Winter Miracle | Teen Ink

Winter Miracle

December 16, 2013
By Moore96 GOLD, Udell, Iowa
Moore96 GOLD, Udell, Iowa
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?

The snow blankets the ground, and the forest falls silent. It has been almost a full year from the last snowfall the children are filled with excitement as they listen on the radio for the news announcement that there is no school. Parents dread having to find a babysitter because they still have to work. It's close to Christmas time and all of the decorations are now covered with snow. Finally, the announcement. No school today for Centerville due to weather. The children run outside to play in the huge drifts that have formed from the wind.

The snow is so fluffy and light. The children grab their sleds and head towards the biggest hill they can find. The only problem is the fact that they have to climb all the way back to the top. As their faces turn bright red from the cold they all head back home to drink hot chocolate and warm up.

There was only one thing that was wrong. Michael couldn't go outside to play he could just sit and watch. His mother knew by the look on his face that he wanted to go out and play. The reason Michael couldn't go outside and play is because he was physically handicapped. He was actually a very bright young child he just couldn't show it. The other children didn't notice and most never would. But one kid noticed and wanted to do something about it. Heather, Michaels mom heard someone knocking on the door. She approached the door and opened it.

Can I come in and see Michael? Uh, sure, she said as tears filled her eyes.

She was so joyful that someone would come over and play with her son. Johnny went in and said hi. Heather's eyes filled with tears as she watched the two bond. No one had ever taken the time to come over and talk with Michael.

Jimmy stayed for hours on end just sitting there with Michael talking about the snow and how cold it was. Michael now acted like it wouldn't be as much fun as it looked. Jimmy decided to head home and come back the next day. He crossed the street back home and went inside.

Where have you been? I was worried sick! I... I was over at Michaels playing with him because no one else would. Oh that is so sweet of you!

At that moment she knew Jimmy was going to be kind hearted and polite like his father is. If there is one thing in the world she wanted it was for Jimmy to grow up like his father had. He was an only child, but you really couldn't tell because he always shared and made other kids feel like they were all liked equally. Seeing Jimmy talk to friends always amazed his mother because there was not one person Jimmy couldn't cheer up.

The next day Jimmy got up and went outside to find a letter dropped on the front porch of his house. He picked it up and began reading it.

It read: Dear, Jimmy
Thank you so much for coming to talk with Michael, for once he felt like he was wanted by other kids, and he hasn't stopped talking about you please feel free to come over anytime.



Jimmy knew he had done the right thing, and he would definitely go over again. He trudged through the heavy snow over to Michaels house and knocked on the door again.

Hello Jimmy how are you? Good, is Michael here? Yes, hold on. Michael, someone is here to see you.

Michael rolled around the corner to see that Jimmy was back. He was so excited to sit with Jimmy today and watch it snow. Jimmy had an idea he brought a sled his mother had bought him. He asked Heather if he could put Michael in it and pull him around in the snow for a little bit. She said yes almost immediately.

They both lifted Michael up and into the sled and gave him a rope to grip onto. Jimmy started to pull, and as he did Michaels face lit up like a light bulb. They played outside for almost twenty minutes. Heather watched the whole time with tears falling off of her red cheeks. She knew that her son was not a nobody and that there is always someone who is willing to go out of their way to make a new friend.

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