Sometimes the little things make you realize they care | Teen Ink

Sometimes the little things make you realize they care

July 23, 2014
By Srs42 GOLD, Coralville, Iowa
Srs42 GOLD, Coralville, Iowa
17 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
when life gives you lemons... eat them and make really weird faces at people.

My eyes met his. Why was I so scared? Wasn't this what I wanted... To be with my dream guy. I was standing face to face with the boy I've liked for years, and all I could think about was being afraid. I knew this wasn't right. I wasn't sure if I would be able to stop myself. I mean I was only sixteen.
"I can't do this", I said with shame in my voice.
He didn't leave, he just slowly caressed my arm. Looking at me with his look. As in the look. Before I could speak; his lips... Touched mine. Leaving only a spark between us. Music filled my thoughts and all of my worries vanished. Waves of passion tingled through out my body as he slowly kissed my neck. I felt powerless... Like a rabbit waiting to be fed on. I had my fingers in his hair and he had his hands lightly set on my waist. I tried to go further but then he stopped me.
"You're not ready", he said while looking at me with certainty.
I froze, telling myself this wasn't a dream. It was reality. I said nothing. I just slowly got up and kissed him on the cheek. Leaving him on his bed. As I walked outside I realized... I would of done it. Even though I was not ready. The sky glistened back at me as if saying I told you so. Then I smiled.
"He really does care about me", I thought to myself with a blissful gleam in my eyes.

The author's comments:
The title explains it all

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