Lucy and the School Play | Teen Ink

Lucy and the School Play

December 16, 2014
By Anonymous

Chapter 1
Lucy is girl that is 14 years old and is a freshman girl in Nashville, TN (Tennessee) High School. She gets straight A’s on all her classes but her elective is a bit challenging. Her elective is Drama class.
Kevin, her best friend is kind of behind on all of his classes. He focus too much on his nerdy stuff like computer games and  music. They were both walking to class together. They both have science together.
“So Kevin how are you doing in all your classes?” Says lucy.
“I don't know good I guess” Kevin lies.
“Oh c’mon Kevin in order to go to college you have to get good grades” says Lucy.
“I know but math is really hard” says Kevin.
“Dont worry I will help you we have the same math teacher and the same work. We can work together if you want” says Lucy.
“Sure that will help” Kevin says with a smile. “Ok starting today” says Lucy.  

Chapter 2
After science class lucy goes to her next class which is Drama. In Drama they focus on acting and really fun stuff.
“Ok so next month everybody we are gonna have a school play and its called the wizard of Oz” says Mrs.Hart the Drama teacher.
“Tomorrow I am going to tell all of you guys if your gonna be the lead or not” says Mrs.Hart.
Lucy starts to think “What if I forget my lines again”.
The bell rings and now its lunch time. Lucy and Kevin sit together in lunch everyday.
“Kevin can I ask you something?” Ask’s Lucy.
“Sure Lucy what is it?” Asked Kevin.
“When you do your concerts with your Guitar. Before you play do you ever have that feeling in your stomach that makes you think theres butterflies in it?” Asks lucy.
“Don't tell me your doing another play” Kevin says with food in his mouth.
“Oh please didn't your mom ever teach you about manners” says Lucy.
“What do you mean” says Kevin.
“Nevermind” says Lucy with an annoyed look on her face.
“I’m sorry it’s just that this is a good burger” says Kevin.
“Oh whatever Kevin” says lucy with a big grin on her face.
The bell rings and its time for their next class.
“UGH I don't want to go to English.” says Lucy as shes walking to class. During English Lucy still stressed out about the school play. After that school is now over. Lucy is walking home. 

Chapter 3
Lucy goes home and sits down on the couch and begins doing her homework. After a while she is now done with her homework

“Wow that was a lot to do” says Lucy.

Then someone knocks on Lucy’s door  Lucy answers it and its kevin.
“Hi Lucy i really need help on math can you help me please” says kevin begging for help.
“Sure Kevin no problem” says lucy with a smile.
After a while Lucy is done helping kevin with his homework.
“Bye Lucy thanks for helping me” says kevin with a smile.
“Your welcome Kevin see tomorrow” says lucy. “Ok” says kevin.
The next day lucy is in math class.
“Ok class so lets discuss about the test next month” says the teacher.
Lucy looks shocked and listens to the teacher. After math class lucy is even more stressed now.
“What this isn’t fair because I have to practice my lines and now I have to do study for a test” says Lucy with an angry look on her face.
Then Kevin shows up and says “hey, lucy how you doing”.
“I’m sorry Kevin, I can’t talk right now”.

Chapter 4
After school lucy starts to think how Math and Drama is gonna work.
“OMG this is so ridiculous I have a school play and I’m playing the lead sadly and I have a math test next month what am I gonna do!” says Lucy loudly.
“LUCY keep it down I have an important phone call!” yells her Mom.
“Sorry Ma” Lucy says back.
So lucy starts off by practicing her lines and after she does that she study’s for her math test.
“There, all done “yawns” I’m tired. im gonna get ready for bed” says Lucy.
  She gets done getting ready for bed. She lays down on her bed reading for about 10 minutes and then turns off the lights and goes to sleep.

