The First Day | Teen Ink

The First Day

November 6, 2014
By Courtney01 BRONZE, San Jose, California
Courtney01 BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It‘s the first day of school, I’m not too nervous. I’ve been here for two years and I have friends, it’s not like I’m going to sit alone at lunch. For the past two years I have actually enjoyed school, for the most part. But as I walk into room 8, I don’t see any of my friends. I do see “the clique”. I know, how cliché, four girls who act like they run the school, amazingly pretty, and always get what they want. Then the teacher says over excitedly, “Okay kids, come on in! We are going to have a great year!” She acts like she’s talking to two year olds. I’m tired of being treated like a kid but expected to act like an adult.
“Since today is the first day and we want it to be fun, you can pick your seats! Sit anywhere you like with whoever you want,” the teacher says, still way too happy. Uh oh, where should I sit? I don’t know anyone in this class and I definitely do not want to sit anywhere near “the clique”.  So I kind of just hover in the back, trying not to make eye contact with anyone else. Later, I’ll just swoop into an empty seat next to someone who doesn’t have a partner. I laugh at myself for being so anti social, but I can’t help it, it’s just who I am. I see another girl doing the same thing as me. I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen her before, maybe she’s new. Should I ask her if she wants to sit with me? No! What if she’s mean, I don’t even know her. What if she says no, maybe she’s just waiting for a friend. Oh shut up, I tell myself, just ask her.
So I walk over and say “Hey, do you want to sit together.”
“Uh, yeah sure,” she says shyly.
So we go take a seat near the back. Phew, that was easier than I thought, I told myself. I need to stop overreacting and acting like everything is harder than it really is. As, we sit down I realize we are wearing almost the exact same thing, my usual: black leggings and a t-shirt. Maybe this is a sign I say in my head, jokingly.
I say, “Hi I’m Brooklyn, what’s your name?”
“Becca, I’m new this year so I don’t really know anyone,” she replied.
“Oh, that’s too bad.  I know exactly how you feel. In sixth grade I came from a different elementary school, so I didn’t know anyone either. It’s okay it will get better” I say.
As the teacher starts to talk in an annoying high pitched voice, Becca leans over and whispers to me, “Why is she so excited, she’s just starting another year teaching punky middle school kids.”
I give a quiet laugh and say, “That’s exactly what I was thinking!” As the class goes on we keep whispering to each other. After all, nothing much happens on the first day of science except learn about the scientific method. I tell her about the school and fill her in on who to avoid (the clique). She thinks its funny how our school sounds exactly like the schools in movies.  I notice we have a similar sense of humor, which is good because, let’s just say, some people don’t “agree” with my sense of humor.
  “Hey do you want to eat lunch with me and my friends?” I say when the bell rings.
“Sure!” Becca says happily. Her excitement makes me feel good because it seems like she genuinely wants to sit with me, not just do it so she doesn’t have to sit alone. So we walk over to the bench, and I introduce her to all my other friends. As lunch goes by we eat and talk to each other. I’m pretty sure my other friends like her too. She doesn’t seem like she is being fake, like a lot of other girls I know. She also seems like she enjoys talking to me as much as I enjoy talking to her. I invite her to go to the movies tonight with some other friends.
When I hear the bell ring, I’m surprised lunch is already over. I guess I lost track of time talking to Becca the whole lunch. As I walk to my next class, I think about how much we have in common and how I feel like we really clicked.  I can’t wait to see her tonight.
That night, we meet up to see Dumb and Dumber Two. I’ve been waiting to see it since I first heard they were making a second one. Apparently Becca was just as excited about it as me. This surprises me because a lot of people think the first movie isn’t very funny. As we walk into the movie I say “I hope this is good I really don’t want it to be bad because sometimes sequels aren’t very good.”
“Me too, but I’m still excited.” She responds.
The beginning scene is pretty funny and I look over to see if Becca is laughing too. She is! As I look over and see her large smile, I can hear a joyful laugh escape her mouth. I can tell that we are going to be friends.

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