The Letter . | Teen Ink

The Letter .

June 11, 2014
By isaabeeel_ BRONZE, Sacramento, California
isaabeeel_ BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i don't wish,
i pray.

It's mid march, senior year, I have just left my house and now i am on my way to school . I submitted my application to UC Berkeley last October. I still have yet to receive any letters back. I pull into the parking lot at school, and i am running late as usual. I walk up to my first period and i see my best friend Salma smiling from ear to ear. I ask , "whats going on?"

"I GOT IN!!" she yells back . i automatically already know what she's talking about. She's been accepted to San Francisco State. That's been her dream for the last past 4 years !

As i get to the rest of my classes i see more and more of my fellow peers happy and some even crying at the terrible news. I couldn't wait anymore, so i decided to leave during lunch and see if my letter has got there. I know that the mail man does not get to my house until 12:43.

I pull up to driveway, about 10 minutes away from my school, and see my moms car still in the driveway. I never see my mom in the driveway at this time, its quite shocking . I step into my front door and see my mom sitting at the dining room table. She's crying ! A million thoughts going through my head.

" Oh My Gosh, i didn't get in !" I begin to cry.

My mom starts her way toward me and hugs me.

"YOU got in baby !"

The author's comments:
my piece of writing was inspired by my dream of the future !

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