In school Lucy is at lunch and the lunch lady is serving a really horrible lunch today. Todays lunch was sloppy joes it looked liked rotten stew with a sandwich bun. It was the most disgusting lunch lucy has ever seen.
“YUCK there is no way i’m eating this” says lucy with a disgusted look on her face.
“Hey lucy” Kevin says as he eats the sloppy joe.
“mmmm this taste so yummy” says Kevin with a smile.
“UGH how can you eat that. its so disgusting!” yells Lucy.
“Oh c’mon Lucy its really good you should try it” says kevin.
“Ok if you say so” says lucy as she try’s the sloppy joe.
Lucy takes a bite on the sloppy joe and says
“mmmmm I guess you were right Kevin this is yummy”.
“See I told you and you didn’t listen to me!” yells kevin.
“Well im sorry im just not in a very good mood today” says Lucy.
“Again, What for” says Kevin.
“Well you see i’m gonna be playing the lead for the school play called the wizard of Oz but now I can’t practice my lines much because I have to study for a math test” explains Lucy.
“Oh because I was thinking we can study for our math test but if your gonna be busy thats ok” says Kevin sadly.
“Oh no no no we can but thats just it the math test is important to me” says Lucy.
“Well I think you should practice your lines more than studying for the math test” Says Kevin.
“NO I want to study for the math test!” yells Lucy.
“Yeah but what if you forget your lines again” says Kevin.
“Oh please i’ll be fine” Lucy lies.
“NO you wont be fine you might forget your lines and everyone who will see the play might laugh at you” yells Kevin.
“I know but what about the math test” says lucy.
Kevin puts his hand on lucy’s shoulder
“Don't worry I will study for you. I’ll write the important parts down on a piece of paper and i’ll give it to you and you can just read the paper you don't have to do anything else” says Kevin.
“Why thanks Kevin but don't forget you have to study to” says Lucy.
“Oh I know I will” says Kevin.          

Chapter 5
Lucy comes home and starts practicing her lines. She keeps practicing and practicing. After practicing her mom calls her over for dinner.

“LUCY DINNER’S READY!” yells her mom.

Lucy comes over at the table and she sees this nice tangy meal.

“MMMMM this looks so yummy” says Lucy with a smile.

“Yep its your favorite” says her mom.

Lucy eats up her yummy meal and after she is done with her meal she says this to her mom

“Thank you mom that was really good”.

“Why you are very welcome” says her mom as she kisses Lucy’s forehead.

After that Lucy starts to get ready for bed and after she gets ready for bed she reads again for about 10 minutes and after that she turns off the lights and goes to sleep

In school Kevin walks up to Lucy and says
“Here lucy I wrote down all the important stuff on this paper” Kevin hands Lucy the paper.
“Why thank you Kevin I don't know what to say” says Lucy.
“Nothing” says Kevin back.
After school the whole time while lucy was walking to school she read the paper that Kevin gave her with all the math stuff. Then when she got home she was practicing her lines again all day.
“This is awesome now I don’t have to worry about the math test anymore because I studied and I can just practice my lines everyday now that got the study the math test out of the way” says lucy with relief.   

