Old Girl, New Girl | Teen Ink

Old Girl, New Girl

February 12, 2014
By AlexandraRasco SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
AlexandraRasco SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Old Girl, New Girl
oh my gosh. Have you ever seen anything so beautifully sculpted into such perfection. To make your jaw drop at first glance; not only do I forget all train of though, sometimes I forget my name. Wait, oh yeah, Frankie, Frankie Carsoline, that girl who sits in the corner of the class and who's hair can't decide which color to be. That girl who's more likely to be found sitting in a library doing math, than actually socializing at a party. Then again, I'd be lucky if anyone recalled that much when hearing my name. I pretend my thoughts get interrupted by my moms call for dinner; when I'm secretly thanking her.
This morning, I'm later than normal, and can't think straight except to get my clothes on forwards. I race to school only to listen to the bell as I throw my car in drive. Great, just one more thing to draw attention to my pathetic appearance this morning. In the corner of my eye that Mercedes pulls up carrying a precious diamond that could blind you from a mile away. Chuck climbs out, avoiding a rush since he knows he's already late. Those blue eyes reflect a million sun rays and those teeth. I just literally can't.
Then, that's when it happened.
As I'm blaring Beyoncé embarrassingly loud, he saw me. Like actually looked at me, not one of those, you happen to be in my peripheral vision, eye wonders, a real heart stopping, look.
He must have hit his head or something because now he's approaching my car. In that moment I have the urge to jump into the backseat and cover my face with any piece of clothing that might make him think I disappeared into thin air.
He throws me a wink. Maybe it was an eye twitch, or a muscle spasm, or just the sun, but more than I've ever gotten before!!
I get out of my car and walk to the office with a little more confidence than I had yesterday.
In second hour they announce we have a new student. I feel so bad for her. Where can you find your place around here in the middle of our second to last year of High School.

