Black Storm | Teen Ink

Black Storm

August 25, 2014
By Ghost_Warrior BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
Ghost_Warrior BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Risks are only there when you see it, otherwise the world is free to be explored!

  Waves crashed over the reef, spraying white foam into the night. The moon was a ghostly spectre which could be discerned through the thick blanket of clouds. The landscape infront of me was a sight to behold.

   Waves were pounding the rocks, far below, making it slick and wet. The vast ocean spread before me like a dark blanket covering the Earth. Ribbons of moonlight could be seen reflecting on the agitated sea surface, making it look more sinister. The sky was also a deep grey, and a streak pf lightning flashed overhead, accompanied by an occasional thunderclap; shattering the stillness of the night.

   Sitting on a cliff almost forty-five feet above the sea does have its dangers, but it's easier to ignore them because of such a mesmerizing night sight. A strong breeze was blowing against me, ruffling my hair and making the trees behind me sway and rustle. The spirits were waking. It is said that in the darkest hour evil befalls anyone who dares to cross their path. Tonight, it sure looked so. I run my hand through the dewy grass, a tremor rising slowly from the touch of the bitter cold. I look up towards the sky, to the heavens. Sometimes, it is told that the land reflects the mood of God, and the tonight, God's wrath was being unleashed.

   Thunder roared through the sky, gale force winds tore through the forest behind me. The craggy rocks down below were being battered by an onslaught of waves, and finally after so long, the sky opens up to the company of rain.

   The moon was gone. All that was left of the night was the roar of thunder overheard, the crashing of waves far below, the rustling and swaying of trees behind me and finally, the constant patter of rain as it fell and seeped into the Earth.

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