A moment of music | Teen Ink

A moment of music

June 26, 2014
By msjohnson BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
msjohnson BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everything around me seemed to slow down, it was as if the people were moving through water. I let my eyelids sink into my eyes, and inhale the foul-tasting air. The notes to one of Bach's suites came flooding into my head, filling every corner of my brain with the sweet melody that I grew up with. I hesitated, then guided my worn, dirty fingers over the keys, and let them float until they just barely touched the fragile ivory white of the key. I took one more steady breath in, and leaned in to begin. Each note, each chord awakened parts of me I had forgot existed. Soon I could hear nothing, I could see nothing, I could taste nothing, I could feel nothing but the music, how the melody progressed, how each beautiful sound filled the void space. As my fingers kept moving, full of life and color, I dedicated every piece of the song to what I believed in. I remembered what I was fighting for. I remembered why I was fighting at all.

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