Chapter 6
Lucy in school during lunch is writing on her diary saying
“Dear Diary,The play is on march 30th and the math test is on march 13th which is good because I get to take the test before my play. Its now the Beginning of march and i’ve been practicing my lines every day last month”.
Lucy closes her diary and says
“Another day in this high school”.
“Hey Lucy” says kevin with a smile.
“Oh hi did you study for this months math test” asks Lucy.
“Are you kidding of course I studied what makes you think I didnt” says Kevin.
“Why nothing Kevin nothing at all. Thats amazing that you studied. VERY AWESOME!” says Lucy happily.
Lucy is very happy because she can now practice her lines and shes already studied for the math test.
Lucy comes home and feels very relieved about her school day. She walks to the kitchen and makes her favorite snack which is a tuna sandwich. After a while she eats up her tuna sandwich she just made and after she eats her tuna sandwich she goes to her room and plays with her Guitar for about 10 minutes. After a while she picks up her pillow and gets her diary and then goes to the living room and opens her diary and starts writing how her day was
“Dear Diary, Today was a very good day at school I had a rehearsal today for the play and I didnt mess up i'm so prepared for the math test.
It was a fun,awesome, and chill day I am so ready to do the play”
Lucy closes her diary and puts it under her big fluffy pillow.
“LUCY DINNER IS READY!” yells her mom.
“OK!” Lucy says back.
Lucy goes to the kitchen and sits on the table.
“YAY spaghetti” says Lucy happily.
“Well you’re in a good mood today” says her mom.
“Of course today in school wasn't really that bad” says lucy happily.
When Lucy was eating her spaghetti there was a fly that was flying around and Lucy was trying to make it go away.
“Go away you stupid fly i'm trying to eat my food!” yells Lucy.
After a whole hour of trying to make the fly go away Lucy talks to her mom about how her day was and her mom is very proud of her that she had a good day. After Lucy had a conversation with her mom she sits in her from for a while and thinks about how good her day was today and after that she starts getting ready for bed and after she was getting ready for bed she starts reading again for about 10 minutes and after that she turned off the lights and went to sleep.             

Chapter 7
In school Lucy had to miss all of her classes because she had to rehearse for the school play she has. The test she’s having for math is tomorrow so when Lucy gets home she has to study again so that way she won’t forget.

Today in lunch Lucy will be having a yummy meal it is a yummy fruit salad with an apple and strawberries on the side. Same meal as kevins but he has a banana and grapes on the side. As Lucy eats her yummy fruit salad Kevin appears

“hey Lucy” says Kevin as he takes one of Lucy’s strawberries.

“HEY!” yells Lucy and takes one of Kevin’s grapes.

“HEY thats mine!” yells Kevin.

“Well thats what you get for taking my strawberries” says Lucy clearly.

“I’m sorry it’s just that the lunch lady didn’t give me any and thats my favorite fruit” says kevin with a sad look on his face.

Lucy feels sorry for him and gives all her strawberries to him.
“WOW thanks!” yells Kevin with a happy look on his face.

“You're welcome” says lucy.

Today in school there is a new student in science class his name is Rodrigo. He moved here from africa. His family abandoned him and an elephant found him laying on the ground crying and years passed  the elephant raised him until he was 14 years old. The reason why because the rescue patrol found him and send him here in Nashville and now he’s in our school. In math we had to take the test today and it took me a whole hour to do it in class and after that whole hour well what do you know I finished it and it was super easy to.

Its saturday and Lucy is having a very chill day today. She gets her diary and starts writing

“Dear Diary, Its now the weekend YAY! i'm so excited although I'm not happy as I was before i'm starting to think about how my parents divorced I was only 4 years old when my parents divorced I am not quite sure why they divorced but all I know was that dad left because they kept fighting. But otherwise I am going to have a good weekend and nothing bad can change that.”

Lucy closes her diary and puts it under her pillow like always. She goes to the kitchen and takes the birthday cake out that she made for her mom. The cake is her mom’s favorite its angel food cake with white frosting and says “happy birthday mom” on it with blue frosting”.

Her mom walks to the kitchen and says

“WOW! for me”.

“Yep happy birthday, mom” says lucy with a smile on her face.

Lucy puts the candles on the cake and lights them up and sings happy birthday. After she sings happy birthday she cuts up the cake and gives a piece to her mom and she gives one to herself.

“That cake was really good Lucy and it was my favorite too” says her mom happily.

“I'm glad you liked it mom happy birthday” says Lucy with a smile on her face.

“Thank you honey” says her mom as she kisses Lucy on the cheek.

One day in Lucys house. Lucy saw something she didnt like. She started screaming and said

“EWWW a rat MOM!”.

Her mom comes downstairs and says “What is it lucy”.

Lucy is standing on the table and says

“A RAT!”.

