The Cul De Sac | Teen Ink

The Cul De Sac

January 8, 2014
By J_Dubbya BRONZE, Sauk Centre, Minnesota
J_Dubbya BRONZE, Sauk Centre, Minnesota
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“You’re gonna learrrrn today, you’re gonna learn what prison does to you nowadays, Cuatro Cuatro!” threatened Ozamataz, with powerful rage. Ozamataz stood facing Cuatro Cuatro, Aaron Balakey, Jose “Fudge” Tamirez, and John Doe all alone.

“I would hate to have the same thing happen to you, like what happened to you three years ago, Ozamataz.” snickered Cuatro Cuatro.

“How about I just go over that with you, just to refresh your memory.”

“Please don’t Ozamataz, no one wants to hear your phony stor--”

“Well then lets start from the beginning!” interrupted Ozamataz.

The year was 1997 and Josh Wolbeck was just born, now that may have nothing to do with this story but the year is significant. I was running the main block as normal on Blaxon Road, the main street of my hometown in Compton, California. I was just doing the usual, yeah, I may have been staring at Cuatro Cuatro’s house a little much, but it was only to keep him in check. I went through the whole cul de sac and was heading back home to get some rest. When I turned around I noticed someone dive into the bush behind me. This really got my senses going! I walked over to the bush and I shouted, “Hey Mooch-cha-cho what are you doing in the bush there? You better get out, before I jump at that bush like a spidermonkey and pull you out myself!”

After I watched the shrub for a short while, my little brother, Jesus “Duces” Buckshank stumbled out. I said to him, “Boy, you better just ask next time you want to come along with me, but Duces, if you do this again, I’ll beat you so bad that you won’t want to come out of your room for a week.” After this incident I made sure I was looking at Duces until he went into our two-story house near the entrance of the cul de sac. Our house was fairly run down at the time, with an overall blue tint to it. I could see him go into the house and walk up the stairs into his room, so I figured I didn’t have to worry about him anymore. I kept on strutting down the sidewalk like I do normally. I have a very distinctive walk when I step with my left foot, I bring my right hand just in front of my left leg and I pull my arm back to my side as I step with the right foot. I combine this with my shoulders always bobbing in unison to the opposite leg that I’m stepping with. I only have such a prestigious walk because I have been told by many people that it is very assertive and lets me take the streets by storm.

I had to stop my return trip home because the mailman was delivering the mail to my hood. I was sure to keep a keen eye on that man because he was always looking shady. Every time he would glance at me I would be there looking at him trying to see deep into his soul, and every time he quickly looked away like he was scared of me or something. Of course nobody would keep a steady gaze with me besides one guy, Cuatro Cuatro. I even took it so far that one day I dedicated my day to staring at people on the street just to see who would all look away, and all but one person looked away. Cuatro Cuatro once again was the only one who never backed down from my stare.

Now then, three days after the stare down I was doing the usual check of my cul de sac. When around 9:00 P.M. through the silent March air came a, “BANG, BANG!” from behind John Doe’s house. All I kept saying to myself as I was sprinting to the area of where I thought the shots were coming from, was, “This better not be the work of Cuatro Cuatro!” When I came up to the scene my little brother, Jesus “Duces” Buckshank was laying there, dead from two shots, one in the heart and the other through the brain. The police later said the killer used a 22 and they were looking into the case.

In my mind Cuatro Cuatro was behind it all and the next day I paid him a little visit. Mid-day I broke through the front door with my boy Dan Smith. We found Cuatro Cuatro sitting on the couch watching Dr. Phil, he didn’t even see us until it was too late. We could of killed him, I actually thought we did for a couple of days after our visit. Until the Police raged up to my door and took me to the station. The said they were charging me with aggravated assault, and that it would land me with one year in prison. Let me tell you they weren’t kidding. I spent my year in prison I tried to stay clean and out of trouble but it seemed as though trouble followed me wherever I went.

