Duct Tape | Teen Ink

Duct Tape

December 19, 2013
By CalypsoLeroy BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
CalypsoLeroy BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, a young woman named Jen was planning a weekend getaway just for herself. She was going to go to a massage and treat herself. She planned on getting a mani-pedi and could already feel the steam from the sauna warming her.

Before she left however, she was going to bake some brownies for her friend’s birthday. She had stopped at the store and made sure she had all the ingredients so that if she timed it right the brownies would still be warm when she dropped them off on the way to the spa.

Jen preheated the oven and started mixing the ingredients. Above the oven was a cabinet. The cabinet wasn’t quite level so the doors always fell open. Jen remedied that with a small piece of duct tape that kept the doors closed. Unfortunately for Jen, the duct tape had lost most of its stickiness and when Jen turned away to get the brownie pan, it fell in the brownie mix. Jen didn’t notice as she gave it one last mix before pouring it in the pan and putting it in the oven.

Once the brownies were done cooking, Jen cut them up. She decided to try one and, as it happened, she ate the one with the duct tape. It had mostly melted and she wrote it off to a weird consistency. About 90 seconds after she finished the brownie she violently vomited and continued to have bouts of vomiting for the next 3 days. She was forced to cancel her spa getaway. Don’t eat duct tape.

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