The Coon Hunt | Teen Ink

The Coon Hunt

February 14, 2014
By Bryce-G. BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
Bryce-G. BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have so many things to work on, and so many ways that I fail. But that's what grace is all about. And I constantly wake up every morning trying to get better, trying to improve, trying to walk closer to God. -Tim Tebow

The sun ricochets light off the moon in the dead of the night. Ol’ Charlie and his two hounds are coon huntin’ while the moonlight is just right. The air was filled with a piney and sagebrush fragrance. White, powdery snow covers the Earth, showin’ no sign of dirt. Little squirrels and chipmunks chitterin’ around frantically searchin’ for food makin’ as much noise as they possibly can. The only sounds that filled the atmosphere was the howlin’ of the wolves, the chitterin’ of the squirrels and chipmunks, and the footsteps of Charlie and his hounds.

Charlie and his two hounds reached the edge of the forest before they actually began their hunt. Charlie let Annie and Oakley, his two red bone hounds, off the leash to find any coon trails they came across. Charlie, Annie, and Oakley walked for an hour before Annie finally truck on a coon trail. Annie’s bark roared in the dead of the night with Oakley’s boomin’ five seconds later. The hounds traveled through the forest and across creek beds and Charlie followed in behind whoopin’ and hollerin’.

The ol’ coon tried to pull many tricks on the hounds, but not a one through them off. Charlie followed behind them ‘bout 10 yards just waitin’ for the ol’ coon to tree and be done runnin’. It’s like a game of tag as the hounds chase the coon through the night, only the coon is continually bein’ chased by the hounds, and the hounds are bein’ followed by Ol’ Charlie. The chase went on for about an hour; by the dead of the night the coon gave up. The coon was out of breath and frightened at the sound of the great coon hounds boomin’ at the base of the tree the coon was in. Ol’ Charlie arrived at the tree a few minutes later and loaded his shotgun. Ol’ Charlie, steady and ready, aimed at the coon and…. BOOM! The shotgun goes off. The coon falls out of the tree dead as a door nail.
Ol’ Charlie guts and skins the coon, then throws the hide into his pack. Annie, Oakley, and Charlie walk through the forest back towards the ol’ cabin, when Oakley goes insane. Annie instantly turns to Oakley and takes off like a bullet. The hunters are off on chasin’ after another coon. The run was short the ol’ coon treed instantly and Ol’ Charlie was at the base of the tree loadin’ his shotgun once again. BOOM! The shotgun went off and the coon fell cold dead to the ground. Ol’ Charlie gut and skinned the coon and threw the hide in his pack.
The hounds start goin’ off again, this time they were growly. Ol’ Charlie turned with butterflies in his stomach. The hounds slowly walked forward, growlin’, and barkin’. Ol’ Charlie caught a glimpse of what the ol’ hounds was goin’ crazy about. He loaded his shotgun quickly, but quietly and…. once again BOOM! Ol’ Charlie nailed the crazy cat in the head. Ol’ Charlie pulled out his head lamp and shined it on the critter. The critter happened to be a huge mountain lion gittin’ ready to pounce; Charlie’s hounds caught him some nice coons and saved his life from a female mountain lion.
Ol’ Charlie, Annie, and Oakley walked out of the forest totally proud of their nights hunt. Charlie has some coon hides to sell at the local market, and Annie and Oakley had some coon meat to chew on for dinner. At the ol’ cabin Charlie threw the meat to the hounds and went and got himself some super as well. After a long night’s hunt Annie, Oakley, and Ol’ Charlie lay down and was out like a light.

The author's comments:
I wrote this article because I enjoy coon hunting and I wanted to right about a great night of coon hunting and some experiences I have had.

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