Baseball Star | Teen Ink

Baseball Star

October 18, 2013
By brady myers BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
brady myers BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since t-ball, Josh was a star at baseball. In little league he hit .567 with 12 home runs in 10 games.

Now even thought he was a baseball star all of his life, he struggled with grades and family issues. In high school he was doing great with baseball but he was getting all C's and D's and at home his parents were getting a divorce because they didn't have much money. When his parents got a divorce he lived with his mom and was deciding if he should even play baseball and spend all of the money on traveling and gas.

"You are a great player and there is no way I am letting you stop playing on that team," his mother would say to him.

So Josh stayed on the team and in his sophomore year had another monster season hitting .432 with 22 home runs.

At home, his mom was working two jobs so he never really saw her as much as he wanted too. In his free time he would just study because he knew how much it would help if he got a scholarship for baseball. His mom wouldn't have to pay for college and he could do what he loved.

After his junior year, Louisiana University was talking to him and looking at his grades. He had bumped his grades up to A's and B's and got a full ride to LSU. He played 3 years in college hitting an average of .345 and 35 home runs each year. He got drafted by the Chicago Cubs in the 1st round of the MLB draft. One he went to the cubs, he sent some of his paycheck home so his mom could buy a new house and quit her jobs. Josh was a baseball star.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I love baseball and like writing about baseball. Josh's path to the MLB is what I would like to happen to me besides my parents having money trouble. My parents are divorced but my step dad is very helpful with my baseball.

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