The Truth About Alex 3 | Teen Ink

The Truth About Alex 3

May 20, 2014
NicoleLathrop18539 PLATINUM, Adel, Iowa
29 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you realize who the good people are in your life, you're so lucky.

It was a cold and windy night out, the stars were mesmerizing. Katie was deep in thought when she heard a twig snap behind her and loud, quick footsteps. Katie took off running. She ran and ran, but the footsteps grew closer. She heard loud panting and a deep voice yell, “Stop!” but Katie kept on running. Branches grabbed at her and scratched her body as she darted through the trees aimlessly. Roots snagged at her feet. Katie tripped and hit her head hard. She saw stars in her eyes and then everything went black.

Katie woke up with a terrible headache that felt like it would never subside. She sat up and found that she was in the backseat of a car, speeding down the highway. She wondered what had happened to her. Then she remembered everything. She started to cry with fear, “What do you want with me?” she asked. The car slowed down and stopped. The person turned around and she found herself looking into a boys face. He looked about her age,17, and he had light green eyes and black hair. It was so black that in fact Katie couldn’t stop staring at him.

He took a deep breath. “I want to know what you were doing out there first.”
“Who are you?” She gasped. “How...How did you find me?”
“Answer my question first.”
“I asked the first question!”
He chuckled.
“You have some sass, Katie, you are in a car with a complete stranger and you want to be bold, i have to say thats impressive.”
Katie’s eyes were wide; she was stunned.
“You still don't know who I am?” He exclaimed. “Katie i'm in your math class. Am I that much of a loser that you don't even know I exist ? Because in that case you should know that my name is Alex Rys”

That was like an abrupt slap in the face to Katie. She was one of the most popular girls in 11th grade, and she just got kidnapped by some...some boy that she didn’t even know well enough to be in a car with? This is out of control “Let me out of this car NOW.” She screamed in his face .But then she realized...the door handle was right there.... She lunged for it, but before she could open the door, Alex grabbed her arm. He was so...cold. It sent a shock up her arm that made her jump.

“I'm not letting you go till you tell me why you were out in those woods so late at night.” He said firmly.

Katie rolled her eyes. “Why should i tell you? You'll just report me.” “No i won't. I PROMISE.”he said with a smirk on his face knowing full well that Katie was going to make him promise.
“I was running away.”
There was silence for a few seconds.
“Why Katie? You have everything. Popularity, wealth, you can have everything you ever wished for. Why run away from it?Did your dad or mom do something to you or are you running away for fun?”
“I'm done for now. Its YOUR turn to explain why you kidnapped me!!!!!!” She yelled.
“I didn't kidnap you. I saved your life. You could have been mauled or killed by some wild animals !Those woods are not safe! Theres werewolf-”, he quickly realized that he best not tell Katie everything yet, “theres um, wolves in there.” She laughed. “Give me a break, Alan.”
“Alex. and there ARE wolves. Very dangerous ones. And by now you should know my name Is ALEX not ALAN” He growled at Katie.
She decided to go along with it. This could be funny.
“Ok, ALEX. What kind of wolves? Explain.”
“I..I...I can't.”He stuttered looking down at his jeans, which were stained with dirt and something white.
“Then I don't believe you.”Katie Sneered
“ okay i will tell you if you promise not to judge me until I tell my story.Katie nodded her head “Okay they are called Werewolfs.”
Katie sat there for a moment. Then she burst out laughing. What a day. First she's kidnapped by some loser, then he is trying to tell her that there are werewolves in the woods? What is this, fairytale land?
“Listen, Alex. I suggest you get counseling after this. Because werewolves don't-” suddenly, a deer slammed into the windshield. Alex slammed forward, but the airbag saved him from flying out the window. Katie wasn't wearing a seat belt nor did she have an airbag on her side of the car, and she was flung forward. An awful crunch came from her arm.The back of her head slammed into the seat. Katie felt vivid red blood dripping down her face from flying glass. Katie screamed in pain as she connected with the seat in front of her. Pain radiating through her arm,katie started to cry. Everything hurt so much. Katie closed her eyes and was about to drift off to sleep when she heard a loud thud outside. She screamed in fear when a big dog came running out of the woods, it looked so much like the fairy tale pictures she thought. It picked up the deer in its massive jaws and ran, paws shaking the ground like thunder.
Alex got out of the car and opened the back seat door, he grabbed Katie and pulled her out of the car gently. She lay on the ground whimpering from pain.
“Are you okay?”Alex panically asked.
“IT HURTS!” Katie sobbed, “My arm hurts so bad!”
Then everything went black. And katie could see nothing but black all around her.


