Deric Duncan | Teen Ink

Deric Duncan

November 12, 2014
By gstudick BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
gstudick BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Katie was always better than me at everything. She had better hair, grades, attitude and of course boyfriend. My parents had always been more proud of Katie and not me. They said she was more of a “girl”.  Katies boyfriend was named Deric Duncan. He was meant for me, I think? I have had a crush on him since first grade.   You would think I would be like this too. Why? Because we are identical twins. But it's not like that. I had a plan. This is was going to work.

I woke up Monday morning after the whole weekend of thinking of all the possible things that could go wrong with this plan. I woke up a little earlier than usual so I could wake up before my parents. My name is Ashley and earlier I was talking about my identical sister Katie. I am more of a tomboy and Katie is a girly girl. She has lots of friends while I can barely make one. This was how our whole life went. So my plan, step one get Katie locked in the closet. As I was saying I woke up earlier so my parents wouldn't realize what I was doing. All I had to do was sneak into Katie's disgusting hot pink room with celebrity posters all over her walls and sneak her into the closet. Katie sure was book smart but she wasn't street smart so this step was very easy. I told her I had a big surprise for our half birthday, oh yes I forgot to mention it was our half birthday. She really thought that I got her a surprise. She had one of those very big closets about the size of our rooms put together so I shoved her into the closet and told her to wait there until I came back. I grabbed her outfit that she picked out to wear and put it on. I told her that there was no surprise I just needed her to stay there for the day while I go win over her boyfriend. I never told my sister how I felt about him because we were never very close. We had totally different interests and I guess I thought that meant we couldn't be friends. Since we were identical twins you would think we look totally the same. We do, but I just normally don't care what I look like when I go to school so I roll out of bed, put on shorts, and brush my hair and teeth. So when I was pretending to be Katie I had to do my makeup. My mom had been trying for years to try to get me to wear makeup and be a lady. I didn't even know who I was when I looked in the mirror for the last time. It was 6:45 and I had to leave for school. My parents were already downstairs. Oh shoot they are going to find out I thought. But then I remembered my parents are clueless and they won’t even recognize me. “Katie honey, where is your sister?” my clueless mom had asked. She thought  I was Katie and I'm Ashley but if it works on her it will work on Deric.

“Oh she didn't tell you, she has to go in early to study for a test.” I lied.

I needed to get to school but Katie and I had different cars so I had to take Katie’s hot pink buggy. I got to school and had 15 girls and guys waiting for me. I could get used to this I thought, but then my thoughts stopped when in the crowd I spotted Deric.

“Hey all of us are skipping school today and hanging out in the mall. Wanna come?” Deric mentioned. I almost cried. Deric never talked to me, and he had the dreamiest voice.

“Yeah sure” I replied. We all drove in a line to the mall which was 5 minutes from school. The first thing we did was ate. Deric and I split burrito from chipotle. After that me and the girls that came went shopping while the guys went off to play sports. The rest of the day all of us come back together and we all just hung out and ate some more. It all just felt so natural. I was wondering if he was having a good time because he was barely saying anything. I had the best time with Deric, and I hoped that this would continue. Then the best thing happened. Deric came up to me and said something I would never forget. “Hey Katie you're very different today” he remarked.  I almost died. I thought he knew and my world was over. “And I like it,” he continued. I couldn't believe it. I started to feel guilty so I gave in. “Deric, there is something I need to tell you,” I didn't wait for him to respond and I said “I am actually Ashley.” Deric looked very scared.

“Oh this was just a bad idea.” I cried “I have liked you since the first grade so I thought if maybe you thought I was Katie you would see that you actually like me better than Katie.”

“I have decided I like you better Ashley, I was wondering why today was the best day of my life. And I realized you are just a nicer, better person.” Deric announced. That was that. Deric and I were officially a couple. I couldn't believe I pulled this off. But I still had to let Katie out of the closet.

I drove all the way home with a huge smile on my face. I still was in shock. After the five minute drive I pulled into my driveway. I ran into my house in hope my sister wasn’t dead in the closet. I opened the door and something unexpected happened, she ran out and hugged me. I asked her why she did that and she said because she said she was sorry she never noticed how much I liked Deric. She was saying how she never really liked him very much but she felt bad for him so when he asked her out for the 10th time she said yes. Katie was very happy that i decided to date him so she could get rid of him.

I am very happy I did this because if i didn’t I would never have became friends with my sister Katie. Also now that I am acting and dressing more like a girl my parents have been more into talking to us and having family dinners and parties.

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