hanging on | Teen Ink

hanging on

May 22, 2014
By rocky gonzalez BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
rocky gonzalez BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hanging On
Introduction: Alice is a 32 year old woman, with a husband, Brian who is 36. They have 2 children; Mark who’s 9 years old & Aubrey that’s only 4. The all lived in Weslaco, Texas. Alice is about 5’7 she’s slim, light brown hair with highlight streak’s, she has hazel eyes, light skinned, and she has a tattoo on the back of her neck with her children’s name on it and a forever symbol with it. Brian is 5’9, he has dark brown eyes almost close to black, he has black hair and his skin color is tan. They all live together in a two story house including a basement.
Alice works in a school, she’s a librarian for Weslaco elementary, and Alice has been working there for 6 years going onto her 7th. Alice loves her job but it barely gives her enough to pay bills and payments for the house, and barely enough to put food for the kids on the table.
Brian works too, but he works at a freeze packing plant. He bags up seafood and it gets sent out, he doesn’t get paid as much as Alice does but he also pitches in, but not as much. Brian was abusive, impulsive, possessive, and jealous. He always wanted and needed to know where Alice was at, every time Alice wouldn’t pick up her phone he got so angry that once she got home he would always be waiting for her ready to yell and throw her and shove her, sometimes even hit her.
Alice was in an abusive relationship physically, emotionally and verbally. She hated it, felt like she couldn’t do anything about it. She was weak compared to him, and she always put her two children first, not worried about what would happen to her. Mark & Aubrey’s needs came first.
Alice always prayed at night in silent for things to get better. She prayed to God asking for Brian to change, she worried that Mark & Aubrey would see what Brian did to her, she always had the house clean before she left. She made sure of that.
Alice also feared Brian so much she feared that one day Brian might react impulsively and do something to the kids. She always told herself “there is always light at the end of each tunnel, I got to keep moving forward,” that quote kept her going not giving up. It was very hard for her to trust anyone because of her life with Brian had her traumatized and scared that anything terrible could happen. She always thought to herself that the greatest and wonderful thing in life could be being out of harm’s way and feeling free with her two children. she took care of while she was crying she would take care of the kids, she felt dumb for being with her husband still, but to her it didn’t matter how she felt because as long as her children were happy and not sad, nothing to her mattered.
It was 7:00 A.M, Alice’s alarm went off, and she had to get ready to work at Weslaco Elementary. Just like any other day she was making waffles with French toast & chocolate shake for breakfast for Aubrey and Mark. Brian was still dead sleep. While Aubrey and Mark are eating their breakfast Alice made time to clean the house before she has to leave with her kids to school. Once she finished cleaning the bathroom she heard Brian, “ALICE!!!....What the hell did I tell you!?”
Alice felt paralyzed as she heard Brian yell in the room.
“Whaaaaaaat?” she says.
“What do you mean WHAT! I said where’s my breakfast!!”There was a short pause.
“Brian I told you I’m busy, foods already downstairs the kids are eating and I’m cleaning the house before I leave in 10 minutes, please make an effort yourself and eat downstairs. That’s why we have a dinner table.”
“Alice….shut up and go get me my damn food” Brian insisted.
“In a minute…” as she went to go get Brian’s breakfast she gave it to him and said, “last time Brian last time! I’m so exhausted and you can’t even help around ONCE…you can’t expect to have everything handed to you all the time, and you can’t talk to me like that either it—“
“I DON’T CARE!! I DO NOOOT CARRRE ALICEEE! You married me for a reason, because you love me and you’ll do as I say, ok? Great were all good, as you were.” Alice was holding back tears hearing what came out of Brian’s mouth she didn’t know if he actually meant it.
She didn’t marry him to become a maid, she married him because she loved him, but also because he was a great guy. Not like this she thought to herself. He was turning possessive and she disliked that, sometime soon things will get out of hand. Once the house was clean her children were ready to go and the car was outside running ready to be driven off. Her kids were buckled up and she was also putting on her seat belt. She went to school with her kids dropping off Aubrey at a day care. Once she got to Weslaco Elementary her son went straight to class as she was going into the library checking in for work.
Her day had started off bad, so she was hoping for it to get better. Later that day, Mark went into the library with his class to check a book out, so each student can read in class on their own time. Mark took the time to ask his mom “Are you ok mom? I heard dad yell at you…why?”