As I stared at katies crushed form I couldn't help but feel panic and sympathy for her,I tried to warn her that werewolf’s actually existed but of course she didn't believe me .I knew deep down that she was hurting but i couldn’t imagine strong katie actually being hurt ,i mean i do hate her its just that she looks so pitiful just lying on the ground bleeding to death.I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stick up and got the weird sense that someone was watching me but i shook it off and i picked her up in my arms and carried her to the woods. I felt a change in the air around me and i began to sniff,the stench of blood that didn’t belong to anyone or anything I knew. It smelled of mold mixed with some smell i can’t even find the name for.I set katie gently on the ground and began walking away from her towards the weird scent.
“HELLO”i shouted to see if i could get a response out of the person or thing that
I was smelling.

I heard a twig snap and bushes rustling .I immediately got down in my defensive crouch and snarled,my thoughts were still with katie and I felt a strange itch in my chest to be with her back at the clearing where I set her down at.”help”I heard a moan where the scent was coming from.”I’m over here”.I felt panicky that voice.Mr.Wiles.”I’m coming hold on!” I shouted and I immediately got out of my crouch and ran over to Mr.wiles.

“Are you alright?” I said in a rushed tone of voice.
“No!”he howled “I.Am.NOT.Alright my body hurts so bad!”he howled in pain .

i knew what had happened he had been bitten and there was nothing I could do to help him he was going to be just like the werewolf's “ Who did this to you?” I asked Him “It was Selle “ .”Mr.Wiles,I can’t help you I’m so sorry”Alex choked out.he felt like running and never coming back to help him.Mr.Wiles was his favorite writing teacher,he always helped Alex when he was hurt or being bullied by his peers. Alex slowly backed away and ran when he was far away from Mr.Wiles. Alex felt a lump form in his throat and felt like he was going to cry.Alex sat on the ground heaving and gasping for air.why?he thought,why did this happen to the one person he cared about the most.As he thought about it he couldnt rember the last time anyone was that kind to him how is he ever going to repay Mr.Wiles?

I quickly shook these thoughts out of my head and tried to focus on the big problem how do i fix her?my thoughts immediately wondered to katie i wondered if she was in pain if she was awake but mostly i wondered why i feel this warm fuzzy feeling when i think of her.”stop it”i scowled.i will never ever like her like that in fact i might as well just ditch her right now and never look back ever.As these thougts ran through my head i felt sick to my stomach and had to sit down at the clearing by katie and put my head between my knees and rocked back and forth.
i can't even imagine what it would be like when i look into her eyes and tell her i'm going to kill her,of course she doesn't know it yet but i start feeling desperate and i started to shake with fear.Could I kill her?i don’t think i can do it.I got this weird feeling in my stomach that something was wrong with katie and she needed medical attention immediately.I quicklty got off of the ground and crouched down beside katie,i put my fingers on the inside of her wrist and felt for a pulse.It was there but it was really faint and weak.I immidently got out of the crouch i was in by her side and picked her up in my arms and ran with her as fast as i could to the road .When i got there i set her down on the ground and tried to flagdown a car with my arms waving over my head but there was none in sight.I got real anxiouse and feverent and was just about pick katie up again when i noticed a faint light in the distance moving closer and closer until it was 100 yards away and in plain sight.I jumped up and down trying to get the persons attention.

