Abandoned Wolf | Teen Ink

Abandoned Wolf

March 25, 2014
By Adrianna Fluker BRONZE, Locust Grove, Georgia
Adrianna Fluker BRONZE, Locust Grove, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there lived a young wolf. He was abandoned by his pack, and adopted by a family of pigs. They lived in a town called Pork N’ Ville; Population: about 1,000 lbs. of bacon. The wolf had many friends, but he had three best friends. They were inseparable. Everyone in the town loved the little wolf, everyone except the town mayor. He hated wolves, because when he was a kid one ate his dad. From then on, he despised wolves. He made up stereotypes about how mean and aggressive they are. The mayor held a town meeting and requested that the wolf be thrown out of Pork N’ Ville by the next morning. Although nobody agreed with him, everybody just went with it to avoid argument. The next morning his pig family broke the news to him. Feeling lost and abandoned, the little wolf became depressed. He was confused as to why his three friends had betrayed him, and his sadness turned into anger. He decided to take action. He mapped out a plan to take down the pigs, starting with his three friends that betrayed him. Word got out in Pork N’ Ville that there would be an attack. Everyone immediately found shelter. Although his plan was to target his friends first, the wolf began eating every pig that he came across. He had so much built up anger that he wasn’t thinking of his actions. The three pigs heard about the wolf’s absurd idea and thought that they could make him change his mind simply by inviting him to dinner for nice conversation. The wolf showed up to the dinner with one thought in mind, and it wasn’t to converse. He ate each pig one by one and left with a full stomach. After barely being able to walk out the house he quickly found room in his stomach for a little dessert. He slowly crept up on the mayor talking to news reporters about the deaths that happened earlier. The news reporter saw the wolf coming but looked out for himself and ran for safety. Before the mayor could even turn around he could feel the wolf’s breathe on his neck. He quickly tried to plead his case and reason with the wolf but there was no point. The wolf licked his fingers, and walked away with no remorse.

The author's comments:
This a piece about the many different parts of one story. No one ever really knows the truth and feelings of why a situation actually happens.

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