“Sweetie your dad just had a rough morning everything’s ok, now go get a book before your time runs out. If you need any help you know were my desk is at.” She gave him a kiss in the forehead and he went on.
She knew that Brian wasn’t having a rough morning. The whole time at work she was thinking what caused Brian to react so bad and jumpy about almost everything she ever did. She thought if she went out for lunch with him during her break she could talk with him to see if he’s ok.
When Alice’s lunch time was on she had checked out of school for a bit and went to the freeze pack to see Brian. She walked into his department looking for him and she saw him from a distance and walked forward to him, although he didn’t see her, once she was close to him she asked.
“Hey honey, I’m in lunch right now would you like to grab something to eat with me”
“Alice what are you doing here? This is a man’s department you’re the only girl here! It looks wrong, get out!” he said in a firm voice.
“I am your wife Brian there is absolutely nothing wrong with me coming here.”
“Woman I am working!” Alice was getting upset the way he was acting.
“You can choose to have your break whenever you want. I come to visit you and all you say is get out??!!...Brian talk to me! What is going on? Why are you so serious now? You were not like this, let me know what’s going on let me help you please, think of our kids what will they say if—“
“I am so tired of you always being up on my business and never letting me be!” Every guy at the freeze pack was looking at Brian.
The way he talked to Alice was very disrespectful & Alice was starting to get emotional, “I’ll just go away Brian, it seems to me like I can’t even come to visit you at work because you get upset, God knows why!!!? You know what Brian…something’s going on with you that you don’t want to tell me, your attitude says it all and I’m not liking one bit of it, hear me!?” She was starting to tell him what she was thinking until he grabbed her from the arm and took her outside.
“You are not going to go to my job and make a scene just because I don’t want to eat with you! You’re so ridiculous!”
“It’s not even about that Brian it’s about your attitude towards me, your attitude. With me, did I upset you? Really like why the heck are you being so aggressive, are you tired of me? Do you not love me anymore? Tell me now so I won’t make myself look like an idiot trying to get to you when you don’t even acknowledge me at all!” She gasped for air as she let the last sentence slide out her mouth.
“My attitude? Look at yourself making a scene at my job. I didn’t ask you to come Alice. I don’t know why you did, I don’t want to have lunch with you. If I did I would off contacted you at school, now get in the car and drive off, your wasting my time. They are not paying me for nothing here you know,” his voice was getting calm.
“Alice we can talk later, not right now, it’s really not the time and I’m sure you don’t want to see me any angrier then I was this morning.” Alice looked surprise at what he said. “Are you threatening me?? Don’t you dare because I am not afraid of you Brian DON’T YOU DARE!” Her voice was shaky.
She felt like she was going to collapse and give out and let him win again. Alice wanted to be determined to make Brian understand her and let her get through to him. After Brian finished saying his last words he left her there standing by her car, all you could hear was Brian’s footsteps moving the little pebbles and rocks fading away as he got closer to the door. Alice gave it a rest for now, when she drove off and got back to school she stayed extra hours to give him a little space and to distract herself from the argument they got into.
“Would things change? Would he appreciate me more if I change my bad ways? What are my bad ways? Do I even have bad habits he doesn’t like? I need answers. How do I find out without making him angry or make him upset?” She thought to herself.
That afternoon, once Alice got out of work, she stopped by the gas station to pump gas. As she was paying at the front desk she thought that she heard Brian’s voice in the back of the store yelling. He was on a phone. Alice was surprised to see him there since she always was the one who pumped gas into his car, so it wouldn’t make sense seeing him there at the gas station since he never went there, at least not that Alice knew.
As Alice got out the store and inserted the key for her car to turn on, she looked towards the right direction, she saw Brian walking out with a twenty four pack of beer and two forty’s while in the other hand he was still talking on the phone. By the look on his face, from whoever he was talking to, he was enjoying the conversation. The smile and the laughs he was having said it all.
Alice was stunned to see that, Brian never drank. At least not that she was aware of, she also wondered who he was speaking to since he was so angry earlier for no reason. Seeing him coming out of gas station with all that alcohol made her think a lot about Brain’s attitude and his way of being lately, maybe that was why he was turning abusive. Alice didn’t say anything. She drove off and she wasn’t in a mood to argue after seeing that. Now she was the one who needed some space.