The car slowed way down and came to a steady stop right in front of me. I quickly ran over to the drivers side and yanked the door open “can you get us to hospital immediately” I pointed to Katie who was sprawled out on the road.The guy grunted and looked over my shoulder to where I was pointing and he nodded.The guy was chubby with cold blue eyes that pierced your skin like glass.His mouth was set in a permanent scowl and along with that he was so short.Im talking like 5’4 .His hair was long and greasy and the color of dirt.I shrivled up inside wanting to get away from him. He glared at me,his eyes flashed red. I backed away real slowly and ran to katies side.”hey can you hear me?...Katie we need to get you to the hospital” Alex said desperately into her ear. Katie started to whimper uncontrollably .Alex started to panic, this could only mean one thing, she was dieing. I picked her up in my long pale arms and ran over to the car door that was closed a moment ago , and flung katie and myself into the seat

“okay that better not be blood” I heard him mutter under his breath “It is” I glared at him when i told him this. “ My name is Alex and this is Katie and we need to get to a hospital” I snarled, spit flying out of my mouth as I said this. The driver just grinned , his eyes flashing red “you're a little spit fire arentcha little vampire?’ I stared at him for a long second before answering him “ of course i am i don't get by on my looks, do i old Demonical?” “Ahh I see you have found out what I am Little Vampire .Yes it is true that i am a demon but you are much more than a little vampire and my name is smith not Demonical and you must be Alexander” He gave me an evil grin.

“How do you know my name?” I demanded “Your father was one of my most treasured friends and I was there magic maker” He stated simply “your friend Katie doesn’t look to well you might want to check on her” I turned my head disbelieving what he said and instantly saw that Katie was waking up. She was moaning and she jerked up and her eyes went wide when she saw me. “It wasn’t a dream, Alex my god what happened to your face!” Her hands flinched up to my face and lightly brushed it. I felt a shock go through me like I was burning from the inside out , I flinched away from her touch “ Since when do you worry bout me and then touch me ?” She just stared at me like i didn't even exist “what are you talking about i have always been your friend, are you okay did you hit your head Alex?” I ignored her “You must have hit your head harder than I thought.”

Smith chuckled form the front seat “She didn't just hit her head she is under a spell so she doesn’t feel any pain and she is confusing you with her boyfriend Quinn Hemsath”

“Do you think im stupid?”I asked in angry “ When I was little I used to like her and then she met him that filthy dog and now everything's changed, she is a mean , her boyfriend attacked her, hit her then her she ran away I followed her she is so stupid sometimes that she doesn’t even remember what happened and believe it or not I have feelings for her still but they are not as strong as before in 7th grade.” I snapped at him. Smith looked at me and laughed “you are a vicious beast arentcha ?” I just snarled “yeah I am I can take your head off in less then a second!” “you realize Alex that Katie is not going to find help in a hospital because she is a human? who by the way is under a spell and can’t respond to treatment, she will die”

