Winter Rain and Birthdays | Teen Ink

Winter Rain and Birthdays

December 16, 2014
By Macaron BRONZE, San Diego, California
Macaron BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I like all dogs more than most people"

In the winter months, people tend to get caught up in a whirr of consumerism and greed, rather than enjoying the importance of waving goodbye to the green of nature's life, and enjoying the newfound ominous yet beautiful frosty nip of rain and snow. During this time of year, while others make christmas lists and buy decorations and stockings, Silva preferred to sit down with a cup of Lady Grey Tea and watch a film, waiting for his nearing birthday, accompanied by his small corgi Rose, whom he fed treats occasionally so as not to lose the small dog's attention. In the middle of a rather interesting program about knitting, Silva was startled by a loud strike.


"Must be another blizzard," said Silva, rather nonchalantly, considering he lived in Northern Michigan and a few feet of snow was not unusual. Silva just closed the windows, pondering whether or not he should close the really heavy ones which had a tendency to fall on his fingers, the memory of which convinced him not to. Practically as soon as Silva sat down, he was greeted with another, much louder, blast of lightning, which felt as if it struck right next to him.

"Will you calm down Mother Nature, you're scaring the dog.", said Silva with a heavy tone of sarcasm. There was a light vibration in Silva's pocket, and Beethoven's 4th Symphony played softly, the routine pattern for a call from his Grandmother who lived nearby.

"Whats up gram?"
"Hi sweetie, could I ask you a favor?"
"I guess, what do you need?"
"One of the lightning strikes just now startled me and I fell down, i'm fine, but could you come help me back up?"
"I'll be right over"


Silva hung up his phone and snatched his Auburn scarf, which he had made on a whim after deciding to buy a ball of yarn for no particular reason. In retrospect, it was very poorly made, but he treasured it anyways. Making sure to grab his keys, which he was often quite forgetful of, he carefully tiptoed out the door, so as not to slip on any ice or stir any icicles from their dangerous frozen sleep above the porch.

Upon arrival to his grandma's house, Silva was shocked to find his grandma still, unmoving on the old green carpeting.


"Grandma?!", cried Silva. There were a couple of odd snorting noises and the grandmother's body shifted in awkward, uncomfortable looking directions.


"Oh Silva sweetie... I fell asleep..."
"You scared me half to death!"
"Oh just shush and help me up you ninny"

*Crack*. The noise terrorized Silva with its volume, perfectly in sequence with his opening of the door. Silva opened his cringing eyes, and luckily his grandmother had her hearing aid on low, so she didn't hear much. Silva was relieved to learn that he was not blind, or deaf, or dead, however the sight of a tree out the front door, now flaming in the near distance wasn't settling.

Silva propped his Grandma up on the couch and hurried home, so as not to catch any sleet which was common before the start of a blizzard. On the corner of Richmond St. and White Blvd, Silva ran through the street intersection, and watched the unfortunate sight of the storm’s wind beginning. A heavy rain pelted down at an angle, large plastic signs fluttered off into the distance like confused butterflies, and windows were shattering in with tree branches.

On the corner of Madison and Brookfield St, Silva noticed the familiar face of his best friend.


“”Hi Silva!”, chattered Eliza coldly.
“What are you doing out in this weather doofus?!”
“Not buying you a birthday present that’s for sure, what do you think i’m doing?”
“Just get in my car, i’ll interrogate you on what you’re getting me later!”


Silva wrenched open the partially iced over metal door of his Chevrolet, and attempted to start up the car. After a few failures, the heat was on and running and the vehicle began to defrost, and not after long the two were driving comfortably. However, about halfway through the drive, Silva noticed tiny, almost invisible hairline cracks forming on his windshield, which he cringed at knowing he’d have to pay to fix them.


Upon arrival to his home, Silva helped Eliza out of the car and hurried inside before the wind kicked up. Silva invited Eliza inside and started a pot of coffee to relieve them from their frozen statures. Of course, Rose was busy greeting the new presence in the home after a couple weeks of not see-ing her.


“You’re staying here for the night!”, said Silva enthusiastically while sipping at his coffee which he had practically drowned in sugar.

“Fine, I guess I should call my dad and let him know i’m okay. But where am I supposed to sleep genius?”

Two hours after asking that question, Eliza found herself lying on an old leather couch with a small woolen blanket draped over her, and a corgi cuddle up at her feet. When she started to remind herself of the situation that was occurring, she realized that she had left Silva’s present in the kitchen, completely unattended.


“Silva, don't touch the bag!”, Eliza darted up from her comfort and dashed to the kitchen. Eliza realized she wasn’t too late, when she saw Silva sitting down and pondering whether or not he should open the small bag anyways. Well he did. Inside the bag, there was a small necklace adorned with a tiny charm shaped like a dog.

“Happy early birthday I guess”, scoffed Eliza.

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