Blue Bell High School | Teen Ink

Blue Bell High School

December 12, 2013
By Nancy Maldonado Gonzales BRONZE, East Palo Alto, California
Nancy Maldonado Gonzales BRONZE, East Palo Alto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was 7:45, early morning in Bluebell, Alabama, 2011. There was a rainbow over the clouds. The clouds blocked the sunlight. Birds chirped in the sky. Wind blew through the air. I was sitting in my older sister’s old Nissan. It was my first day of Freshman year. I was at Bluebell High School; there were about 1,000 students in my school the colors of the school were baby blue and white. I love school and in the future I want to be a lawyer. Yet, I was scared because I didn’t know if I was going to get bullied again. I had been bullied all through elementary school and up until in 7th grade. The loud kids, Marisol and Miley, had bullied me because I had this skin condition called Vitiligo. My skin is brown and white in parts of my body and they would always call me lizard or snake. At that time when they bullied me, I would want to leave school forever and not come back.
Finally in the middle of eighth grade, I got tired of the bullying. I would talk about it to my sisters all the time. Jane and Katrain always told me not to be afraid and to stand up for myself. One lunchtime, five of the loud boys and girls threw chocolate and white milk all over my body, after tripping me. I just stood there and didn’t say anything.
That afternoon I thought of telling the principal over and over. I wondered if the kids would get mad if I told on them. I also wondered if the kids would still do the same thing, even if I told on them. I wondered if I should do it! I talked to my sisters, and they said they would go for me. Then, I decided to tell the principal on my own. If I didn’t, my sisters, Jane and Katrina, would go for me, and I did not want that because then my bullies would think I am not brave.
The next morning, I went to the principal’s office and I told her that people have been bullying me. After that, she told the students that bullied me to write 500 standards and to have Friday detention. They decided not to bully me again because they didn’t want to have standards nor have Friday detention. I didn’t know if Miley and Marisol would be at my new school, so I was nervous that they might be there and bully me again. I also didn’t know if the other kids were going to make fun of me.
My sister, Katrina, dropped me and Jane off at school. Jane walked towards her friends. It was my first day of being a freshmen, but my sister, Jane, had been here for 3 years already. I walked with her to her friends. I felt safer with her friends
“Go meet new friends, Eva, or you’re not going to make any friends at all,” Jane said bossily. I felt nervous because I didn’t know anyone there. I didn’t want to be a loner, and my sister would be with her friends. I wanted to be with them, but I also didn’t because I felt shy with her friends.
“I don’t know anyone here. I am shy with new people,” I said sadly.

“Fine, you’re only going to hang out with me and my friends during brunch,” Jane said slowly.

“I just wish you could find new friends right away,” Jane said, “but whatever you’re my little sister.” I talked them for awhile, and then left to class.
My first class, Geometry, I felt okay even though Marisol and Miley were there. They didn’t say anything or look at me.
After class, I walked alone towards a bench to sit down. I started reading a book called, Between Here and Forever. It’s a good novel because it is mysterious. Reading is my motivation. I want to go to UCLA or Stanford University and be a lawyer after I graduate from a university. I was into the story, but at the same time I was distracted because I was thinking about my favorite mystery television show, Scooby Doo. Then, all of sudden I saw Marisol and Miley ugly selves coming towards me. Miley was wearing her expensive bright clothes, and her blond hair was style messy bun as always. Marisol was wearing army pants and a black sweater with a beanie. She looks stylish, it looks like she took time to pick out her clothes. I was nervous when they were coming towards me.

“Ewww Eva you're such an ugly nerd reading dorky books,” Miley said loudly.

I didn’t know what to say. I just looked at my phone acting like I was texting.

“You know I will never regret calling you a nerd,” Miley said, “because you will always be one.”
I remembered what my sister has told me to stand up for myself, so I did. “Why do you care if I am reading books? At least I am intelligent unlike you.” I said.

Miley looked shocked that I stood up for myself, so she backed away.
“You know what, let’s leave this ugly dork,” Marisol said, “I dont even know why we are here, talking to her.”They walked away from me.
I hate them so much. They have bullied me too much. I just don’t like them. They get on my nerves. So then after that I just didn’t want to read anymore. Brunch ended; I had made zero friends.
After brunch, I had to go to Algebra. I was in my Algebra class. Our teacher was pretty chill. Her name was Ms. Randy. She gave us a seating chart. I had to sit across from Miley! She looked at me and I looked at her. I wasn’t afraid anymore. I stood to her up twice and I knew I could do it again.
“Why couldn’t you be in another class?” Miley said angrily.
“Its not only your class,” I said loudly.
“Whatever,” Miley said slowly. She sat down at started her work. We ignored each other.

I hate her. Finally the bell rang. I was starving. I got out the classroom and was walking to my locker, I was putting my books inside until annoying Marisol came.
She looked upset. She was stuttering and red.
“I am so sorry I called you a ugly dork. I didn’t really mean it,” Marisol said. “Miley is always bossing me around. I am kinda afraid of my own friend.” I was confused I didn’t know if I should believe her or not. At the same time she looked like she was being honest.
“I’m not sure if I should believe you,” I said softly.
She started talking sadly. She said that in the summer, she and Miley were at the park. Like always, Miley had a pocket knife on her. Marisol looked like she didn’t want to tell the whole truth, so she stopped there. Instead, she showed me a scar of when Miley cut her with scissors. It was on her arm. It was wrinkly. I had never seen scars like that before.
I felt bad for her, but I didn’t say anything.
“I had to come talk to you because I realized that Miley isn’t a true friend, for what she did to me,” Marisol said sadly.
“What did she did she do?” I said curiously.
“She embarrassed me in front of everyone saying that my pants were wet because of my period,” Marisol said sadly.
“What do you mean?” I said.
“Well first we were outside talking with some freshmens. I needed to go to the bathroom but Miley had my pad in her bag. So I told to come with me because I was wet. She didn’t come, she was still talking to other people. I took her bag, she saw me and told me why was I taking her bag. I told her I needed it. So she just said loudly to get my own pad. Then everyone started to laugh. I cried and went to the restroom,” Marisol said sadly.
I didn’t know what to tell her at that moment. But I really did feel bad for her.
“My suggestion is to you stop talking to her, its not right what she’s doing. I'm telling you this because I don't like anyone getting bullied,” I said.
“So that means you forgive me and that we can be friends,” Marisol said slowly.
“Yea we can be friends but that doesnt mean were going to be that close. I will trust you until you show me I can trust you.” I said.
“Wow!!! Really that’s awesome,” Marisol said.
“But first you have to stop talking to Miley,” I said. I didn’t know if I can believe her. Once someone is mean, you can’t trust them anymore.

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