Her mom carefully gets the spray to kill the mouse  and  the mouse is dead.

“There Lucy you happy the rat is gone now” says her mom patting her back.

“Are you sure” says Lucy with a terrified look on her face.

“UGH Lucy you have to start facing your fears now its only a rat it aint gonna hurt you” explains her mom.

“Lucy honey I invited someone over for dinner” says her mom.

“Oh cool who is it” asks Lucy.

“You’ll see” says her mom with a grin on her face.

Lucy was trying to think who did her mom invite over to dinner. The doorbell rings.

“I’ll get it” says Lucy to her mom.
She opens the door.

“Hello lucy” a guy says with a smile.

Lucy just stand there like she didn’t know what else to say and after a while she starts screaming


After Lucy’s doctor who freak out she sits at the table and can’t believe that her favorite actor is here. After a while she says bye to matt smith and he leaves and after he leaves she says

“Omg mom how did he know where we live”.

“Well maybe because I told him our address” says her mom.

“But mom he lives in london. We live nashville” says lucy with a confusing look on her face.

“Well see here’s how it works. I emailed him to come here in nashville because I knew how much you loved him and that everyday you watch a new episode of doctor who” says her mom.

“Oh thank you thank you. You're the best mom i’ve ever had” says Lucy as she hugs her mom.
“Oh you’re very welcome Lucy” says her mom as she hugs Lucy back.

After a while Lucy starts getting ready for bed. After she gets ready for bed she lays down on her bed and starts reading for 10 mins. After that she turns off the light and goes to sleep                 

Chapter 8
Today in school Lucy rehearsed the whole drama class for the school play.

“I am so Excited the play i'm doing is tomorrow” says Lucy with a smile on her face.

“Hey Lucy, did you know that the school play is tomorrow” says Kevin.

“I know. Just think Kevin i'm going to be dorthy from the “Wizard of Oz” says Lucy happily.

“I liked it better when you were nervous” says Kevin sarcastically.

“Oh Kevin hey let me tell you something. So you’ve seen the movie right” says Lucy.

“Uh I don’t know. Uh no” says kevin.

“Oh wow ok so its basically like. Ok so dorthey and her family live in kansas right. But her parents sometimes treat her like shes 2 years old…” explains Lucy until Kevin interrupted her saying

“And then she sings “Somewhere Over The Rainbow”.

“Ugh you liar you’ve have seen it” says Lucy with a mad look on her face.

“I didn’t mean to lie, honest. I couldn’t remember until you told me all that” says Kevin with an upset look on his face.

Lucy puts her arm around Kevin and says “Its ok Kevin I forgive you. You know I will never stay mad at you”.

Kevin smiles and hugs Lucy and says “You're a good friend lucy you know that”.

“Yes I most certainly do” says Lucy as she hugs Kevin back and says “Are you ok today”.

“Yeah i'm fine just tired” says Kevin unhappy.

“Well maybe you should gets
some sleep after school” says Lucy with a concerned look on his face.

“Maybe you’re right but sometimes I can’t sleep” says Kevin.

“Why not” says lucy.

“I don’t know I...I” says Kevin undecided.

“I what” says Lucy with a confused look on her face.
“Lucy my parents got divorced” says Kevin sadly.

“Oh i'm sorry Kevin” says Lucy with a sad look on her face.

“Its ok. I just need someone to talk to you know” says Kevin as he puts his head down.

Lucy pats Kevins back and says

“Don’t worry Kevin things will turn out ok. You wanna know something”.

“Sure” says Kevin.

“My parents were divorced to” says Lucy.

Kevin gets up and says

“Really I didn’t know that”.

“Well I wanted to tell you but I thought you wouldn’t care” says lucy unhappy.

“What you talking about I do care. Lucy I care about you. You're my best friend you care about me I care about you.” says Kevin with a smile.

