H20 Alive | Teen Ink

H20 Alive

December 18, 2013
By Bridgetttttt BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Bridgetttttt BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was a girl, a hopeful girl. Every morning she awoke at 6am, without fail and took a shower. The cold water rushed across her scalp and seeped into her soul, as her hope flickered stronger. Thoughts of adventures and dreams trickled through her mind and she shut off the water.

Everyone was asleep, the house an apprehensive silence. Her back pressed against the cold, tile wall, she slid down to the floor, and skimmed her fingers across the puddles of liquid scattered around. Her imagination free, the puddles began to rise in droplets. It was raining upside-down. The drops collected on the ceiling to create a rich, dark, swirling blue. Slowly, a tip began to form in the center and gravitated downward. The girl, still sitting huddled on the wall, drew her knees in as the tornado pulled toward her. Closer and closer it slithered, and a deafening, eerie hallow traveled along with it. A drop escaped the howling storm, landing on her nose. The tornado erupted, sending water everywhere. Spread across the floor, it was two inches deep, covering her toes. Quickly it rose. To her knees, her chest, her nose. Franticly, she got up, but only to find her feet were glued to the floor. The water was now over her head, and still she had not freed herself. Desperately grabbing at empty space and clinging on to her last thoughts, she gave one last shove at the ground and felt the water seep under her feet. Immediately she began to rise, faster and faster, until she reached a break in the water and gulped down the air.
The water disappeared, and she was falling, fast. The hard tile caught her, and left a bruise on her leg, among the many others she collected. Weak and defeated, she lay helpless on the cold, tile. Her eyes wandered over the water puddles once again on the floor and her imagination locked down.

Weakly, she stood up, feeling not only strain in her body, but in her mind as well. She stepped out onto a towel, and wrapped another around her shivering torso, the soft material comforting her frazzled state. She opened the door leading to the rest of the house, still asleep, still quiet, and completely unaware.

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