I shook my head at him” You don’t believe she will live do you?” “ Just drop Me and katie off at the Hospital we can take it from there”” I'm sorry Alex i can’t because you guys meaning you and katie are on amber Alert so as soon as you guys walk in you will get arrested , but i can give you a charm to hide your true identity and then you guys can take me with you and i can pretend to be your dad!” He smiled as he said this “Thats a good idea smith but how can you make us a charm that will help hide our identity?” Alex asked “Well i am a demon who can do magic but it comes at a cost you will have to give me something to me like a shoe or a piece of hair or something so when i turn you into someone else i will be able to make Katie and me have the same similarities as you” Smith said “ Fine but if you do anything else with this i will kill you “ I pulled out my vial of blood from my human days and handed it over , I only have two but this one was taken from me by my mom and the other one is taken from me from my father after he turned me into a vampire “ well the connection between you and this object is very strong i can tell it means alot to you and in this case that is very good” Smith said with a small frown “Okay now give me a piece of katies hair and i can proceed okay?” I nodded my head and crawled over to where katie was and yanked out a piece of hair “ Here Smith now hurry please she is dying “ I quickly hurried over to where Smith was and handed him a long black strand of her hair “Okay now we can begin with the spell , now hush Alex i know you are going to ask what it is called , this spell is called Binding it will last for 3 days okay and after that we have to book it out of the hospital our story is that she fell while we were hiking up the river and hit her head and yeah you get the picture this potion will only take me a minute to make okay?” I took a deep breath in and let it out before replying “ How does it work?” Smith looked at me before repliying “ It will hurt alot but the pain will last for only 30 seconds you will feel yourself changing before it happens you will look completly diffrent Katies hair is for me and you so we all have something of each others okay and i am mixing in a peice of my hair which will cause me to look older and less beautiful which i will still look better then you and then you will look like you are 10 and she will look like she is 10 you guys will look like twins okay?” “Okay Smith you better do this right her heart is about to stop “ I looked over to where Katie was laying and felt nothing but emptiness and sorrow imagining a life without Katie but then i remembered that she is never going to be the girl i used to know because of that mutt Quinn “ okay here we go “ Smith staretd to chant in a demon tongue i could understand him “ Lets bind the bind ,mend the part, fix the past and make it gone make us look like each other and turn us into one and fair for one is gone and the other nar” The words didn’t make sense but i remmember that they never made sense because of the demons language is spoken alot diffrently. Smith grabbed Katies hair and sprinkled it on the ground then he grabbed his hair and did the same next mixing a little bit of my blood with it a glass started to grow out of the ground until it was bigger then a goblat and filled with black liquid that i dont reqonize. “ Okay we will need you to go first Alex and then katie and last of all me , take 3 big sipps and then give it to me and we will have to force Katie to drink it “ Smith picked up the black goblet off of the ground and handed it to me , I starred at it wondering if i should even drink it “ Hurry Alex we only have 2 minuts until that cup disinigrates “ I hurridly took 3 big sips and swallowed without tasting it then i handed the cup to Smith who nelt down beside katie and poured some liquid down her throght Katie started to choke and was trying to fight back but Smith was already done and was draining the last bit . “Okay stand back everyone dont go near the cup once i set it down “ Smith threw the cup on the ground and jumped back just in time to because next thing i know there is an explosion of grey and black smoke and i was on my face in the dirt “ what just happend Smith ?” I asked groogley shocked by my own voice it sounded smaller and softer then my normal voice which was very deep and scruffy “ Well Alex you just got knocked down by me , what part of stand back do you not get ?” Smith scolded me but with warmth in his voice “ The change is happening now your voice is a lot softer and mine is deeper look at Katie she looks like a teenager “ Smith pointed out Katie on the ground , her face was starting to bubble and make a hissing noise she let out a shriek and lay still when the bubbling stopped Katie Didn't look like herself She had Long glossy Brown hair her eyelashes brushed her cheek bone when they are closed she was now so skinny and curvy with short fingernails She looked completely different than she did before and now she just looked stunning and gorgeous like take your breath away but stunning where you notice her “ She is a sight now isn't she Alex? but you should see yourself you have hair that points up at the end like what's that movie called that has my good friend Robert and that not so good looking girl Kristen i think?” Smith said deep in thought “ Oh yes its called Twilight you look like The character Edward Cullen” I just looked at him before replying “ What are you talking about ? I don’t even look like him “I said blankly “ well for starters here is a mirror now look at yourself and tell me who you look like “ Smith handed me a mirror and when i looked at myself i jumped “ What???!!!!!! that isnt me i cant walk in there nurses will be all over me and not concentrate on her!!!” I yelled but Smith Smirked “ Well Look at you boy we need to come up with names for both of you “ I thought for a minute before i replied” I will be Justin and she will be Ruby “I laughed at that but i needed pay back on her for all those years she bullied me “ She hates that name Smith and i am picking out a name for you so you look and have a dads name that some what matches our name your name will be Brian “ Nice i thought i picked out the most perfect names that would match but now we need to tell a story about the mom “ Okay Alex i like the name but Ruby? She will probably kill you if she found out that was her new name oh and i lifted the curse or spell whatever you want to