Lucy hugs Kevin and says

“You're cool guy and that will never change”.            
Chapter 9
Lucy goes home and starts practicing her lines. After she practiced her lines Lucy goes to the kitchen and eats a snack.

“MMMM...I love yogurt. I like strawberry yogurt, lemon yogurt, vanilla yogurt, and last but not least peach yogurt” says Lucy happily.

After she eats her yogurt she goes outside and smells the flowers and all that outside stuff. But then while she was playing with the rocks she found something that was under the rock. She found a really nice and beautiful necklace that came with a note.

The note said “I thought maybe you should wear this tomorrow for good luck Sincerely, The Doctor A.K.A Matt Smith”.

“Omg that is so cool!!!” yells Lucy.

“LUCY! keep it down” yells her mom.

After a while Lucy comes back inside and sees her mom making Lucys costume for tomorrow.

“WOW mom that looks good” says Lucy with a smile on her face.

“Thanks Lucy you should see your shoes they are in your room” says her mom.

Lucy goes in her room and she sees real nice red sparkling glitter shoes.

She picks them up and says

“Wow these are beautiful”.

But then after a while some of the glitter came off and it is on Lucy’s hands. Lucy freaks out and starts screaming to her mom and says

“MOM! look what happened”.

Her mom looks at Lucy’s hands and says

“Oh boy I forgot to tell you they were Drying because I just made it. Don’t worry i’ll make them again”

she goes to Lucys room and gets the shoes to remake them. After her mom remade the shoes she came back and says

“Well i'm glad you liked them”.

“Thank you mom they are beautiful” says Lucy happily.
“But at this point your costume is ready. you’re  just missing the shoes” says her mom.

“Oh boy I can’t wait to perform tomorrow” says Lucy with a big grin on her face.

“I'm excited too” says her mom happily   
Chapter 10
Today is the day when Lucy performs the school play and she is super excited.

“Omg I cant wait to be dorthy today” says Lucy spinning around.

She goes to the stage and starts getting ready for the play

“Ok I can do this I practiced every day and I think I can do this.” says Lucy with a confident tone.

After a while the play starts and they start acting. Lucy is doing great she hasn’t forgot a single line she is doing good. After a while the play is over and Lucy’s mom is very proud of her. After a while of all that cheering madness Kevins pops up and says

“Hey Lucy Uh you did a very good job on the play”.

Lucy smiles at Kevin and says

“Why thank you. I heard you got your grade up for math”.

“Yeah I did. Hey I want to thank you for helping me” says Kevin with a happy tone.
“Why you’re very welcome and thank you for helping me feel confident and make me not forget my lines” says Lucy happily.

“You're welcome” says Kevin as he hugs Lucy.

All the sudden its starts raining and Lucy and her mom go straight home. Lucy feels unhappy and says

“Theres nothing to do i'm just sitting here in the living room like a bum”.

“Well Lucy you should read your book. After all reading is good for you” suggests her mom.

“Ok then” says Lucy as she goes to her room and gets her book and starts reading for 10 mins.

After that 10 mins of reading Lucy goes to her mom and says

“Ugh i'm still bored theres nothing to do”.

“Well I don’t know what to tell you” says her mom constantly.

Lucy is on spring break and she is so excited for easter.
“Omg I can’t wait to dress nice and cute and have easter egg hunt and eat candy and get basket of goodies. I can’t wait til its easter” says Lucy happily.

“Well you’re simply in a good mood today” says her

“Why of course I can’t wait til I wear this nice, cute , and pretty dress.” says Lucy with a big smile on her face.

“Yeah that nice pretty dress that cost me an arm and a leg” says her mom sarcastically.

It is now easter and Lucy is at her grandparent house.

“Oh boy look at my beautiful basket its got my favorite candy and everything” says Lucy happily.

After a while they do the easter egg hunt and lucy is getting a lot of eggs.

“Omg they all look so beautiful and sparkly” says lucy with a big smile on her face.