Alice got home and knew Brian probably wasn’t going to be home that night, at least not early since he was going to be busy drinking with some friends, or having a boy’s night out. The night came around and Alice tucked in Aubrey and sent Mark, Aubrey’s big brother, off to sleep. She locked the doors and shut all windows so no one could break in. It was the middle of the night, 2:36 A.M. All she could hear outside were the crickets cricking and tree leaves swishing back and forth. All of a sudden Alice hears the kitchen window shatter as a hard object fell into the sink. Alice immediately ran towards Aubrey’s room and Mark’s room. “Get your stuff, c’mon kids go into my room and hide in the closet, lock the doors and don’t open until I tell you guys its safe, Clear?”

“Ok Mommy,” said Aubrey frightened by not knowing what happened.
“Aubrey, hurry up and close the door, lets go hide!” Mark said, trying to make Aubrey go as fast as she can.
On her way down the stairs Alice hears grunts and things falling off counters and shelves. She comes to realize it wasn’t a robber or anything like that, but instead it was Brian. “Brian! ...You’re drunk, my gosh! What in the world? have you gone mad, look at the time!! What is this?? Just look at yourself! you look disgusting, so PATHETIC! I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS!” she took a big breath.
“Aliceee…? … Is that you woman? What happened tuh the house?” Brian sounded lousy, his voice was weak and he kept swinging his body back and forth trying to keep his balance, while holding on to the stairs by the living room.
“Hunny did you kno--“
“Brian, let me tell you something. Our kids we’re sleeping, I had to wake them up, take them to my room, and tell them to hide in the closet and lock my room door because you’re drunk and can’t knock like a decent man? For God’s sake Brian, you broke the kitchen window, why did you do that!?” Alice had enough of Brian’s attitude, she was supposed to be sleeping and instead she was up arguing with Brian. He had no clue what so ever of what was going on, or what he had done.
“Woman I dunno what yous talking bout, im juss very tired an I wanna go tuh sleep, can I do that?”
“Listen to yourself you can’t even talk right! Why did you get drunk Brian? You better fix this window. All this time I’ve given you plenty of space, you have no excuse to be setting me aside like a rag and doing whatever please. You PAY ATTENTION when I’m speaking! Now you been acting weird, not wanting me to go to your work? You turn into an alcoholic, and you come out a gas station with beer babags? Seriously! You need help! You changed a lot, and it’s not for the good!”
Alice was getting very frustrated with Brian, she was trying to make a point and get through to him. She was hoping she would change his mind, “Brian, our kids watch everything you’re doing, while their upstairs hiding I’m giving you this lecture, all I ask is to please act your age, where is the old you? I didn’t fall in love with who you are now, you’re different now.”
“Shut up, don’start now Ima go tuh sleep. I don’have time for this woman,” he said in a drowsy voice.
“Its unbelievable how far you’ve come, I came to the conclusion that the best thing for us is to get a divorce. I’m so through with this, I have two kids, I don’t need you to start acting like one too! I’ve had enough of this foolishness, your 36 years old and there isn’t any need for you to act like a 10 year old! Your possessiveness over me, your verbal abuse, rude comments and no good self-reached my limit.”
There was a long pause before she said anything else…”Brian, as I made my decision, I’ll call my lawyer first thing in the morning.”
“We’ll see bout’ that, yous ain’t getting away just as easy as you think, ya hear me!” Brian was reaching for a flower vase, as Alice saw what he was reaching for she ran out of the kitchen, looking for safety away from the man she had married, who was now a stranger to her.
“Brian! STOP!” Alice pleads for help.
While the fighting was going on Mark heard her mother yelling. He told Aubrey to put on some headphones and listen to some Music, he didn’t want her to hear what their mother was going through.
“Wait here Aubrey, I’ll be back, Mom’s calling me and she said for you to stay here, ok? “
“Can I go?” frightened with what was going on, Aubrey didn’t want to be left alone.
“No Aubrey, you have to stay here, you won’t be alone. Here’s Smiles your bear, hold him tight till I come back ok?” He promised her it wouldn’t take long.
As he left the room he quickly ran to his room and picked up the phone and dialed 911 immediately.
“911 what’s your emergency?” the voice on the other end was his last hope for help.
