Buzzer Beater | Teen Ink

Buzzer Beater

November 18, 2014
By Caden.K BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Caden.K BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm Gorge a hardcore basketball player i know how to name every game the milwaukee bucks have one all the way through 1987 to 2014. I am 12 and I'm arriving to a state championship game. As I walk into the roaring stadium at Tree Bark Middle School.

l hear my team saying ‘’Where’s George? We need him!’’ And, of course I just walk in at the last split second.  I can’t believe my team had finally made it to the State Championship.  I am so excited and nervous at the same time.  I felt the pressure that the team was putting on me to be successful and bring them a win!

I quickly rush to make it in time and, say ‘’I’m here! I’m here!’’.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
The crowd and my teammates are all chanting ‘’Who are we?!? We are the Cougars!”  as my team and I  open the doors.  The person standing next to the doors whispers quietly to me,  “Are you ready for this?’’ 

I say “Let’s do this!’’ We are going to win the championship basketball game.

A team member says,  “Don't get all excited!  We haven't won the game yet’’. 

Also the opponents have the best defense which are the tallest players. Most scary people on our team as well the best scorers although we have the best player Kevin James.  Thomas, on the other hand has a perfect record.  He has 53 assists so he’s a team player and 63 shots, 13, 3 pointers, 20 layups and 30 dunks.  I know thats a lot.  I’m shocked too as well. 

Geez, this game is going by fast like a blink of a second.                                                 
The Stingrays are leading 56 to 49.  Kevin is out on the bench, our best player. He’s got a sprained shoulder, so hes out of the game. So it’s up to myself, George, and my team to make, 3  3 pointers and 1 layup to catch back up. We make one layup then I say to myself 3 more shots to go. Now one of the team members on the opposing team is driveling down the court he keeps going he trips. Leg over other leg and collapses to the ground. My team member comes by and snatches the ball and goes driveling down the court and shoots he makes one 3 pointer.


Our coach shouts at the top of his lungs

‘’ONLY TWO MORE SHOTS TO GO LETS DO THIS’’. While clapping his hands. So now the ref passes the ball over to the other team and a team member I look at that team member's Thomas I think to myself oh crap.

Thomas gets to the three point line shoots and misses and Rob Carter grabs the ball and I shout, ‘’OVER HERE I’M OPEN!’’ He tosses the ball over and I shoot and I made it! I think to myself I made it one more shot to go. Again the ref tosses the ball up in the air and our tallest member swipes it back behind him for Kevin James to catch and immediately shoots and makes another basket I say to myself its all caught up now. 


So now we make 11 shots. The crowd is more silent than a mouse would be. The reason why is because now its 54 to 56.
The person on the intercom says, “Two minute warning in the fourth quarter Cougars 56 Sharks 54 folks.”

 Our coach is yelling with a red face to encourage our team, but really he’s messing us up. Once again on the intercom I hear, “George dribbling the ball past the defenders to the three point line’’. 

I’m dribbling the ball down the court. I take a second to look around all I see is red and yellow jerseys. I think to myself I could win the game but I can't even hear myself think when my shoes are squeaking. I dribble past the defender.  Finally, with sweat dripping down my face,  I made it to the game winning 3 point line. I took one quick second to look at the clock.  I see that there is only a minute left. l look around and I see no one open so I  shoot  and when I do the buzzer goes off at the same time.  I know that if I make this shot, the crowd will be standing on their feet roaring with joy. I say my under my breath, “I made a buzzer beater!!’’

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