After the easter egg hunt they are now gonna have a big dinner

“MMMM...ham my favorite” says lucy as
she eats her yummy dinner.

After having that big dinner they are now gonna go to church. After a while of church lectures they are now just chatting while lucy eats her candy from her easter basket.

Lucy is in her room and shes on facebook.

“Look at all these mean comments they put. I guess I don’t deserve to live” says Lucy sadly.

Lucy goes to a tree puts a rope a starts climbing but then all the sudden she hears a voice saying

“LUCY!!!” and its Kevin.

“What do you want Kevin!” yells Lucy.

“Please I know what you are gonna do. Don’t do it!” yells Kevin.

“Why?everybody hates me!” yells Lucy.

“Nobody hates you. I don’t. Lucy I love you as a friend and that will never change. Now please can you get down from there” says Kevin with tears in his eyes.

Kevin helps Lucy getting down from the tree and after that Lucy gives Kevin a big hug and Kevin hugs her back real tight.

“Kevin please don’t
cry” says Lucy sadly.

“But I don’t understand why would you do that” Kevin says while crying.

After Lucy was calming Kevin down she takes him to her room and says

“This is why”.

After Kevin saw the comments he got angry and said

“Well whoever said the comments is gonna get the piece of mind” he pulls his fist out and runs but Lucy stops him.

“Please Kevin fighting doesn’t solve anything” says lucy.

“Oh yes it does” says Kevin angerley.

“Oh no it doesn’t” says lucy as she goes to her computer and blocks all of the mean comments on facebook.

“See all better now” Lucy says as she hugs Kevin tight and says “I love you as a friend to Kevin”.

Kevin smiles and hugs her back

Lucy is in her room writing in her diary

“Dear Diary, I am so grossed out right now. Ok so there is this girl that lives next store to us and her whole refrigerator as nothing but cheese in it. Seriously, it looks weird who collects cheese in their refrigerator I know I don’t. Today just now me and my mom came over to her house and apparently the cheese was in the cabinets too long and they got rotten (Yes theres more cheese in the cabinets) and guess what she ate the rotten cheese. It was the most disgusting thing i’ve ever saw and i'm kind of grounded because when she ate the rotten cheese (BLAH) I said thats disgusting out loud and my mom told me that I might be grounded while we were walking home and now she was telling me “to go to your room and i'm gonna think about grounding you or not” and its been about an hour since she said that and shes taking forever so I don’t know what the heck she wants. Anyways thats how my day was”.

Lucy puts away her diary and her mom calls her and she comes downstairs.

“Yes mom” says Lucy to her mom.

“Lucy I don’t know what to do with you” says her mom unhappy.
“Well am I grounded?” asks lucy.

“No you are not grounded. But you are gonna apologize our new neighbor” says her mom.

“But mom she is so gross” says Lucy unhappy.

“I dont care. What you said was very rude.” says her mom strenley.

“Ok fine” Lucy says as she walks out the door and goes to the new neighbors house.

Lucy goes there and knocks on the door and the new neighbor answers it and says

“Oh hello again would you like to come in”.

“Uh no thank you I just wanted to say  i'm sorry for what I said” says lucy with a gulitey look on her face.

“Its ok” the new neighbor says as she gives lucy a big hug.

When Lucy closed her eyes and is now sleeping she started to have this dream. In her dream she was at a different house and she sees a crib with a baby in it. The baby is Lucy.

“Omg its me” Lucy says with a shocked look on her face.

She sees her mom holding little Lucy. “I don’t get what’s going on” Lucy says with a confused look on her face.

Then she sees her dad smiling at little Lucy. Lucy stands there and watch them laugh and smile. Then after a while Lucy wakes up and starts crying about her dad.

“Lucy what’s wrong” her mom says as she pokes her head out the door.

“Mom I miss my dad” says Lucy with tears in her eyes.

Her mom hugs Lucy and says “I know you do Lucy. I know you do”.

The author's comments:

I made it for a grade.

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