Hopes And Despair | Teen Ink

Hopes And Despair

March 28, 2014
By TheAvenger BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
TheAvenger BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

First Grade

He was short and small then most of the students. He never had any friends or any friends or any siblings. The other t students would mock him and shove him around. One day one of the kids pushed him and made his nose bleed. He was afraid, scared, and alone. The children didn’t feel any absolution to their actions against him. The only person who would comfort him was his father.

Second Grade

He still had no friends and the same children bullying him. His focusing skills weren’t that great neither was his social skills. His dad did all he could to show his son that life is beautiful and amazing like how amazing the Amazon Rain Forest is. He also wanted his son to have faith within himself. His mother was never there in his life. She left was he was born. The only people he depended on were his father and his grandparent.

Third Grade

His grades were getting better. More kids were picking on him. After school they would push him and hit him. He was fed up and unleashed his anger out. He told the boy,” STOP!” and he harangued at one of the children. Knocking him down causing the kid’s nose to have a nose bleed as red as a rose. Blood everywhere he was frightened wondering what had happen to him. What had gotten into him? He ran to his father and told him everything. His father told him,” son you can’t stoop to their level like that.” His father then punished him and locked him into his room, left alone.

Fourth Grade

He finally made a friend. It was a girl named Caroline. She was short like him and very cheerful. She was also sweet and understood what Kevin was going through. He was happy that he finally made a friend at school.

Fifth Grade

Kevin and Caroline would talk and do everything together. His grades were at their best ever. If anyone would bully him, she was always there to stop them. But tragedy had struck. The office called him up to tell him the horrible news. They told him,” son you’re father just got into a horrible car accident and he didn’t make it out.” Kevin was devastated. He didn’t believe that his father had passed away. He didn’t know what to do or who he can turn to for help. He felt blithe to what had happened to father.

Sixth Grade

A year has passed since his beloved father had died. He visited his grave and talked about how the past year without him have been. He stopped talking to everyone since his father passed. He wanted to focus on his grades for his dad. Caroline kept trying to keep their friendship strong but Kevin just kept pushing her away. She tried to replete Kevin with as much support as she could give him.

Seventh Grade

The bullies would come back and pick on him some more. He would defend himself alone this time. Almost every week he was sent into the office for getting into fights.

Eighth Grade

He just wanted to be through with school. He earned awards for the highest GPA. He visited his father’s grave and told him all about his accolade and how much he missed him. Back to no friends and now no father. Caroline would try to visit her dear friend but he just wanted to be isolated.

Ninth Grade

Finally in High School he got into all the highest classes the school could provide him. He became a runner up for valedictorian. His opponent wasn’t very happy that a freshman was his opponent. He walked up to Kevin and told him,” you better watch out next year.” Kevin was very oblivious to what had happened.

Tenth Grade

People would finally recognize how amazing Kevin had been over the years. More people wanted to be friends with him and wanted to be successful just like him. It made his rival even angrier with him. Kevin would go to his father’s grave one last time and talked about all the new friends he’s making wishing his father would be there to watch him. As he was leaving the cemetery his rival showed up knowing that he would come there. Kevin asked,” What are you doing here?” Tony didn’t say a word. Nothing could hamper Tony as he held up a gun tenaciously and shot Kevin. After the bullet left the chamber Kevin can hear the resonant sound of the bullet hitting his chest. Kevin’s body lay motionless. Tony had killed Kevin.

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