call it so now she will feel pain lots of it “ Smith looked at me with a pointed look “ Smith or should i call you Dad? “ “Alex call me dad i will cut you save it for later got it?” I looked at him Knowingly “ Okay, Smith we need to find out a mom story because if we don’t they will contact a mom or try to and find that she doesn't even exist “ “ okay Kid you have a point but i paint the picture in there heads in other words i tell them the story “ I looked at him with a glare “ Okay But we need to go now okay?” Smith shook his head yes and we piled back into the car and drove down the street to the hospital. When we got there we were horrified because it was so full “How are we going to get inside and get help on time to save her life?” I whispered “ Well Justin you can call me dad now all we have to do is go into the Emergency lane and they will get us help” I was turning this plane over in my head “ Okay lets do it Dad Remember her name is Ruby Mine is Justin and Your is Brian our last name is-----” He cut me off “our last name is Grey its classy and i already have it all set up the account the insurance the job and the house where we live at oh and here is your cell phone “ He handed me a Galaxy 4s and Got out of the car and walked over to Katie's side and slung her over his shoulder and started to run “HELP HELP MY DAUGHTER RUBY IS HURT” Smith was so good that i actually believed him but When i noticed him wink at me i knew it was just a glamour he put on every one so they see what he wants them to see I quickly hurried after him when my feet hit the pavement it made a wet a wet sort of noise that made my ears hurt with the sharp squeak that was painful but i kept on running towards Katie and Smith “Dad wait up!!!” I yelled to smith with a smile on my face , this was going to be fun i said to myself. I Knew i couldn't run as fast as i wanted to because people would freak so i kept it at a slow pace and pretended i was out of breath when really i didn't need any “ Justin hurry Ruby needs help NOW” Smith Screamed at me but i knew it was an act “I'm coming i picked up my pace a little and Was at his side in less then a second Smith started to run along side me I looked down at Katies head and didn’t recognize her at all but then i remembered that we had took that stuff that made me feel funny in fact i still feel funny i tried to run as fast as i could but i soon found out that my still heart was now in fact pumping away, “ Um Smith er dad what is going on my heart is pumping like i am alive” “ well Justin YOU are alive now until the next 3 days remember?” I just looked at him “ Do i have to eat at all like human food ? Or do i get to drink blood still?” Smith started to laugh between his teeth but on the outside he didn’t look like he was laughing much less talking he looked like he was crying and was frantic , he is a good actor all right “ Alex you have to eat human food and drink Water or Juice or anything like that heck you could even have alcohol now if you wanted but i would recommend you not to have alcohol or i will have to beat you cause i can’t have a drunk boy on my hands and watch his girlfriend at the same time could i ?” I laughed at this “ I can’t see you even watching anything “ Smith gave me the stink eye that would make anyone shrink away but in this case it made me laugh a lot harder . by the time we got to the door of the Emergency entrance we had calmed down. People dreesed in Green and Blue scrubs rushed out of the door and lifted Katie up out of smith’s arms I followed her with my eyes and i don’t know why but i started to freak out when they placed that dreaded face mask that helped you breath on her face “ Wait” I yelled at them, they all turned around and looked at me. I cleared my throat before going on “ Do you guys know what's wrong with her? Is she going to be okay? what are you guys going to do with her? She is my sister and i need to know” I made my voice crack at the end and started to cry cause thats what 10 year olds do when they are upset or are worried, one of the doctors walked up to me and placed his big hand on my small shoulder “ Son what is your name?” he asked me i looked up at him “ My name is Justin Samuel Grey, sir, I am 10 years old and i want to know if my sister is okay!” I started to sob , The doctor put his hand under my chin and made me look at him his eyes were grey and he looked to be in his 80’s he was a small frail man with frizzy white hair that reached his shoulders “ Justin your a brave young man but your sister might not make it out of here alive i'm so sorry but as i looked at her i knew we can only give her time before we do treatment her neck is broken her back is broken in 2 places she is not paralyzed but she also has a severe concussion and is in a coma we can’t tell you how long it will last “ I looked at him and hit him square in the jaw and started to scream “ You don’t even believe in her you filthy stupid---------” I was cut off by Smith pulling me face first into his shirt “ Im sorry doctor. We will give you 3 Days i can't give you any more time we need her home with us her life is short ” with that he turned me and him around and walked us to the waiting room. I heard footsteps stumbling towards us in a hurried fashion “ Mr.Grey Wait i need to talk to you” It was the doctor who i hit i hope he doesn't sue us for what i did we stopped and made him come towards us ,when the doctor caught up to us he was out of breath “ Mr.Grey we can't let you take your daughter until she is stable i'm afraid but we can give you more hours at visiting time tomorrow “ He stated flatly glaring at me the whole time “ I'm sorry Doctor or whatever your scummy name is we are taking my daughter home put her in a cast if you must but she will be coming with me and my son” Smith snarled at him “ Well Mr.Grey my name is MR.SNOWDEN and i will call the police if you take your daughter is that clear?” “ Mr. Snoblen or is it Snowden oh well you may call the police but i will disappear before you can say bye do you understand and no its not clear considering that you are not her dad nor her family member and you can't tell me what to do, i am of a higher rank then you” Smith Smiled at him as he said this “ and besides you can’t keep me from my own kid” I chuckled at this because it was so true, Mr.Snowden, the doctor was so mad that his face turned bright red , then to dark purple “ Hey Snortan or whatever i'm not mood to fight with you” Alex told The Doctor

