Electrocuting Me | Teen Ink

Electrocuting Me

November 28, 2014
By alexaacodee GOLD, New York, New York
alexaacodee GOLD, New York, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hate is too strong an emotion to waste on someone you don't like.

and f*** my eyes are like the sky during a thunderstorm and my head is pounding with thunder and my heart is getting struck by lightning, over and over and over again. the clock is ticking as the fire burns and as each lightning strike becomes louder and closer it’s times like these where i wish for love and will die for all the hateful stab wounds in my heart to go away; but then you came along with your aura of light creating happiness in my eyes and creating the moon and all of the stars.  if only I knew that the real storm was in my heart the whole time and the stabs were just another tragedy kissing the lightning strikes.  now my lungs are failing, broken and beaten down by pounding of ocean waves; I said I love you over and over and over again until you stopped answering, and I was pulled under by arms that didn’t want me.  you told me you didn’t miss me, and it was then that I felt lightning strike my body all over again.  it hit all the places you said you would always love.  now here I am saying that I don’t miss you but i have a heart beat like thunder and eyes like a hurricane. and as thunder cracks my eyes flutter.  they won’t stay open but i refuse to keep them closed making myself more vulnerable than i ever thought was possible. all i ever wanted was shelter from the storm but you left me and that hurt, it hurt a f***ing lot, everyday has become a meaningless struggle.  my mind has become like the sea, unpredictable, always changing and if you delve down too deep it may be impossible to escape and perhaps thats what you were scared of, diving in too deep, getting stuck in the unknown and not being able to get out.  but instead of sticking around to find out what was down there, you left, you ran, and now the sun won’t come out and I can’t help but think, when the hell am I going to see a rainbow and watch the clouds fade from my eyes. if you don’t come back soon and face this storm with me i guess we’ll both have to face it alone, but that seems to be what you want.

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