones on the beach houses. I barely made it home. Trembling, terrified, tormented.

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