The New Kid | Teen Ink

The New Kid

November 18, 2014
By Anonymous

Here we go again the third new school this year. I was very shy, I cried to my mom.
“I don’t want to go to school. I have no friends!".
     “Oh honey you will make friends. You're funny , and you love sports”. Didn't care if I was late.I walked slowly to the bus that day  The bus seat was cold, smelled like sweat . I knew was going to have a terrible day. I was staring out the window wondering if I was going to make it out alive. I will never like this school.
The lunch bell rang and I grabbed my lunch and sat at the corner of the lunch room and started to eat. I saw a group of boys and I walked over to them and quietly said
     “Hi I’m Matt."
     “We don’t care." As they were eating
     Then I walked back to the table and sat down thinking that no one will ever be my friend. I saw a girl that was sitting alone with her blonde hair in a ponytail and she had her gray colored Vans on her feet and I thought she was beautiful. 
I saw her in my home base and I finally walked up to her and said “Do you wanna go out." She replied with a smile
     “Yes." I was so happy that I jumped up and down and I hugged her. I ran down the hall when the final bell rang. When I got home I was texting her all night.
     Your cuter
     No,-Your cutter. I was laughing and having a great time. My mom walked by My door and said
     “Who are you texting?" I replied, laughing
     “My girlfriend. She was also laughing.
     “Is she cute?"
     “Yup." I went to bed so happy that night .
     The next day I got up and got dressed in My plaid shirt and jeans I walked to her house and knocked on her door. “Hey Mr and Mrs Anderson.”
     “Hello Matt. are you Lilly’s boyfriend?."
     “Yup I am Lily”s boyfriend.” “Where is she?" When I closed the door.
     “She's upstairs”
     “Okay I’ll just wait outside.” When she came out she was wearing a bright yellow tank top with a sweater over her. She also was wearing the same Vans as yesterday.
     “Hey you look beautiful."
     “Thanks” she replied with a smile. Then we walked to school holding hands and talking about our lives.
     “Where did you last live?
     “St. Louis."
     “That sounds like so much fun." As she was blushing.
     “Yup it was fun expect no friends at my old school." When we got there the bell rang and we headed to zero hour.
In zero hour she asked me
      “What classes do you have?"
      “I have Mrs. Groundhog four sixth hour, Mr. Crowe for the second hour, and home base, Mrs. Soik for zero and first."
      “Thats really cool we have every class together, which means we will have so much fun together."
      “Do you want to go to the dance together Friday?"
      “Totally I have never been to a dance before."
      “Okay dress nice because I would love to see you in a tuxedo." “Okay I will pick you up around 5:00 pm. That night I picked her up around 5:00 and we walked to school and she was wearing this black dress that went down to her knees. We got there and got a drink and went to the dance floor.
     “Matt what's your favorite song?"
      “Survival by Eminem."
     “Thats a good song!."
      “What do you want to eat?" “I want cheese pizza."
      “Okay I’ll get you a cheese pizza and a cookie." I saw the pizza by the cake and I walked over to the pizza and her friend walked up to me “Hey you're Matt right?"
     “Ya I’m Matt."
     “Ya your Lilly’s boyfriend."
     “Yup." Then she skipped away and I didn’t know what it that was about. When I went back by Lilly and she was gone
I was looking for her all night. I looked from the dance floor, the eating tables, and by the bathrooms. When I was waiting by the eating table eating the pizza, and the cookie.        Then, when the dance was over it was about 10:30 and I walked home and tried texting her all night and tried calling her. She didn’t pick up so I thought her phone died. The next day at school, she was there and walked up to her and aggressively said
     “Where were you." As I sat down
     “You almost made me have a heart attack."
     “I went home because I tripped and fell." as she set a pen down
     “Are you okay?”
     “Yup im fine sorry to worry you."
     “No problem." The the rest of the school year was the best year of school I ever had in my whole life.

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