Reality | Teen Ink


October 9, 2013
By Emily.Flaute BRONZE, New, Bremen, Ohio
Emily.Flaute BRONZE, New, Bremen, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Month of August:
I always felt like someone is staring at my from behind, because I did something that made him sullen. It wasn’t my fault. He was the one who was making everything feel so awkward, and he liked that? I mean really—who would want to feel that way? We are in the same after school activities which make it difficult because at practice it’s a constant stare down. It makes me so mad because the little things he will not let go; he just keeps poking and poking at that detail, yet he decides to leave the bigger problems aside. I wish he knew the meaning of reality, because then he would be thinking twice before making all of this nonsense happens. I wonder how it makes him feel. Does he like doing this to himself? I suppose not.

It was my time to shine! No more of sobbing about how he makes me feel; I need to move on and see the light!.

October 5, 2013

I had to work this morning, so then after wards straight to band. I was exhausted! It was the day of our first contest of the year, and I wasn’t sure how to feel because that night thing happened that shouldn’t have happened. We got excellent rating and first place in class C, so not too bad. “We can only get better from here,” said Mr. Yahl. It was awesome bands that got grand champion were an AA band and they were really good. Back to my life. Its good but Last Saturday someone texted me that was really shocking because we haven’t texted each other in months. We talked about what normal people would say such as how there day was or normal stuff that has happened. It was really weird, but for once not uncomfortable.
October 6, 2013

Today was a typical Sunday I went to church like I do almost every Sunday. My brother’s birthday was today he is 14. That means he will be getting his moped permit. Scary!!!! It was also the day of the longest parade I have ever been in, Orange and Black Fest Parade. Last year we got a bunch of boos from a lot of different people, but for once this year we didn’t get boos. Of course it had to rain after we got done, I mean it poured and poured. After the parade was over I went home and got invited to go with my family out to eat for my brother birthday. He chose to go to his favorite place in the whole world. I love that place; it is like heaven in your mouth. We headed out there, got our seats and ordered. They brought our food; my sister always wanting to do this no matter what. She said it was his birthday. They came and sang to us he was very embarrassed because everyone was staring at him, but that was her job. Update about him. He is being more mature, but now he is thinking of something us. I am really worried because I don’t want this to end badly.

October 7, 2013
Reality can be hurtful, but it can be nothing but the pure truth. According to my mother, you can’t get anywhere if you don’t try. I always listen to that quote and live my life to the fullest. Even if it meant I have to go to school and face the people I don’t always want to see. I got to school went through a good day, but something was still disturbing me. I couldn’t get him off my mind. He is always at my locker for 9th period. He stares at me all the time. I feel like I have an extra pair of eyes on my at all times. He texts me every night. I enjoy it because it means he still cares about me. He would always find a way to pop into my head and distract me from what I was doing before. I would draw this to my friends and they would try to help. I just need that final answer or conclusion before I go crazy.

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