“Well Mister Justin, you don’t have to fight me” The doctor's face softened as he said this “But we need to keep your sister here to make sure she is okay” I looked at Smith and started to laugh “ Well sir if you can figure out what is wrong with her you deserve a pat on the back”
Down the hospital hallways we heard screaming “ Get the hell away from me!!” It sounded like katie “ Alex!” she screamed . I sprinted down the hallway and soon discovered that katie all healed and now looking diffrent was sprinting at me “ Help Me” She staggered and fell upon the white tiled hospital floors , Katie started to sob , i ran faster until i was by her side “ Katie Are you okay?” Katie looked up at me and started to sob “ ‘I don't think i am human” I looked at her closely wondering how she found that out “ Katie I am sorry, but You are not human you're a Fairy/ vampire/werewolf “ I looked at her as i said this daring her to tell me no “ SHe started to cackle “ Oh Alex Katie isn't here “ Slowly Katie started to rise off the floor “By the time you find her she will be dead” I stared at her in horror as Katie took shape from a girl to a Big Snaring WHich “ We need her for the sacrifice “ With that she waved her hand and disappeared. I Woke up with a start, doctors were standing over me with anxious looks in there eyes “ Smith” I screamed Everyone looked startled “ Dad “ my voice croaked the group around me disappeared and Smith stepped in and hoisted me up “ Are You Okay justin?” I shook my head no “ well son lets go to the bathroom and get you cleaned up, You got blood everywhere” He grabbed my arm and dragged me down the hallway, when we were out of earshot he turned me around to look at him “ What did you see?” I looked at him stunned “ How the heck do you know about this?” He looked at me like i was stupid “ Alex, i know that something bad happened but i don't know what so i need you to open your pretty mouth and spill or i will fricken cut you ! DO you understand?” He yelled spit flying “ Katie is missing “ WIth that i turned on my heel and ran down the hall to Katies room all that was left in her room was a mess . Blood stained the Dark green floor, it was splattered all over the pink and purple flowered wall paper and worst of all Katie wasn't there, her bed was turned over and flung across the room “ How did i not hear her screaming?” I whispered then yelled into the Blood tainted air “ALEX!” Smith screamed “HELP” I sprinted for the door when i got to Smith he was wrapped in white cloth being flown off by a weird bird by his neck “ SMITH” I knew i was too late he wasn't moving or breathing. The bird carrying him was grunting from the weight of smith, its golden colored feathers flapping wildly its long sharp black beak was speckled with red drops that i hoped silently wasn't blood “ I'm so sorry smith “ I sobbed Blood instead of tears ran down my face. I raced out the door into the cold night air . Smiths car was still parked in the yellow space, its long sleek shape looked similar to a lamborghini but i wasn't sure because i don't know my cars well. I sprinted to it and jumped in the passenger seat , something crumpled underneath of me . I reached down to see what it was my hands reached for the object i sat on, but it wasn't an object, it was a note the top of the envelope read THE TRUTH ABOUT ALEX in bold letters, i slipped my hand underneath the flap and began to read ‘ Dear Alex, there was so much i wanted to tell you before i knew i was going to die, Like how your real name is not Alex but Justin Smith and how old you really are 21 still a young kid you are , but mostly i wanted to tell you that Katie isn't human or even a beast she is in fact a princess of the magic world her blood is said to cause rivers of magic to flow and give every living thing immortality, i have to admit to you that i can't say more but point to the fact that katie is in another world underneath of us’ your deepest regrets, Smithson Limit

