Demons | Teen Ink


November 18, 2014
By Samantha Brossman SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Samantha Brossman SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Running, fast, faster, but never fast enough. Knowing that no human can ever outrun their fear, nightmare, or even demons. Thinking there can always be that one chance you are safe but deep down knowing thats what they are waiting for, for you to feel safe or secure. That’s when they get you. Your worst fear, worst nightmare, most horrid demon they catch you when you're at your weakest most vulnerable point. That’s when you lose yourself, you fall into some tranze like a black hole and your body is just slowly concaving every piece of skin, tissue, and pore into the center of the black hole. Trapped, never to be let free, never to know what it’s like to have a real smile. Your demons grab you by the ankles and drag you even deeper into the black hole until you fully concave in on yourself and there is only nothingness left of you.

A walking corpse is all people see you as no one wants to get close to you. They see your demons latching on. You tell yourself you can never move on, eventually giving up all hope. You go on day in and out never seeing beauty, never feeling warmth, only believing in the darkness. Once you are right where your demons want you, When you are standing on the ledge of the tallest tower hearing your demons, nightmares, and fears whisper in your ear “It’s the only way”, “Everyone is better off without you”, “No one will miss you”. You hear them daring you to jump, taunting you with shame and your deepest secrets. They may be right.

Before taking the first step, you grab the pack of Cigarettes out of your pocket and count the cigs, telling yourself but mostly your demons that after the last one you will give them everything, you’ll give into their taunts and lies so you can finally feel peace. All you want is not to be scared anymore or to hurt. Looking down there is only three left. With the first exhale childhood memories are played out in the smoke. Very last exhale of the very last cigarette smoke swirling around in the air the last thing you see is faint images play out of old friends and family waving goodbye.

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