the pet store | Teen Ink

the pet store

November 18, 2014
By Anonymous

The pet store
       As I remember sitting In the Ice cold box, It was almost noon. The car comes to an Immediate stop and my door opens. I am greeted with a big gust of hot air. Me being as stupid as I am, I hop right out of the car (forgetting we drive a big white tundra truck) and fall on my face.          
       “Oh Carl, pumpkin, are you ok?”
      “Yes Im fine,” While i'm practically dying.

     Carmen Is a few steps away from me crying her eyes out with hysterical tears.
     “Why are you laughing carmen?”
      “Just watching you fall out of the truck Is hilarious.”
      “ Hey guys If you want to know where you are then stop fighting.  “Sorry mom” both kids apologized.

Oh jeez I'm so excited I thought to myself. I must have tears running down my face right?. Carmen on the other hand was jumping up and down like a three year old who just got a piece of candy. Mom told Carmen and I to grab our folds of darkness,3,2,1.
     “Oh dear, the light it hurts”
     “YESSS, petland”
      I race to the sliding automatic doors, OH MY LORD.

       “Mother, we get to buy pets right?”
       “Yes dear, each pick two”.
       As we start to continue, Carmen spits “look at all those chickens”.   
        “are you serious”?  I say.
        “You dummy those are white ducks” I said to carmen.  After a couple hours of walkIng around, Carmen and I went on our searches for the pets.

Guys you have two more hours to get the pets you want and all the supplies needed, and ready for check out.
     “ok mom”.  All of us went our separate ways.

     “Excuse me,” I said anxiously to the worker,
     “may I get some help please?”
     “sure thing, one sec”
     “ok so what type of fish Is that yellow thing up there?”
      “that Is a Mexican salamander”. Our conversation went on for a few more minutes….  I instantly knew that was one of the pets I wanted.

Across the store In the dog section was Carmen.
     “Hey how much is this dog In that cage?”
      “well that dog is $1025.05”
After two more hours both of us walked out of the store with two pets and all supplies needed.

I ended up with a Mexican salamander and a Chinese water dragon.  Carmen walked out with a great dane and a dwarf bunny. In the end, we both realized that no matter how many choices there are, you are always able to make the right one.

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