I stared at the note, my mouth open in horror “ My life was all a lie” I said to myself .I grabbed smiths spair key out of his arm rest , and started the car. I drove down the street thinking of what he could mean by Katie is in another world underneath of us when it hit me “ Oh. My God.” my mouth couldnt form the word god but i did a pretty good job imitating it “ Katies in the After life” I drove faster to the nearest exit , wanting to talk to the one person who knew everything. My brother Austin Sheesh. I pulled into an empty parking space at the Gas Grove and turned the engin off and sat there stariring into space thinking up my revenge and how i was going to get Katie back . I heard screaming behind me i quickly got out of the car and went to investigate, what i saw shocked me , a women lay naked on the ground a man stood over her with a gun pointed at her stomic “ If you move Silvia i will kill you” The women lay wimpering on the ground blood covered her upper half of her body and black oil covered the bottom half Shut the Hell up now! “ he screamed at her “ Please Hello lets talk about this “ She cried “ I am done listening to your demon ways” He raised the gun so it pointed towards her temple, before he could pull the trigger i had jumped out of my hiding spot and was running vampire speed at him i knocked him down scooped up The women who i realized was in my class and ran towards the car, we were soon speeding down the highway the man way behind us. SIlvia was in the backseat crying and wimpering i had covered her naked body with a blanket and had comfortaded her until she felt safe but she couldnt stop crying “ Silvia, how old are you honey?” I asked her with sympathy in my voice “ I'm 13” She sobbed i looked closely at her, she had Long honey blond hair that hung past her waist her green eyes sparkled like gems and her tan honey skin was bruised and scratched in many places, she didn't look 13 to me she looked 18 she was around 5’7 and was curvy and small her full lips were bloody and scratched also “ Silvia sweetheart what happened? Who was that man?” I asked her “ His name is Hello he was my boyfriend, he beat me up all the time he is 18 he wanted me to” she broke off , i slowly realized that she was embarrassed to tell me because he did or wanted her to be intimate with her oh my god the poor girl “ It's okay you don't have to tell me “ I smiled at her too reassure her that i wasn't going to hurt her “ I can hear what you're thinking you know that Alex?” I stared at her. Holy crap she was a sight giver and seer “ What was i thinking Silvia?” I asked cautiously not wanting her to doubt herself “ You know what i am and i know what you are i'm a sight giver and seer but people call me a receiver and they call you a fledgling because you're also a vampire but you are the prince of vampires i bet you didn't know that huh?” I knew that Sylvia would give me my history soon but crap i was surprised at what she told me “ i don't think i am Silvia, i mean how could i be the prince if he has been missing for 21 years after his mom gave birth to him his twin sister is missing also-” his voice trailed off as he remembered Smiths note “ Holy Crap” he muttered, what if he was the prince? This could change everything in his life, his mom and his dad were not his parents but some imposters his real family could be out there still looking for him “ Are you sure i'm the prince?” he asked like he didn't believe her so she would stress it out even more “ Oh yes i am so sure, You see you are 21 the prince went missing when he was a baby, you believe you were bitten to become a vampire but you see you were not bitten someone just put a spell on you so you would think that and wouldn't find out the truth, in fact, you are in grave danger that is why your mom put you into hiding like she did, she gave you to her sister who people think was a traitor and you called her mom” “ Is it true my name is Justin?” “ Oh yes it is true you are by law named Alex but the name given to you was Justin Ogaden Legally Smith , you were named after your great-great-great-great- grandfather Jason Hale Ledgley Smith, the name doesn't sound like it cuz your names aren't the same but you are the name and the name is you” she stated “ What are you talking about, what does you are the name and the name is you even mean?”I asked , this is so confusing , what does she even mean its like i am