Melanie Vantchev.
I glance over at her, and think about how she knows nothing about me. She doesn't know who I am. She probably doesn't care that much considering she's conflicted with finding anyone to hangout with, and sit with at lunch. I decide that talking to her would be a safe bet, and probably help her too. As the bell rang for lunch I approach Melanie, and introduce myself.
"Hi I'm Frankie, where are you from?"
"North Carolina, my family travels constantly with my dads job.."
I can hear the depression in her voice that this, mid second to last year, switch isn't thrilling her all that much.
I decide to stop with the questions, and show her around, "This is the cafeteria, and the classrooms are organized by building."
I explain to her where her classes are. I realize she's not listening to a word I'm saying, but completely in touch with whatever she's looking at. I find her aim, one of the football players sitting at the joc tables.
"That's Brad Micheal, and sorry but you'll be lucky if he even runs into you in the hall."
She looks completely unmoved by my, somewhat, harsh words. Then, out of no where, she begins approaching him. The table, with the Jocs, the totally unapproachable, forbidden to stare at too long because someone will notice, table.
Im too in shock to follow her and to think about it, I don't want to be any where associated with what ever disaster is about to happen.
In the next moment, he stands up, and they walk away together. Having what looks like the most casual of conversations.
I begin to think I can learn more from the new girl than I've told her all day.
The rest of the day I think about nothing else but the nervy, new Melanie. I mean she has gorgeous red curly hair, and deep blue eyes; so maybe that's it. It's not those ringlet, sticky curls, it's that Arial, perfect, wavy.
The next morning, I decided to ask Melanie about her conversation,
"I saw your interesting conversation with Brad yesterday"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Are y'all like friends?"
"I mean he's taking me to a party this weekend, if that's what you mean." She said, as she turned to walk to class.
My jaw dropped instantly at the audacity, and the shocking victory of the new girl. Her outrageous confidence level in the situation was gaudy.
All day, I just thought negative thoughts of Melanie. Who does she think she is? Why does she think she can just come in here and run everything!
After school, Melanie decided to pity a conversation with me. After her new, profound, popularity began to grow faster.
"So Brad has a friend he already had plans with for the party, and doesn't want him to feel like a third wheel, are you in?"
"Me? What? When? Who?"
"Just be ready at 8', we'll pick you up and... better yet why don't you come over and we can get ready together to save them an extra stop."
I knew in the back of her mind, she actually meant 'because your clothes and appearance suck.'
Saturday comes so quick my heart races faster each second. She hasn't even told me who this guy is, and what do I say to him. What if we have nothing in common. At this point I'm prepared to tell Melanie I've caught the flu. It's like noon so he'll have plenty of time to find a new date.
The door bell rings, I'm too late. Melanie runs through the doorway faster than I can mutter a, "hi."
"Aren't you so excited! Quick, let's go, we need new outfits!!
I know she won't take no for an answer so I cooperate, and climb in the front of her Tiffany blue convertible BMW. We race off to downtown and park in one of the most expensive streets in downtown.
We go into Fetch boutique, with their new spring pastels screaming at us through the window on the mannequins.
We walk in and, of coarse, Melanie is greeted with the most warm greeting.
The sales lady begins pulling things for her and she has to ask for my clothes.
In the dressing room I just stare at my sad appearance for a minute wondering how I could ever look like Melanie. I try the first outfit on and walk out.
"ahh! Yes!! You look so femedgy!!"
"I'm sorry, what."
"Like feminine edgy, it's a perfect day to night look. You look edgy, but it's still classy!"
"Ohhh, yaaaay."
After about the third outfit, I feel like I'm in one of those music in the background, cheesy, bubbly, movies. Where the girls dance around in there soon to be new clothes. And I begin to like it.
We walk out with more clothes than I even own.
Next door, shockingly, is a shoe and accessory store. Who knew every outfit needed a new piece of jewelry, and different pair of shoes.
At this point I'm just going with the flow. I probably wouldn't admit it, but this is the best day. We walk about a mile down the road, and come across a salon. Suddenly, I feel like a makeover patient. I don't know what to think. Am I just a charity case? I try to quiet these anxious, pessimistic thoughts, but I spend the rest of our pamper hours in almost complete silence. I utter just enough words to insure Melanie I'm still there.
When we leave our last stop, she addresses the elephant in the room, or the car.
"What's wrong with you? You're acting so strange and quiet. Do you not like your hair cut?"
"No, I do, I love it!"
"Oh, well I..."
"I just don't get it, of all people why chose me as your charity case?"
The tension in the room grew so awkward.
"Why would you think anything like that? I invited you, because you're one of the only people nice to me since I've moved here."
I felt guilty for expressing my negative thoughts and realized Melanie might actually want to be my friend. Why was this so hard for me to believe?
The rest of the car ride is a little awkward. Thankfully, we still have half an hour when we arrive to her house, and forget the confrontation.
"Wow, we have like barely any time, let's go to the kitchen."
I follow, "so what are we eating?"
She laughs, like I'm missing something, "we're baking!!"
I look at her dazed and confused, "what"
"Well of coarse, when a boy comes over, you always have something baking. To make the house smell good!"
Wow, I can't believe I didn't know this.
"Your sarcasm might not get you very far tonight, just warning you..."
I begin to think about how awkward conversations could become tonight. What could go wrong. How second guessing myself could make me look like a lost idiot.
Our heads jerked, and we looked at each other to the sound of cars pulling up. They had arrived. We ran upstairs to avoid looking like we were waiting. We watched out the window curious to see who got out the car along with Brad. At the site I almost rubbed my eyes blind, but remembered I'm wearing makeup. I thought I was dreaming. He stepped out of the car. My tongue fell to the back of my throat. Melanie squealed, and pulled me, running down the stair. We shut off the oven and answered the door.
He greeted her with a hug and Melanie introduced him.
The moment Chuck looked at me, I could tell it was a look of intrigue. Whether good or bad, I had no idea.
I barely uttered a few words besides "Hi." I let Melanie take most of the conversation control. We talked about everything in Melanie's life, from her old town, to her future college.
We arrived to the party, and just went around greeting everyone. Chuck found his group of usual friends, and figured I wouldn't see him the rest of the night. The house was decorated with night lights, and floating lanterns in the pool. You would think we were at a wedding reception. I didn't leave Melanie's side. I spotted the host of the party, and thanked her greatly for having us. We talked for a while, but decided to find Melanie again. The next second she was gone. My heart started racing, and I felt so alone.
I asked around everywhere to find her, and I decided to give up. I found a swing in the back of the yard, just secluded enough. This looked fairly safe.
Sitting there, I realized I had a long day, and a good excuse to be done. I herd some rustling, and turned to see who was there. Chuck spotted me, and started walking over. I had such a de ja vu moment to when we were both late for school that morning.
"Hey, are you having fun?"
"Yeah! Of coarse!"
"Good, look, I just wanted you to know I'm really glad you're here." He starred at me with those star striking eyes, and I couldn't look away, or utter even a sound.
I just got up, and walked back with him into the confusion of the party. I took in the moment as it was.
This was the night I stopped drowning in fear, and started living a little.

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