What If? | Teen Ink

What If?

August 25, 2014
By megz71 SILVER, St. Marys, Pennsylvania
megz71 SILVER, St. Marys, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Those who have achieved success have lived well, loved often, and laughed much."

What if, near the end of our lives, we were given a snow globe? And what if that snow globe showed us everything that we had done in our lives? Every choice we made every person who loved us, every moment we were hurt or afraid. Or what if it showed the moment that has defined our entire lives? What would we see when we looked at it? I would like to think that we would all see something nice, but I know that's not the case. So what if we had a choice. Our last choice. We can look into that snow globe and we can decide one of two ways. The first is to accept the life that we've had. The second is to smash the snow globe and lose the life that we used to have, but smashing that snow globe means that you forget who you were. That part of you is gone forever. So, which would you choose?

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