They were keeping me in the Penn. State Penitentiary along with all the criminals that were the worst of the worst. It is true that I had the opportunity to get out in 1998 but when you’re in the pen, you forget what really matters and your sense of right from wrong is gone. I had to fight just to keep my head low, and by fight I mean kill. When the prison guards found two men dead in the showers that had been shanked to death, who else would they look to other than Ozamataz Buckshank. My name really get me in deep trouble, I mean I admit that I did shank both of those men but seriously they had to point fingers at me first. They did not even look around for other possibilities. When this was brought up to the judge he gave me two extra years on my sentence. I made sure that I would practice exceptional behavior after that scare. Most guys that did what I did, do two life terms, but me, I practically got off with a slap on the wrist.

I got out of prison May of 2000, and when I took my first steps on that beautiful asphalt of freedom. My boy Dan Smith was sitting in his blacked out 1969 Camaro. I greeted him and said, “Hey man how’z it been out here since I’ve been locked up?”

“Ah, man you remember Cuatro Cuatro right?” Dan replied.

“Yeah of course I do especially after what he just put me through.”

“Well dude, he took over your hood man… The dude’s gone crazy he has everybody doing jobs for him like we’re his slaves man.”

“It’s cool man, Ozamataz is back and all you have to do is get me to this guy I know out in Minnesota, then we will take back our cul de sac!” Ozamataz boasted.

“Aight man, whatever you say, goes.”obediently replied Dan.

At this point Dan and I headed to Minnesota and when we got there I told him, “We’re here to get the secret weapon! This will help up take back what is ours.” The man that had our, “Secret Weapon,” goes by the name of Duane Wolbeck. He told us that I can have it if we traded Dan’s Camaro for his Ford Ranger with a horse trailer attached to it. We agreed because it was necessary for us to have that truck anyways if we wanted to get the, “Secret Weapon,” to my house. Well, we got what we came for and we traveled all the way back over to Blaxon Road, Compton, California. Dan dropped me off at my house while Cuatro Cuatro and his group of thugs approached me. Dan then drove away with the secret weapon leaving me all alone to face Cuatro Cuatro and his three henchmen. “And that’s what happened, that is why I am here today and that is my journey to get to here. Standing in front of you, Cuatro Cuatro and all your friends, Aaron Balakey, “Fudge”, and John Doe,” boldly stated Ozamataz, “so let me tell you this one more time, you’re gonna learn today, you’re gonna learn what prison does to you today!”

“What does that even mean?” asked Cuatro Cuatro, “because that story you just crammed into my ears was mostly about events that I already knew about. All you just did was tell me about your past, it’s like we’re going on a date. Maybe if you wouldn’t have stared into my house every day, and examine every police officer you see, like you’re trying to search through their soul, then I wouldn’t have killed your brother and the police wouldn’t have arrest you for assault instead of arresting me for murder. But no, you had to stare at everybody and really creep people out.”

“No! I ain’t going to listen to your lies anymore Cuatro Cuatro, this ends now.” Ozamataz pulls out his gun and points it at Cuatro Cuatro. Then Cuatro Cuatro and his crew all pull out their guns which are significantly better than Ozamataz’s.

“I would hate to have it go down like this homes! Just leave now and no one gets hurt.” begged Cuatro Cuatro.

“I know you're right aboooooout it.” cried Ozamataz. Then in a flash of an eye Dan Smith jumped up out of the near by alley riding a horse named, Seabiscuit. This was the, “Secret Weapon,” that they went to Minnesota to get. Dan Smith hit “Fudge” and John Doe over the head with baseball bats as he ran right through the middle of them two. The blow instantly killed them both and in the confusion Ozamataz shot and killed Aaron Balakey and also shot Cuatro Cuatro three times. Two shots in his shoulders and one in the gut. Cuatro Cuatro said with his dying breath, “Your excessive staring is the cause of all of this Ozamataz, damn you!”

After all was said and done Ozamataz and Dan Smith got rid of the bodies and took their rightful places, as the two leaders of the cul de sac. Even though they had no choice but to be the dictators of the cul de sac because they killed everybody else that lived there. So they had a meeting regarding what they should do with their newly acquired space. In an unanimous decision they decided to turn their hood, the cul de sac into a horse corral and became horse breeders for the rest of their lives. The cops never caught wind of what happened on Blaxon Road, Compton, California, and they never revisited the killing of Jesus “Duces” Buckshank. Only leaving questions in the minds of two people who tried to lead a peaceful and meaningful life. Long live, Ozamataz Buckshank.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for english class and it would really make the paper better if you read it in a spanish accent.

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