The Dream | Teen Ink

The Dream

November 18, 2014
By ddo20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ddo20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Dream        

It was Christmas, and I was in a nice, cozy room with different presents.I opened a present and it wasn’t mine. So I put it back.That was just a thought, though, and  I got up as a distant rumbling was coming.

I woke up, and my side was hurting. “That’s odd”, I said,
and I got up. I was on the side of the road, ”Where am I?” I thought. I got up, despite my side, and looked at a sign, Something wasn’t right, but I couldn’t make out what it was. I also noticed something, there wasn’t a lot of cars. Maybe one or two a minute passing by, but that was it. I looked up, there wasn’t a lot of buildings, either, the only one I could see was a smoky gray skyscraper, ”might just be me”  I thought,  confused. There was  something off, I just knew it.

I walked for what seemed like hours, but got nowhere. ”I don’t even know where I  am, I should figure that out before worrying”, I thought, I figured out what it was that felt off, the silence. It was as if time had stopped completely, the birds stopped chirping and the squirrels stopped running.

I kept walking for a little bit until I saw a bright yellow house with its paint starting to flake off. I knocked on the door,but I didn’t hear anyone , ”hello?”, I said,and knocked again. No one was there, so I opened the door as I saw the inside. it was really nice. It had a couple bedrooms and a patio. I decided to stay here for a while, and when night came I slept in the master bedroom. Despite everything that happened today, I got a good rest.  my side still hurt, but only a little bit. I looked around the room,  there were several paintings that looked like a professional painted it, and some multicolored toys scattered around the room. “A whole family must’ve lived here”, I said and I left the house. 

I kept walking, and I saw a few cars, finally, I saw a police car, ”excuse me, but where am I?” I asked, confused.
”This is Wyoming”, he said, ”But you shouldn’t be here”.
“Why?”, I asked,
but he drove away before I could talk to him, ”that’s strange”, I thought.
  I kept walking and I saw something ahead, but I thought it was something small, but as I got closer I saw it was a sinkhole!  Before I could react I fell into its dark abyss, and everything went black...

I woke up and I was in my bed,and I had beads of sweat on my head.  someone said ”Michael, your juice is on the table”. ”What  is  going  on?” I  said. 
  I  walked  down  the  stairs, and  sunshine  poured  through  several  windows. I  saw  my  mom  putting  apple  juice  on  the  table.
I laughed,and smiled. It was just a dream!  You  won’t  believe  the dream I had”, I said.

The author's comments:

Reading The Darkest Path inspired me to right this piece.

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