Double Talk | Teen Ink

Double Talk

July 13, 2014
By Anonymous

I know that sometimes life gets hard. But I could never hurt anyone. They could though. Addison and Ryan. Ryan's the good one. He makes me when Addison screws me up. Emotionally I mean. Ryan uses his powers for good things. Addison uses hers to make bad curses and destroy hope in its entirety. I'm submissive to them both however. I can't change that. Ryan and Addison won't let me.

"Do it," Addison said. "You know you want to."

"Adam, don't!" Ryan shouted. I was thinking about how to get back at my ex girlfriend, Kirby. "She's not worth it."

Why can't you two just go away, I thought.

"How rude!" Addison said with a slight British accent.

"So now you're British, Addison?" Ryan said, folding his arms over his chest. He scolded her wanting to rip off her head, I could tell. It was second hour at Sirendale Academy and my only friends were disrupting me. They knew they were. Ryan and Addison were more entertaining than algebra anyway.

"Abso-bloody-lutely," Addison said, shaking her butt ass if she were the Queen of Sass and the world was wrapped around her skinny, little finger.

Ryan laughed a little.

Keeping her British accent Addison said: "Come on, Ry, aren't you British as well?" I blinked. Ryan twirled and dawned a pirate's blouse.

"Arrrr... I be a pirate," the never-aging seventeen year old mocked a pirate's raspy voice. I tried hard not to let a giggle escape my throat. Addison did a fairy dance and made the classroom disappear into a world of never-ending nirvana. I felt my face flex as I let the words escape my mouth.


Ryan and Addison disappeared.

"Ryan!" I walked through a tunnel and into a blue forest with a purple river running through it. "Addison!" I continued walking. I smelled something. What was it?... Burning rubber? A flower lone in The Blue Forest, its white petals and stem showed it's purity.

"Don't continue!" It screamed at me in a low growl. I backed away and ran the same way I came. Where'd the tunnel go? The Blue Forest dissipated to a black, burning forest fire.

"Adam!" I heard Ryan scream.


"Adam, over here!" Addison soon followed. Their voices came from two different directions. I followed Ryan's.

"Hold on, Ryan!" I shouted to him. I ran and ran all the way until I found a hurt dog. It was an old English Bulldog, its leg bleeding bad. I bent down and tried to touch it but it cried. A bullet was stabbed into the dog's leg.

"Ryan?" I let out a whimper as a tear ran out of my eye.

"Not hardly," an evil, familiar voice crept around my neck. I froze in fear. I slowly turned around. Ryan was holding a gun. He was floating above the ground and his eyes were pure black, evil and all knowing.

"Addison?" I turned to the dog. Her blue eyes shed a tear and I allowed more to roll off my face. "What'd you do?!" I ran up and pushed him. "What did you do!?" I repeated. He smirked as he lifted the gun to his head. He pulled the trigger and I screamed. I opened my eyes and the class was staring at me. I wiped away my tears and ran out of the classroom.

The author's comments:
A real life incident with slight "Alice In Wonderland" feel.

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