Three square | Teen Ink

Three square

April 14, 2014
By Anonymous

It was a sunny day at Century Park, It was a perfect day to play are favorite game when it was recess time.... foursquare.
The only problem is one of my friends Amy was gone today so we would only have three people and we need four in order to play the game. Marie, Betsey, and myself weren't sure what to do. All of a sudden we saw Betty Jude walking up to us. Let me tell you something about about her. She is a girl in my class who is a little bigger and has holes all over her clothes, she eats pencils and picks her nose. Isnt that gross? While anyway as she walked up to us while wearing a pink shirt with holes all over it her pink pants with holes in them and her tennis shoes with her big toe sticking out.

My friends and I looked at eachother wondering why she is coming up to use. We Didn't even have to speak to tell that what we were all thinking. When she finally approached us she had a nervous look on her face and asked in a quiet soft voice “May I play four square with you guys?”
Before my friends and I talked to each other we already knew what all are answers are.... NO!
We replied,” We can play with just three right now so we don't need you!”
She said” Well don't you need four people to play foursquare?”
We again said,”No you can play with just three we made it up.”
She didn't say a word back and walked away with a few tear drops dripping from her face. I knew right when those words came out of my mouth I wanted to say she could come back and play with us. That we do need four people and we just said that we made a game up with three people because we didn't know what to say to her. But it was too late she was gone. There was nothing I Could do about it and I also didn't want to disappoint my friends because I didn't want them to think that I felt bad for Betty Jude and wanted to become friends with her. The feeling in my stomach started to become unbearable it felt like someone punched me in the stomach a million times. That night I could not stop thinking about how mean I was to someone and started thinking what it would feel like if someone did that to me. It would not feel good I can tell you that. The next day I decided I was going to go up to Betty Jude and apologize for being so mean and how I wish that she could of played for square with us. After this experience on the playground I realized that I never again wanted to treat someone like that. I never excluded Betty Jude again and began to talk to her not caring what my friends thought. Now my friends and I are friends with Betty Jude and we all wish we could take back what we told Betty Jude that one day on the playground at recess.

The author's comments:
This was a personal story I changed the names this is a personal story

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