My New Glasses | Teen Ink

My New Glasses

December 20, 2013
By Anonymous

I had just come from an optometrist appointment and arrived at school. I thought it wasn’t the best experience, for the man that worked there had a scary smile and long pointy ears. He looked like he could be a sorcerer, but I forgot all about him when I headed towards my friends. I walked over quickly to show all my friends what I had just gotten. “Surprise!”, I yelled as I popped up one of my friends, showing off my brand new glasses. All my friends jumped in shock, but when they realized that I had scared them, they groaned. None of us appreciated being scared, but we loved pulling pranks and scaring each other every now and then. They looked at me in surprise when they realized I got new glasses. We love to model on glasses just for laughs, so that’s how we spent 5 minutes passing the time. When we had finished, I received compliments from everyone as I put them on. “They’re so cool”, commented one of my friends. But oddly enough, I heard another voice say, “Eh. I saw cuter ones at the mall.” I put my glasses in my bag and decided it that I just imagined it. We talked until the bell rang, signaling time to go to class. We all quickly shouted “Bye!”, and hurried off to our first period class. I was advised to wear my glasses all day, but decided against it for P.E. I began to think that school seemed a little strange when I arrived at my second period class. It became weird quickly. We were having a test, and my teacher said that everyone had to be silent. After the test had started, I heard my friend behind me talking, and I believe her exact words were, "The answer to number 1 must be 34/7." I turned around to face her when I heard her voice. She was the weirdest girl I had ever met, but I liked her. Whenever she skips, her big, curly, orange hair would go everywhere. She was also funny and adventurous, and I knew she loved joking around, but talking during a test was definitely not her. Even I’m not that brave. And both she and I knew our teacher is always dead serious about no talking and her test would be taken away just like that. I am the person out of all of our friends who worries about everyone, so I started to tell her to be careful. But before I could say a word, I noticed her lips weren't moving. She smiled at me, but I could clearly hear her say, "Why is she staring at me?" I turned back around without saying a word, confused. I heard another person talking to my right, then another on my left, and that’s when I started to get really confused. Soon, the whole room started buzzing, all shouting out answers and their work. I concluded that she had gone deaf, or that I had gone crazy, because no ones lips were moving. I thought to myself, “The class is probably pulling a prank on me.” If they were, they were doing a good job. I just tried to put them out of my head as I worked on the test. The rest of the day was just like math. I could hear everyone talking, even though we didn’t have any more tests. I could hear every conversation, even if they weren’t talking to me. I could even hear the teachers. The same thing happened to me at the rest of my classes, and at lunch. At lunch I wanted to get away from the noise, so I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror, and pushed my brown knotted hair out of my face, looking at my glasses that were covering some of my face and making chocolate brown eyes seem more visible. I took off my glasses and splashed some water on my face. It was very refreshing, and I calmed down, not listening to anyone. It actually worked, and when I walked outside it seemed like it was just like a regular lunch, but I couldn’t be sure. By the end of the day, I started to think of reasons why I can hear everyone's thoughts, because I didn’t think that was normal. I narrowed it down to it being either the brownies we made in science, I was dreaming, or the glasses had a spell on them. I mean, for starters, how often do you make brownies in science? I don’t usually hear people’s thoughts and it seemed only to be when I put on the glasses, but I don’t think anyone put a spell on them, unless my eye doctor has magical powers. To figure everything out, I decided to try an experiment. When the bell rang I waited outside for a few minutes and listened. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. It was music to my ears, since it was the quietest its been all day. I didn’t know how my glasses had that power, but it has ups and downs, like people would think you’re weird. I almost answered one of my friends at lunch when I had mini pizzas and she thought, “That looks good, and I’m so hungry... I’ll just wait until she’s not looking and take one. She won’t mind, right?” That would be kind of strange if I had answered her. I never figured out how the glasses got their powers, but I always used them wherever I went. It could be used as a lie detector or it could tell if a person actually wanted to be my friend. And I never saw the man that gave me the glasses again.

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