“My dad is drunk and he broke in the window and I’m afraid he’s going to hurt my mom,” quickly trying to make the call as quick as possible before Brian heard.
“Ok, can you tell us were your located?”
“926 W. 4th LN Weslaco, Please help my mom.”
“We will help, what’s your name?”
“My name is Mark and I am 9 years old.”
“Ok son, we’ll send some help right away.”
“Thank you so much.”
As he stays on the phone Mark heard a loud slap that sounded like Brian had hit Alice pretty hard, Mark was beginning to fear for his own life and Aubrey who was upstairs.
“Mom! Are you ok? Please say something, get up, please wake up!”
“Be quiet she juss sleepin, she ain dead boy, whaa you fussin an cryin’ bout” he was walking towards Mark. The closer he got Mark smelled the aroma of beer filling the living room as if he spilled it everywhere. Mark began to back up, away from his dad, not recognizing who he was, glancing from time to time to see if his mom was beginning to get up, or wakening from the hard hit Brian gave her in the head with the vase.
“Why did you hit mom? She’s trying to help! You’re supposed to be the man of the house, men don’t hit women.” Mark was trying to be strong, not showing fear towards his dad.
“She was gona threaten me, and leave me and take everything I own and gave you kiddos.”
“You lie! You didn’t give us anything but suffering, just because I’m your son doesn’t mean I see you as my father. ‘Any guy can have a kid, but it takes a man to be a father’ I saw that quote on the computer at my school, and you came to my mind! You have never been there for me, moms always there listening to me, helping me and you never have time for us your focused on---“
“Who the hell are you to give me lectures? Respect me I’m your father, I know damn well what I’m doing.”
“My mom doesn’t deserve you, she deserves better!”
“Oh really, is that so? Watch what I’m going to do to your sweet mother, as she yells for help, just watch.” As Brian walked towards Alice, she looked like she barely started to wake up.
“Please Brian, stop. I beg you please don’t hurt my kids.”
“Oh no, you’re the one who’s never going to forget this.”
“Stop it!!” Mark was beginning to cry as Brian began hitting and kicking Alice.
Mark suddenly heard police sirens outside and they came knocking the door down. Guns were pointing at Brian as they caught him in action hitting Alice.
“You’re going to regret this Mark!”
“Oh no he won’t! You’re going to regret this, you’ll be spending a lot of years in prison for laying your hands on a lady.”
As the cops rushed in Mark could hear the chains of the handcuffs clicking in together, tightening around Brian’s wrists. They escorted him out the house with a gun being pointed at him, to make sure he didn’t try and escape, or do anything he wasn’t supposed to do. Alice was unconscious, Mark ran up to her and an ambulance arrived and took her.
Mark ran upstairs getting Aubrey get on the Ambulance with their mom. Aubrey then knew that her mom was hurt bad, “Is mommy going to be ok Mark?”
“Yes, yes she is Aubrey. Everything is going to be Ok now, just like I promised.”
“Where’s Daddy going Mark?” Aubrey pointed towards Brian’s direction as they closed the back police car door. He was sitting on the other side of the window.
“He’s leaving Aubrey, don’t worry about him. You’ll understand when you’re older”
“But I’m four years old Mark. I’m old enough,” Aubrey smiled up at Mark.
“You’re still a kiddo, in time you’ll know what I’m trying to say, now c’mon moms waiting for us in the ambulance.” He took Aubrey by the hand and jumped on the ambulance where Alice opened her eyes and smiled up at her children. “We’re going to be Ok now kids.”
“We know Mom, we know. Now get some rest, you have quite an injury there”
“Yes Mom?” Mark got closer since Alice’s voice was weak at the moment.
“Thank you son, thank you for calling for help, if it wasn’t for you who knows were I’d be right now, or what could have happened to you. You saved my life and I’ll always thank you for that.” Alice released tears of happiness as she felt a new beginning for her children and her coming up.
“No more violence,” she thought… “It feels good to finally know my kids are safe.”
“Mom, you don’t have to thank me, any son would do what I did today. No one likes to see their mom getting hit or yelled at by anyone else. I love you.”
“I love you too Mark, the both you, I love you.”

The author's comments:
a lot of relationships now a days are mainly abusive and theirs nothing they do about it to stop it until its late

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