A Day with Detention | Teen Ink

A Day with Detention

May 14, 2014
By AnnaQ BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
AnnaQ BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was dreaming that I was in a world where there was no homework and that the school cafeteria had a gourmet food buffet. It was a really good dream. In fact, I think I might have even drooled a little bit. Until I was woken up to the horrible reality of--
“-ron Walker”
I heard a very familiar and very annoyed voice yelling into my ear. Again. Sighing, I lifted my head up to look Mrs. Burner in the eyes. And boy, were her eyes burning holes through my skull.
“Um, yes Mrs. Burner?”I, Ayron Walker, age 14, am walking on a fine line here. One twitch and I’d be falling into the fiery pits of after-school detention.
Mrs. Burner eyes me with an evil glare. Ugh. I resist the urge to sigh again. That look usually meant that I would be the only person she calls on for answers in the next hour or so, and if I get one question wrong, she’d be calling out all my test scores for everyone to hear. I swear she’s a demon from the land of the dead sent just for the purpose of torturing me in school.
I close my eyes in annoyance.
If only I had superpowers or I were one of those cool demon hunters with a secret identity. Then I would feel like someone special and I could just pop into the classroom doing random but cool moves in everyone’s faces and surprise the heck out of them.
I never really understood why the person with cool powers always wanted to keep it a secret so much. If I had cool powers, I would want to be gloating in peoples’ faces.
Wait….I feel like I’m forgetting something……oh, yeah. Mrs. Burner. She was still standing in front of me, and I was pretty much ignoring her…whoops.
I look up to face the demon….
“Mr. Walker, I think you just proved to me that it really is possible for a human being to have a shorter attention span than a squirrel. Please report to me after school for detention,” she says, then walks up to her whiteboard to continue the lesson.
I want to slam my head onto my desk until the shape of my face is imprinted into it. Sadly, that would get me more detention. And a trip to the hospital.

“So, Ayron, you got detention again?! I think you’ve gotten detention more times than how badly the Ganges River is polluted,” Caleb says to me as we’re walking to our last period of the day.
My best friend, Caleb Mccaine, age 14, doesn’t seem like it at first, but is what you would call a total ‘nerd’. Even though he acts like an idiot, he has perfect grades, is constantly studying, and freaks out over any grade lower than a ninety-five. He also sometimes spouts randomly useless and confusing metaphors at the totally wrong times.
I just growl at him. I’m really in no mood for his strange metaphors. It’s not like I try to get detention….sort of…
After school detention sucks. That much probably seems obvious, but I still feel like saying it. Detention sucks.
For one, school lunches are ‘nutritious’, but they DO NOT keep you full. After about half an hour after lunch, you’re hungry enough to eat a buffet. So during the two hours I had to stay after school, my stomach was whining and growling to be fed.
Also, you aren’t allowed to pull out a phone during detention. So no texting, playing, or whatever else you do on your phones. Simply put, it was pure torture.
So, all in all, detention sucks. And yes. I really did just explain in full detail uselessly about how much detention sucked.
I was finally told that I could go straight home after I drop off a box of the supplies teachers use to torture us students.
Finally! I can go home in peace, I think as I check my watch for the time.
6:30 pm. Not too late, considering that it was almost the end of the school year and that it was around the beginning of summer.
My stomach growls. Apparently I’m still hungry. I decide that taking a small detour to a convenience store really isn’t too bad. I had about two dollars in my pocket, and that could probably buy me a donut.
Mmmm, donuts, I drooled.
Finally, I just bought the donuts and went home.

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