A Perfect Day | Teen Ink

A Perfect Day

November 19, 2014
By NinetteSimonian BRONZE, Glendale, California
NinetteSimonian BRONZE, Glendale, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sky is clear and blue as can be, the bright grass is cut thick and fresh, the colorful flowers are blooming and sweet-smelling. The only sounds around are birds singing, spring leaves bristling, and splashes from the water fountain. You lay down your picnic blanket under a giant tree to shield yourself from the beaming sun. Squirrels climb up tree branches seeking acorns while a flock of ducks wander about. Beside you, sits your favorite book that you’ve read too many times. On the other side sits a glass of your homemade ice tea and a bag of freshly sliced fruit. The weather is just right, warm but not humid with an occasional breeze. The lack of technology, responsibilities, and frustrations allow you to clear your mind. It’s a time of relaxation.
Soon its lunch time. Different families slowly arrive and start to set up picnic tables. The little boys set up goals for an intense game of soccer. The little girls take out their hula hoops and jump ropes. Some children beg their mother for coins to go toss in the water fountain and others sprint towards the playgrounds. Grandfathers play chess against each other, while grandmothers feed pieces of bread to desperate pigeons and share stories about their grandchildren. Across the fountain, a loving couple, holding hands stroll around and enjoy each other’s company. You are disconnected from the world and are free to study and appreciate human life at a simple level.

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