talking to a crazy person “ you will find out some day but not at this moment, and Justin or would you like to be called Alex?” i thought for a moment and decided on Alex “Alex there is more between you and katie then you may Know, your futures together are linked , and will always be linked, you need to find katie, she is being held at the tavern underneath a mansion that belongs to the dark fledglings , if you dont no who they are i will tell you , they are the most powerful witches in all the land, katie doesn't have much time to live any more she only has 10 days before the full moon and even then it would be too late , they would have already exceeded her powers and will use them to destroy the magic world and human world” all this new information rushed through my head and exploded inside of me. “ WHAT!” I screamed i slammed my foot on the brake and turned around so i was staring at her, a blush had formed on her cheeks, slowly turning scarlet red. I stared her down until she told me “ Katie is going to die unless you set her soul free and let her inhabit another body until her body is repaired or is out of its bonds, with out me she will die Alex, i have to let her inhabit my body, its now or never.” i slowly processed this, “But-” I started to say trying to piece the right words together “ Won't, you umm die?” I asked very softly “ If there is another way without hurting both of you i will do it “ Alex, you need Katie more then you need me” The snake in my pants slowely rose at these words but i willed it down before it could show “ I need you Silvia , believe it or not, but ever since i saw you i liked you” As i said this i releized it was true “ Alex” She said sofly, i found myself leaning towards her , closer and closer i got until our lips were onley 1 inch apart, i looked her in the eyes before i crushed my lips to hers, she gasped and moved closer until she was up against me, her blanket was gone and now it was her naked body against my fully clothed one, i wanted this barrier between us to disapear until i was on top of her and she was under me , gasping , i slowely moved to the backseats and layed her down, still keeping my lips on hers “ Alex” she moaned and she slowely eased my shirt off and that was folled by my pants until the only thing i had on was just my boxers and soon that was gone, i slipped my hand in bettewen her legs and put myself inside of her and i heard her moan i slowely rotated my hips to hers until i was thrusting at full speed “ Faster Sam!”She gasped I felt her stiffen underneath of me before a white goo spread out underneath of me , i gasped and fell on top of her out of breath “ Silvia, what did you do to me? , i didnt even want to have sex with you!” I sceramed but she was up and shoved me off of her “ Alex, i didnt do anything to you we just took a flash back down memory lane, we didnt even have sex, you saw my sister and her boyfreind , this was before they died and you were there you are my brother and i am your sister!” I felt numb with shock because i knew that, i knew silvia was my sister but the images felt like i was part of it, how is silvia my sister if she was the that would mean that she was or is a Princess and a very dangerous one at that “ How are you my sister?” I choked out praying silently that we didn't have sex , that i had to admit, would have been weird, but i felt like some dark magic was at works here” I kissdd you Silvia i was on top of you, you were naked , you and i did have sex “ I felt anger for this girl wwho tricked me “ Yes Alex but i am not Silvia “ She cackeld and i felt a shudder run down my spine “ I am Blith , Goddess of Lust , imidate finder of lingiring” She cackled . My snake rose up with lust i wanted her but i didnt eevn no why, the way she said lust made me want her it turned me on. All thoughts were dashed out of my head when Katies name and face popped up into my head, this goddess must be putting thoughts in my head to make me believe things like how Silvia- i mean Blith , is my sister and how i wanted her, i knew Blith had done unspeakable things to me that i didnt want but it felt great.

“ Blith , i need your help, i need to find Katie ‘ I whispered despratley She looked at me for a long time before nodding “ I shall Do what it takes”

The author's comments:
Well here it is The whole thing i a m working on more so enjoy

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